@wajoma said🥱
My position has always been the masks work given a long list of specific criteria, whether handling, standards, training or the activity.
And if ever there was an example of how they were misused by untrained know nothing ijits please refer to the reigning mask ijit himself kev for that example.
kev said
[b]"My m90 is hard framed and it has a filter vent on the front" ...[text shortened]... ut and paste ready to go for the mask retards
On the 8/3/23 wajoma said "...masks work..."
@shavixmir saidoh dear oh dear oh dear,
It seems shag doody wore a virus loud hailer with a 'filter vent' on the front too. I saw plenty of them around and it always tickled my fancy that these self righteous holier than thou mask zombies were doing exactly the opposite of what they thought they were doing. The joke was powered up if the premises banned people without masks but allowed the virus loud hailers in, thus the ijits were multiplied.
If I'd ever wimped out and worn a mask I'd have worn a mask of this type too kev, brothers in idiocy.
@wajoma said🥱
oh dear oh dear oh dear,
It seems shag doody wore a virus loud hailer with a 'filter vent' on the front too. I saw plenty of them around and it always tickled my fancy that these self righteous holier than thou mask zombies were doing exactly the opposite of what they thought they were doing. The joke was powered up if the premises banned people without masks but allowed ...[text shortened]... f I'd ever wimped out and worn a mask I'd have worn a mask of this type too kev, brothers in idiocy.
@wajoma saidOf course the mask manufacturers knew about the one way valve and some mask evangelists did too, very occasionally the wearers of virus loud hailer masks got pulled up.
My position has always been the masks work given a long list of specific criteria, whether handling, standards, training or the activity.
And if ever there was an example of how they were misused by untrained know nothing ijits please refer to the reigning mask ijit himself kev for that example.
kev said
[b]"My m90 is hard framed and it has a filter vent on the front" ...[text shortened]... ut and paste ready to go for the mask retards
On the 8/3/23 wajoma said "...masks work..."
So the mask sellers charged extra for a virus loud hailer mask with a valve 'vent filter' that free flowed kevs exhale out over everyone (virus, bacteria, bad breath, droplets, CO2, everything) then they charged extra for a valve deactivator. They knew the mask zombies were gullible, hey these meatheads were buying all kinds of rag masks, lets sell them a mask that doesn't work and then a deactivator to stop it from working.
kudos to kev, he was dumb enough to wear a one-way mask but he was too dumb to buy the valve deactivator, something to be proud of...
...I think.
@kevcvs57 saidkev said:
The article tears your ‘peer’ reviewed study to shreds.
You do who the ‘peers’ of a conspiracy theorist anti mask / vaccine nut job are, yes that’s right they by definition conspiracy theorist anti mask / vaccine nut jobs.
"My m90 is hard framed and it has a filter vent on the front"
Now that it has been established the 'filter vent' is actually a non-return valve through which kev has been spraying people for 2 years, the next question to be resolved is this 'hard framed' business.
Granted, masks like the Italian M90 mask need some kind of internal frame to support the clip on filter canister, various canisters for various purposes, (try explaining that to a mask evangelist who thinks any old rag has virtual miracle filtering powers) BTW the Italian M90 will also have a non-return valve it is designed to filter the air you inhale not the air you exhale.
So, at this stage, regretfully I must inform you kev, your mask is not hard framed and you don't know shyte about wearing a mask safely and effectively, you didn't even know you've been exhaling your cooties freely over everyone for two years now.
@wajoma saidWe wore them because of tools like you who wouldn’t wear the simple clothe masks but downloaded an exemption tag from the internet. As I said that filter mask was for weekly shops where I was surrounded by your British counterparts, I used a regular blue mask at work and the n95 in close quarter visits with family and friends when that was allowed. Why would I risk my health to keep you from catching covid.
oh dear oh dear oh dear,
It seems shag doody wore a virus loud hailer with a 'filter vent' on the front too. I saw plenty of them around and it always tickled my fancy that these self righteous holier than thou mask zombies were doing exactly the opposite of what they thought they were doing. The joke was powered up if the premises banned people without masks but allowed ...[text shortened]... f I'd ever wimped out and worn a mask I'd have worn a mask of this type too kev, brothers in idiocy.
@kevcvs57 saidGood point. Same reasoning works for the seizure syrup.
Why would I risk my health to keep you from catching covid.
