@earl-of-trumps saidSonhouse, do you think of Trump when you are trying to make a putt on the golf course? i never do, myself. And I have never dreamed about Trump. I bet you have. Brrrrrrr
HA ha ha.
You're the one with Trump on the brain. 24/7. Poor thing.
@no1marauder saidI breezed over your post, but since I, and many people, lie to posters ( I have done it twice), I can confirm that polls are incorrect. So, your post is, too
"In the CNN/SSRS poll, voters actually chose Biden over Trump to keep Americans safe from harm by a 6-point margin, and preferred Biden by a 7-point margin on handling the criminal-justice system. That matched a similar finding in this week’s POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, in which more respondents thought Biden would do a better job handling “public safety” than Trump." ...[text shortened]... ssue in North Carolina."
@sonhouse saidI really dont get your point, but Trump is still president after EVERYTHING is over,....... Mitch, Strozk, Mueller, Senate, House, Brennan, Comes,Strozk again, Nadler, the works, and $30M.
So it means nothing to you that Trump has his own personal attorney by the name of Barr. We already tried impeachment, Trump WAS impeached, but the senate, being nice tame Trumpites did not even want to LOOK at evidence and just rigged the system to make Trump LOOK innocent which he was not. It was just his senate buddies like Moscow Mitch who lost his balls 3 ...[text shortened]... So the same thing would happen again no matter WHAT the alleged crime.
And you knew that full well.
So, WHAT IS your point?You exemplify whining liberals. You lost!!!! Get over it.
Trump has perverted the republican party. It is not the party of old. It is totally owned by Trump now and Trump only watches out for #1, which is Trump.
It is religious for you as it regards Trump, anything ANYONE says or even PROVES just causes you to dig deeper for Trump.
You are completely tamed and hypnotized by your god king.
@averagejoe1 saidWhy should I believe someone who admits they are a liar? You could very well be lying about lying to pollsters, couldn't you?
I breezed over your post, but since I, and many people, lie to posters ( I have done it twice), I can confirm that polls are incorrect. So, your post is, too
At any rate, the polls have been pretty close at the end of the last few elections. And I notice you and other right winger aren't shy about quoting polls when they are favorable to your ideology.
@sonhouse saidUhhh, Sunhouse, the Democratic Party is not the party of old, either. I just saw a video of John Kennedy saying we can only be great with lower taxes. Your man wants to raise our taxes. Biden used to brag on people like George Wallace and other racists, and they loved the KKK wizard from Tennessee, Robert Byrd. Seems the Democrats have done a 180. Do you see how weak your arguments are
Trump has perverted the republican party. It is not the party of old. It is totally owned by Trump now and Trump only watches out for #1, which is Trump.
It is religious for you as it regards Trump, anything ANYONE says or even PROVES just causes you to dig deeper for Trump.
You are completely tamed and hypnotized by your god king.
Weak, SURE, SO weak. Have you perhaps taken a look at the size of the ND? Around 23 TRILLION and the INTEREST on that debt is over half TRILLION a year.
It got pumped up to that level BECAUSE of Trump and his bribe to big corps.
Now there is little money to support much of anything, so Trump and his balless buddy Moscow Mitch are trying their best to eliminate any program that helps the common man/woman. Like where Trump says, we will ALWAYS keep pre existing conditions while in the background has a half dozen lawsuits out to kill the ACA COMPLETELY with nothing to replace it.
But that is Trump's MO, SCREW the little people, bribe big corp with a Trillion dollar gift, THAT is the republican platform.
