Why are Christians under attack ?

Why are Christians under attack ?



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by moonbus
Not turning the other cheek?
It'sa finger uv speach... *hick*


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
As a Christian you believe that "salvation" comes in different degrees? What levels of reward do you believe there are?
Well done Padawan!



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15
1 edit

May the Farce be with you...



28 Oct 05
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
Could you, for once, not ignore the question posed to you in order to project your own question, and just prioritize and focus long enough to answer the question first, and then pose your carefully thought out question which is somehow connected, as in a conversation, with the post you are supposedly replying to, instead of stomping on their post with jackboots in the rush to mock and abuse them?

Jackboots? Huh? Lemon lime said Jesus predicted that His followers, including Christians nowadays, would be "reviled and hated". I was asking if this had come true for lemon lime? He brought up the "reviled and hated" thing, not me; I was just asking him about it, that's all.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
27 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]Could you, for once, not ignore the question posed to you in order to project your own question, and just prioritize and focus long enough to answer the question first, and then pose your carefully thought out question which is somehow connected, as in a conversation, with the post you are supposedly replying to, instead of stomping on their post with jackboo ...[text shortened]... He brought up the "reviled and hated" thing, not me; I was just asking him about it, that's all.
Yeah, he was just asking me about it, that's all! Whatsah the big deal, he was only fishing for little piece of information... whats wrong with that?! Sheesh... some peobles are way too sensitive and paranoid to carry on a reasonable conversation without them flying off the handle and accusing you of something you usually do... but this doesn't necessarily mean will you always do what you always do, right? I mean, the only way someone can know why you are always fishing for bits and scraps of information to be used later against them is if they take the bait and see if you do it again... am I right? Who do these people think they are, mind readers or sumptin like *hick* sumpton.... yuah, huh? Wheel show her, ashk me again and thish tyme awl bite end takeah thuh bait thish time... when... aphther i lay down 4 a whyl en den ah;ll well doo it! ya๐Ÿ˜ด


28 Oct 05
28 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
Yeah, he was just asking me about it, that's all! Whatsah the big deal, he was only fishing for little piece of information... whats wrong with that?! Sheesh... some peobles are way too sensitive and paranoid to carry on a reasonable conversation without them flying off the handle and accusing you of something you usually do... but this doesn't necessaril ...[text shortened]... akeah thuh bait thish time... when... aphther i lay down 4 a whyl en den ah;ll well doo it! ya๐Ÿ˜ด
Has Jesus' prediction ~ the one you told us about ~ come true in your life?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
28 Apr 15
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Has Jesus' prediction ~ the one you told us about ~ come true in your life?
So who is this "us" again?

Let me get this straight... if "us" wants to know, but us is "just a figure of speech", then a figure of speech wants to know... or is asking if... say what? You want me to answer a question posed by a figure of speech? If "a figure of speech" wants to know, then why not just let "a figure of speech" speak for itself?

Okay, that's it... I've had it with you! If you continue to pester me with this strange line of questioning ~ ostensibly on behalf of your imaginary friend "a figure of speech" ~ then I will direct my attorney ["up yours"] to contact you and/or your attorney, and he will 'explain' a few things to you. We need to get these persistent misunderstandings cleared up before we can continue with this... otherwise the deal is off, and I will personally show up and have your supplier tossed into the local prison bathhouse of shame.


28 Oct 05
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
So who is this "us" again? Let me get this straight... if "us" wants to know, but us is "just a figure of speech", then a figure of speech wants to know... or is asking if... say what? You want me to answer a question posed by a figure of speech? If "a figure of speech" wants to know, then why not just let "a figure of speech" speak for itself?

The prediction I am talking about was made by Jesus ~ or so you said ~ about Christians being "reviled and hated". I am curious as to whether this has come true in your life or that of any Christians you know.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
[b]So who is this "us" again? Let me get this straight... if "us" wants to know, but us is "just a figure of speech", then a figure of speech wants to know... or is asking if... say what? You want me to answer a question posed by a figure of speech? If "a figure of speech" wants to know, then why not just let "a figure of speech" speak for itself?

The pre ...[text shortened]... . I am curious as to whether this has come true in your life or that of any Christians you know.[/b]
How much dope do you smoke in a week?


28 Oct 05
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
How much dope do you smoke in a week?
The fact you are so evasive and defensive about your Christian faith says much more than the actual content of your deflections. ๐Ÿ˜‰


28 Oct 05
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
I don't read it that way.

Perhaps that you do, shows your own insecurity and paranoia.
Here is an example of your paranoia from page 1 of this thread:

"A while back, I posted that atheists and Christians in this forum should be more willing to see each others' side in the conflict and try to show some respect towards the "other side" because after all, they are human too, and so deserve some respect just for being human. I wasn't saying we should adopt each others' positions or even respect each others' beliefs, but that we should respect the fact that both sides have a position and a belief that their position is right, and so we should take a step back and "cool our jets" as it were and try to yes, discuss the issues here from a common stance of respect and understanding that we will naturally disagree. But then Googlefudge launched into a massive attack upon me for even considering to propose such a ridiculous idea and he wasn't going to respect me no matter what and even that yes, Christians were "dangerous" and should be opposed at every opportunity and with every breath. This caused some atheists to reverse course and say yes, you're right, those nasty Christians should be mercilessly "put in their place" and the persecution stepped up to even more than it was before."

When asked to substantiate these accusations against persons unnamed, you were unable to say when these instances of persecution happened, who it was who was persecuting you, what 'stepped up the persecution' meant or any examples of it, or what it was that they said or why they said it or what you said. It strikes me as you being paranoid and therefore it is paranoia that might explain your perception that 'Christians are under attack' when what is in fact going on is normal debate and discussion between community members with differing beliefs and who disagree on a forum intended to provide an arena for exactly that.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by FMF
The fact you are so evasive and defensive about your Christian faith says much more than the actual content of your deflections. ๐Ÿ˜‰
That much, eh? What about alcohol consumption... recreational, or every day?


26 Aug 07
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
That much, eh? What about alcohol consumption... recreational, or every day?
He should probably be drinking oatmeal stout. It used to be given to those who were lactating. ๐Ÿ˜ต

Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by lemon lime
How much dope do you smoke in a week?
Why can't you engage in debate and answer FMF's on topic question?


28 Oct 05
28 Apr 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Why can't you engage in debate and answer FMF's on topic question?
My 'thesis' ~ the thread's fourth thesis ~ in on page 4 of this thread.

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