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Why we can’t save ourselves

Why we can’t save ourselves


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You are sick man.

You are unable to defend your teaching and resort rather to ad homs.

You think there is some virtue in arguing about bible teachings.

I think you are creating EXCUSES for the fact that you cannot defend your attempt to remove the element of faith from the Christian life.

There is one virtue and that involves the keeping of the commandments. Everything else is pure vanity.

What did Paul mean here?

"And if I dole out all my possessions to feed others, and if I deliver up my body that I may boast, but do not have love, I profit nothing." ( 1 Cor. 13:3)

It sounds like without the agape love of God and man which issues from Christ living in him, all his activity of good doing would profit him N-O-T-H-I-N-G - vanity.

And how come at the end of this chapter he writes ...

"Now there abide faith, hope, love, these three, and the greatest of these is love." (v.13)

When was the last time you told the Lord Jesus Christ - "Lord Jesus ... I love You." ?

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@sonship said

I think you are creating EXCUSES for the fact that you cannot defend your attempt to remove the element of faith from the Christian life.
You are a sick man.
Get some help.
Your faith alone doctrine is garbage.
You are suffering from the defeating statements by the Apostles that faith without works is dead and many other statements along those lines. Can faith save a man? NO.

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@rajk999 said
Jesus is the answer to the question How do we get eternal life?
Through doing good works and living righteously as Jesus commanded.
There is no other way.
The question was, does the Bible contradict itself? I'm not sure why or how you can come up with any doctrine from or about Jesus that isn't found in the Bible. You have another source? If not, then again, the Bible do you think it is reliable, or does it contradict itself? Is all of the Bible the Word of God or only specific passages according to you? The Bible, as a whole, is it a reliable source where we can understand Jesus Christ and all he said and taught concerning God?

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@kellyjay said
The question was, does the Bible contradict itself? I'm not sure why or how you can come up with any doctrine from or about Jesus that isn't found in the Bible. You have another source? If not, then again, the Bible do you think it is reliable, or does it contradict itself? Is all of the Bible the Word of God or only specific passages according to you? The Bible, as a whole, ...[text shortened]... it a reliable source where we can understand Jesus Christ and all he said and taught concerning God?
Jesus said that keeping His commandments is necessary for eternal life.
You dont need the whole bible.
If you think you do then you are a vain man, heading to damnation.

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You are a sick man.

You cannot defend your attempt to remove faith. Instead you call the one who exposes you "sick".

Have you EVER told Jesus that you loved Him?

Maybe you are sick with religion and the absence of the Son of God in your heart. Maybe you need the Comforter, the Helper, the Paraclete, the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit to HELP you.

You NEVER told Jesus that He was your Lord and that you just loved Him ?

Ashamed to admit that you don't really have any relationship with the Lord Jesus?

Get some help.

You are being exposed as a TALKER with no relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Too ashamed to confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior that you love Him?

Your faith alone doctrine is garbage.

Oh, I just quoted to you about "faith, hope, love, THESE THREE; and the greatest of these is love."

Did you explain about those THREE greatest attributes of the Christian life as I asked. No. You instead lashed out about me being sick and needing help.

What's the matter Rajk999? These three ... faith, hope, love are absent in your hollow religious zeal ?

You are suffering from the defeating statements by the Apostles that faith without works is dead and many other statements along those lines. Can faith save a man? NO.

We can talk about James all week. But you first cannot defend your wanting to say "faith, hope, love, these three" DOESN'T need faith at all.

And the greatest of these is love. When was the last time you told Jesus He was your Lord and that you LOVED Him?

"Lord Jesus, You loved me. And Lord, in return, I love You Lord."

Rajk999, your zealous religious person ... you never told the Lord Jesus that He was to YOU personally YOUR Lord and that you LOVED Him in return ?

Then you are the SICK one. Sick of obsession with your religious zeal, self righteousness, and sense of Pharisaic superiority of other believers.

Tell the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God tonight that you come to Him as your are and love Him, want Him, and want to consecrate your life into His hands.

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"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking in the Spirit of God says, Jesus is accursed;

and no one can say, Jesus is Lord! except in the Holy Spirit." ( 1 Cor. 12:3)

Rajk999, have you ever been in the Holy Spirit?


@sonship said
"Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking in the Spirit of God says, Jesus is accursed;

and no one can say, Jesus is Lord! except in the Holy Spirit." ( 1 Cor. 12:3)

Rajk999, have you ever been in the Holy Spirit?
I think I told you before that this is a discussion forum. You make a point and you provide a supporting reference if necessary. It is not a Sunday School where you get to ask stupid questions.

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@rajk999 said
Jesus said that keeping His commandments is necessary for eternal life.
You dont need the whole bible.
If you think you do then you are a vain man, heading to damnation.
Do you have a list of all the passages alone that are required, and why do you think your cherry picked verses mean more than other scripture?

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I think I told you before that this is a discussion forum. You make a point and you provide a supporting reference if necessary. It is not a Sunday School where you get to ask stupid questions.

One of the commands of Christ is that His followers would humble themselves as a little child. Is that to be "stupid" ?

"Truly, I say to you, Unless you turn and become like little children, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens." (Matt. 18:3)

You harp much on being qualified to enter into the kingdom of God or beng disqualified from entering into the kingdom. SO ... to humble yourself as a little child and say "Lord Jesus, I just love You Lord" is being a "stupid" childish person?

Or is it assuring that you may enter into the kingdom of God ?

"Truly I say to you, Unless you turn and become like little children, you shall by NO MEANS ... enter into the kingdom of the heavens."

Are you willing to appear "stupid" before God to enter into His kingdom ?

"He therefore who will humble himself like this little child, he is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens." (v.4)


@kellyjay said
Do you have a list of all the passages alone that are required, and why do you think your cherry picked verses mean more than other scripture?
Suffering from memory loss again?

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Suffering from memory loss again?

Can YOU remember the last time you came like a little child to the Lord Jesus and said "Lord Jesus I love You. Lord I just love You. " .

How's your memory about when you last TOLD the Lord Jesus that He was YOUR Lord and that you loved Him ?

How's your memory about this?
Ever tell Jesus that you LOVED Him as your Lord Jesus ?

I mean, just like a little child that He taught that we should become like?

"Unless you turn and become like little children, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens." (Matt. 18:3)

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@rajk999 said
Suffering from memory loss again?
Well no! I didn't know you have taken it upon yourself to say that only some scriptures matters and if anyone thinks they all do they are, how did you put it? "...vain man, heading to damnation" I was always under the impression the Word of God was the Word of God, you surprised me when you said you know what verses were important and what wasn't, and if anyone thinks they needed the whole Bible they were on their way to being damned.

I think you should rethink your position, putting yourself above any portion of scripture you may find yourself weighed in the balance and found wanting.

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I was always under the impression the Word of God was the Word of God, you surprised me when you said you know what verses were important and what wasn't, and if anyone thinks they needed the whole Bible they were on their way to being damned.

He didn't really say this did he?

I thought that the Lord Jesus said man should live by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God.

"But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matt. 4:4 comp. Deut. 8:3)

Did Rajk999 imply that to live by every word from the mouth of God is to be headed for damnation ??

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Why we cannot save ourselves

In the fall of Adam the NATURE of man was effected. The nature of man was changed and he cannot of his own power change it back.

In Psalm 51 after David realized his adultery was a SIN which he concealed and did not resist, he confessed to God that in SIN did his mother conceive him. He came from his mother's womb with a sinning nature.

"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin did my mother conceive me." (Psalm 51:5)

He needed a Savior from the guilt of his iniquity and from the power of the sin nature. So do every one of us.

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