@dendron saidJFK's tax cuts dropped the top individual marginal rate to 65% and the top corporate rate to 47%. https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/jfk-in-history/john-f-kennedy-on-the-economy-and-taxes
Uhhh, Sunhouse, the Democratic Party is not the party of old, either. I just saw a video of John Kennedy saying we can only be great with lower taxes. Your man wants to raise our taxes. Biden used to brag on people like George Wallace and other racists, and they loved the KKK wizard from Tennessee, Robert Byrd. Seems the Democrats have done a 180. Do you see how weak your arguments are
Four decades of reckless tax cuts which have worsened inequality, led to economic stagnation and blown up the federal deficit have reduced the top individual rate to 37% (https://taxfoundation.org/2020-tax-brackets/[WORD TOO LONG] and the top corporate rate to 21%. (https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/corporate-tax-rate).
There is zero evidence that JFK would have supported the radical, budget busting reductions pursued by Republican Presidents from Reagan on.
Kennedy was proud to call himself a "liberal". https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/speech-senator-john-f-kennedy-commodore-hotel-new-york-ny-acceptance-party-nomination
There's no doubt AJ and the rest here would call him a "socialist" for his policy ideas.
Just FYI,
It is pretty much agreed by economists worldwide that the debt line you must
not cross is a debt that is 60% of GDP. The USA just crossed 100%.
And you can yell all day long about "Trump", like it is one man's fault, but all
admins going back to and including Ronald Reagan had their go at it.
@earl-of-trumps saidWhy does Biden need $4Trillion? Trump is not asking for money. Biden, as would a true liberal (wants other people's stuff) wants money. What in the hell!!!??!???!? Actually, tho, it is not ole grampa Biden, it is AOC,,,,,ohhhhh, what she could do with that money. She will set up nice and easy as a socialist. I intend to be a socialist too, if she wins the election. We can put people who live under socialism to work for us! (This would be the people who cannot afford to be Socialists). Suzianne will say that we are making money on their backs,,,,,,and, she will be right!!!!
Just FYI,
It is pretty much agreed by economists worldwide that the debt line you must
not cross is a debt that is 60% of GDP. The USA just crossed 100%.
And you can yell all day long about "Trump", like it is one man's fault, but all
admins going back to and including Ronald Reagan had their go at it.
You folks just don't see it, do you.
The tampering has begun: voters in Texas are being disenfranchised.
@averagejoe1 saidTrump had blown up the Federal deficit even before COVID:
Why does Biden need $4Trillion? Trump is not asking for money. Biden, as would a true liberal (wants other people's stuff) wants money. What in the hell!!!??!???!? Actually, tho, it is not ole grampa Biden, it is AOC,,,,,ohhhhh, what she could do with that money. She will set up nice and easy as a socialist. I intend to be a socialist too, if she wins the election. ...[text shortened]... king money on their backs,,,,,,and, she will be right!!!!
You folks just don't see it, do you.
"President Trump on the other hand was handed an economy that was growing. In 2017, his first year in office the deficit grew to $666 billion, was $984 billion last year and is projected to be over $1 trillion in 2020 at $1.02 trillion. This would be a 74% increase in just four years and going forward the Federal deficit could escalate to $1.7 trillion in 2030.
"When you compare the last three years of Obama’s Presidency vs. Trump’s first three years, Trump’s deficits will be almost $1 trillion greater at $2.47 trillion to $1.51 trillion for Obama."
Trump has run the country like he ran some of his businesses; by recklessly piling up debt that he never intends to pay. That will be left to responsible successors to figure out.
@earl-of-trumps saidThere is no such consensus among economists. The US exceeded the 100% ratio as a result of WWII and it was at 31% before Reagan started slashing tax rates and enhancing military spending (the same strategy that GW and Trump have followed). The only sustained decrease occurred in the second term of Bill Clinton's administration when the ratio dropped from 64% to 55%. https://www.thebalance.com/national-debt-by-year-compared-to-gdp-and-major-events-3306287
Just FYI,
It is pretty much agreed by economists worldwide that the debt line you must
not cross is a debt that is 60% of GDP. The USA just crossed 100%.
And you can yell all day long about "Trump", like it is one man's fault, but all
admins going back to and including Ronald Reagan had their go at it.