Edit: BTW I didn't download anything, I authored my own exemption, it said "I am exempt from wearing a face covering" and that's all
Edit: My inspiration https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/well-are-ya-ron--483574078709800567/
;^) ;^)
@wajoma saidWell you could get a very professional looking one here by a few clicks of a mouse, no medical questions whatsoever.
Good point. Same reasoning works for the seizure syrup.
Edit: BTW I didn't download anything, I authored my own exemption, it said "I am exempt from wearing a face covering" and that's all
Edit: My inspiration https://www.pinterest.nz/pin/well-are-ya-ron--483574078709800567/
;^) ;^)
The number of 18 to 30 yr olds who found that they were mask phobic was astronomical and I had no qualms about breathing in their general direction.
The N95 is a good all round mask, tight fitting and multilayered.
@kevcvs57 saidkev said:
Well you could get a very professional looking one here by a few clicks of a mouse, no medical questions whatsoever.
The number of 18 to 30 yr olds who found that they were mask phobic was astronomical and I had no qualms about breathing in their general direction.
The N95 is a good all round mask, tight fitting and multilayered.
"I had no qualms about breathing in their general direction."
I'd like to be able to call you a bull 💩 artist, but you don't even make it that far up the ladder, you're just 💩.
You didn't know you were breathing in their direction until I told you, you thought your 'vent filter' mask was working, giving you some kind of mask evangelist rant and rave privilege's. An 18 months out of date one way mask that allowed you to spread virus's while acting holier than thou.
Are any other mask evangelists going to fess up to wearing the ijit oneway mask?
Again, here I'd like to credit kev with being honest more honest than his fellow mask evangelists but he was too damn dim to realise how a non-return valve works and too damn dim to realise he was digging a hole.
@kevcvs57 saidkev said:
We wore them because of tools like you who wouldn’t wear the simple clothe masks but downloaded an exemption tag from the internet. As I said that filter mask was for weekly shops where I was surrounded by your British counterparts, I used a regular blue mask at work and the n95 in close quarter visits with family and friends when that was allowed. Why would I risk my health to keep you from catching covid.
"As I said that filter mask was..."
News for the boards most shrill mask evangelist, there all 'filter masks' ijit. The teeshirt wrapped around the face - filter mask, the useless face rag - filter mask, the useless blue rag - filter mask, the Italian M90 - filter mask, the N95 - filter mask.
Almost every post kev reveals how little he knows about masks, what there fore, how they work. Yet he rants and raves like everyone else doesn't know. What screwy world he lives in, in his own head.
What you were actually describing was that one way filter mask 18 months past the use by date was spraying everyone in the near vicinity with whatever cooties you had at the time. It was only half a filter mask, it only worked for your inhale.
@wajoma saidBut hey with type 2 diabetes and COPD kev the dimwit is still alive and goon kicking in the forums thanks to his five, yeah that’s five wajoma, vaccines and flexible mask strategy whereby I did my best for my tribe and screw the anti mask / vaccine halfwits.
kev said:
"I had no qualms about breathing in their general direction."
I'd like to be able to call you a bull 💩 artist, but you don't even make it that far up the ladder, you're just 💩.
You didn't know you were breathing in their direction until I told you, you thought your 'vent filter' mask was working, giving you some kind of mask evangelist rant and rave p ...[text shortened]... damn dim to realise how a non-return valve works and too damn dim to realise he was digging a hole.
P.s I get my pneumonia jag at the end of the month 💪🏼
Consider asbestos
Asbestos (which ranges from 100nm-10,000 nm) is larger than the virus (70 to 90nm).
See this guidance or this guidance from the Asbestos Institute for worker protection:
KN95, N95 mask, … will NOT protect you from asbestos. To protect from asbestos, you need a respirator that can filter a minimum of 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 micrometers large.
They recommend a minimum P100 respirators or better. The professionals I speak with all recommend a PAPR as the minimum viable solution because masks leak.
Cal/OSHA agrees with this: N95 cannot be used for asbestos. Because the virus is smaller than asbestos, it follows that N95 masks are ineffective.
@wajoma said🥱
Consider asbestos
Asbestos (which ranges from 100nm-10,000 nm) is larger than the virus (70 to 90nm).
See this guidance or this guidance from the Asbestos Institute for worker protection:
KN95, N95 mask, … will NOT protect you from asbestos. To protect from asbestos, you need a respirator that can filter a minimum of 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 micrometers la ...[text shortened]... for asbestos. Because the virus is smaller than asbestos, it follows that N95 masks are ineffective.