the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Sep 22
1 edit

@mghrn55 said
And the lopsided challenges only come from Metallica ?? Right !!
Breaking Bad with challenge stats - 195W 80L 77tied.
Roughly the same ratio as Metallica.

You can't be stupid enough to toss accusations from a glass house !! Can you ??
It would be nice if you listened to something besides the tune playing in your head.

I don't like to see lopsided challenges coming from anywhere be it you our clan or another Clan. To much of this has went on for far too long.

There are not Saints among us, but I think we have more even challenges than you do this year. Just look at the Challenges. We are lucky to win by 1-3 points where you have done far better.

We have to work hard for every point we get.

Enough said yet?



santa cruz, ca.

19 Jul 13
10 Sep 22

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
10 Sep 22

Just curious.....these "lopsided challenges" do you mean your impression before the match, or your justification of the result? I have beaten players who were better than me. I have also had players who were not as good as I am beat me. In both cases, do those matches qualify as lopsided? Or are they only lopsided if the expected outcome happens? And how often do you see expected outcomes blown up?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Sep 22

@shortcircuit said
Just curious.....these "lopsided challenges" do you mean your impression before the match, or your justification of the result? I have beaten players who were better than me. I have also had players who were not as good as I am beat me. In both cases, do those matches qualify as lopsided? Or are they only lopsided if the expected outcome happens? And how often do you see expected outcomes blown up?
My old friend,
I am talking about challenge that are lopsided before the challenge even starts. Can upsets happen, of course we have seen that more than once. I am talking about when Clan Leaders are accepting challenges that are 300 points in the difference starting out.

Even your own rating has dropped same as mine has but we are not as good players as we once were. We have both dropped by several hundred points from where we use to be. Probably very close to what our real ratings are but we can also beat higher rated players on any given day a bad move can be made and as we know it only takes one.

I know the rating showing is not always the real rating. I do believe our challenges have been more evenly matched that the ones your New Clan Leader had made, as I said we are lucky to win by 1-3 points, where you guys have won challenges with other Clans only winning a few out of the whole challenge usually big point challenges, and yes you have lost a few of those where there have been upsets.

I don't think anyone sets out to do anything wrong, but at times it appears to me your Clan Leader is looking for a landslide not an edge which I could see. I certainly don't want to start a war of words with you guys, I do however speak my mind as you know. If I think you are in the right I will defend you.

I've not given out any details to my new Clan Leader on our clan Strategies in Metallica or Tactics. I try to be as fair and honest as possible. I was the first to say that when I was in the clan Metallica I saw no cheating being done!!! So it is not I don't back Metallica up. I was more loyal than you probably even know.

I saw a Clan Challenge your Clan Leader sent to my Clan Leader. I believe we would have won 2 of the challenges and you guys the rest which I told him. I certainly wasn't going to lie about what I thought, it certainly appeared to favor your clan by a landslide. My biggest fault is probably being too loyal to the Clan I play for. Still missing you and some other long time members in Metallica I played with for years.
Now, I in another Clan who I plan on being loyal to same as I was with Metallica.


RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Sep 22

@very-rusty said
My old friend,
I am talking about challenge that are lopsided before the challenge even starts. Can upsets happen, of course we have seen that more than once. I am talking about when Clan Leaders are accepting challenges that are 300 points in the difference starting out.

Even your own rating has dropped same as mine has but we are not as good pl ...[text shortened]... for years.
Now, I in another Clan who I plan on being loyal to same as I was with Metallica.

A very kind, and gracious post.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Sep 22
1 edit

@vespin said
A very kind, and gracious post.
Thanks, I can't see why it got an alert.

I was polite, and gave my opinion on what I saw.

Only thing wrong is he is now back closer to his old rating, which I didn't know. Where I am not near my old rating. I hope to get back there someday. I am working hard at it.


st johnstone

14 Nov 09
10 Sep 22

@mghrn55 said
And the lopsided challenges only come from Metallica ?? Right !!
Breaking Bad with challenge stats - 195W 80L 77tied.
Roughly the same ratio as Metallica.

