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Why is Christianity in the US dying

Why is Christianity in the US dying




As for why numbers may be shrinking, I'd point to the internet, blogs, websites, social media, message boards, personal emboldening in cyberspace, echo chambers, and so on, maybe.

I think all this huge amount of communication and opinions and testimonies and identity-politics type personal realities, all stashed in silos and compartments, often seemingly hermetically sealed, has empowered ~ and made more assertive and even prickly ~ many people who in the past would have kept their non-religious character locked away and would have described themselves as "Christian".

Meanwhile, all these modern facilities also enable Christians to consolidate and commune and maybe become besieged and therefore more prickly too.

I think there has been a similar dichotomy happening in Indonesia in the 30 years I have been an observer. There are maybe 180,000,000 internet users here. Theism and atheism are talked about in ways that were simply non-existent 20-30 years ago.


tl;dr version

There is too much information now, and too many opportunities to bond with like-minded people virtually, for the old social adhesive and assumptions to work like they used to. People are looking for new or different or more personal adhesives.

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Christianity as a religion in America is just not attractive.

Thoughts ?

If it were "attractive" would you turn your whole heart over to Jesus as Lord ?

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@sonship said
If it were "attractive" would you want to turn your whole heart over to Jesus ?
Do you know what, sonship, it would be really interesting to hear your thoughts on this topic rather than see you resume your bickering with the person who posted the OP.

For example, is your Local Churches one template for how Christianity's reversal in the U.S. could be rectified or restored? As a devout Christian, how do you explain the decline in your country?


This is an interesting OP.

I know one church in England saw a dramatic *increase* in attendance and membership by offering free pints of ale before, during and after services.

They eventually needed to limit the number of pints to 12 per person after one bloke drunkenly boasted that he earned big bucks leading a team to deliver a big project for a client and begged the other church goers to declare how much they loved him.

It was quite a spectacle.


Honestly, a really good topic for discussion divegeester. I sincerely hope it doesn't go awry. I'm going to have to give it more thought before I reply though, and at the moment I must attend to some urgent responsibilities. Back in a few hours.


Maybe, it is church Christianity that is dying. Less people going to church could be the end result of the behavior and conduct of church leaders who in the last few decades have been found to be crooked, greedy, sexually and mortally corrupt.

People are realizing that they do not need to church, neither do they need to be part of a corrupt organization to live morally uplifting lives.


Matthew 24:11-13
English Standard Version
And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

We are entering into the last days; this is one of the things predicted. Christianity isn't going to die because it doesn't depend on Christians, but Christ, many will fall away and stop pretending to be something they are not. That doesn't mean Christianity is dying, only revealing those who know the Lord from those that don't.


The message doesn’t reach people any more. In a land where success is measured dollars and material comfort, not in spiritual advancement, a call to personal sacrifice and privation falls on deaf ears.


As people become more civilized and educated it's harder to support views like homosexuality being a "sin" or that women need "submit to their husbands in all subjection", or that the world was made in six days 6,000 years ago.

It's that simple.


@kellyjay said
We are entering into the last days; this is one of the things predicted.
What do you give it? Another thousand more years? Two thousand?


@fmf said
What do you give it? Another thousand more years? Two thousand?
Less than a couple of hundred but this just my thoughts on it all. The love many growing cold is just one of the things Jesus spoke of. I have to acknowledge that pretty much every generation had in it those who thought what I just said was true too during their time. We will see I guess.


@kellyjay said
Less than a couple of hundred but this just my thoughts on it all. The love many growing cold is just one of the things Jesus spoke of. I have to acknowledge that pretty much every generation had in it those who thought what I just said was true too during their time. We will see I guess.
Just a heavy dose of subjective pessimism and misanthropy from you then.


@fmf said
Just a heavy dose of subjective pessimism and misanthropy from you then.
Call it whatever you want.

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