You can't be stupid enough to toss accusations from a glass house !! Can you ??
Tut tut
You can't compare wins v wins without talking the total games played into account.
Breaking bad have 195/352=55.4% win ratio
Metallica have 131/212=61.7%win ratio
So you have a 6.3% higher win ratio.
Which proves????
Just like you posting who has won more games it mean absolutely nothing.
We are top by playing more games credit to vespin
Now if I had the time ( I dont) we could look at the ratings difference between every single game in every challenge to see what clan has the most lop sided challenges.
You talk about honour and fairness then harp on about things that happened years ago and intent in ruining vespins victory parade if he wins.
That's sad don't you think.
But if it makes you happy stick with that.


07 Feb 09
10 Sep 22

@roma45 said
Tut tut
You can't compare wins v wins without talking the total games played into account.
Breaking bad have 195/352=55.4% win ratio
Metallica have 131/212=61.7%win ratio
So you have a 6.3% higher win ratio.
Which proves????
Just like you posting who has won more games it mean absolutely nothing.
We are top by playing more games credit to vespin
Now if I had the time ...[text shortened]... victory parade if he wins.
That's sad don't you think.
But if it makes you happy stick with that.
Yeah. We're doing pretty good, aren't we ??
That is the whole point, to win more than we lose.
So .... does the 6% lower win ratio make all your challenges cleaner ?
You' re getting to be like Carrobie and McTayto.
The evidence only applies to one clan. Right !!


07 Feb 09
10 Sep 22

@very-rusty said
My old friend,
I am talking about challenge that are lopsided before the challenge even starts. Can upsets happen, of course we have seen that more than once. I am talking about when Clan Leaders are accepting challenges that are 300 points in the difference starting out.

Even your own rating has dropped same as mine has but we are not as good pl ...[text shortened]... for years.
Now, I in another Clan who I plan on being loyal to same as I was with Metallica.

I see Vespin just started a challenge with Team Canada.
You've been paired with Patrick Delaronde 4. He's got some nice stats.
Highest rating in the last 5 years - 1291.
Hope you win that one.
There are lots of pending challenges where you are paired with patzers.
This stuff happens with lots of clans.
But you started this circus with your post on page 1.
Anyone can look at it.
If you hurry, you can remove your posts !! 😆

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
10 Sep 22

@mghrn55 said
Yeah. We're doing pretty good, aren't we ??
That is the whole point, to win more than we lose.
So .... does the 6% lower win ratio make all your challenges cleaner ?
You' re getting to be like Carrobie and McTayto.
The evidence only applies to one clan. Right !!
Did you actually read what I posted.
Stats and win ratios prove nothing unless someone with lots of time can look at the ratings difference of every single game in every challenge
Do they have math in usa?


07 Feb 09
10 Sep 22

@roma45 said
Did you actually read what I posted.
Stats and win ratios prove nothing unless someone with lots of time can look at the ratings difference of every single game in every challenge
Do they have math in usa?
Not really ......
I saw enough. No need to go into detail.

st johnstone

14 Nov 09
10 Sep 22

@mghrn55 said
Not really ......
I saw enough. No need to go into detail.
Scared of finding another clan India?
Already obvious to anyone who looks.
But if you're happy
Play on.

Mind the gap

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
11 Sep 22

@very-rusty said
Have you ever considered giving him equal challenges instead of lopsided ones in your favor?


What is the problem with these so called “lopsided challenges”?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
11 Sep 22

@very-rusty said
It is a shame when long time friends, if only on the internet become enemies.
I know, as I have been through it to a degree, although gooster and I were never on friendly terms.
I backed him when people started giving him red thumbs in the thread about the Queen's passing. It got me more red thumbs than I've gotten in a long time, but it wasn't the place or time to be g ...[text shortened]... red thumbs.
Sometimes, it is best to just let things GO, then to continue it, in my humble opinion.
You “backed me”…!?


Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
11 Sep 22

@very-rusty said
LOL...You're sounding like a parrot! :
Continue though, It is fun laughing at your silliness.
Sixth time then…

Do you think @Istcyr was lying about his claim of what VESPIN instructed him and the other clan leaders to do?

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