Originally posted by Sam The ShamWe should just offer them citizenship? What kind of a melting pot is the US if the Dept. of the Interior or whatever decides suddenly to stop immigration from a country that has a lot of people who want to move here?
Looks like you got your wish. Hope you're happy with the results in another 20 years.
Originally posted by Sam The ShamMexicans should have the right to move wherever they want to move just like Americans should be able to move wherever they want to move, as long as they're both legal, its as simple as that.
Looks like you got your wish. Hope you're happy with the results in another 20 years.
You can't have double-standards.
Hope you're happy with the results in another 20 years.
Yes, I'll be, the supermarkets will have more mexican food (which is good) and there will be more catholics in the US. Everybody wins.
Originally posted by generalissimoYou are a very interesting character ... we agree on more than we thought.
Mexicans should have the right to move wherever they want to move just like Americans should be able to move wherever they want to move, as long as they're both legal, its as simple as that.
You can't have double-standards.
[b]Hope you're happy with the results in another 20 years.
Yes, I'll be, the supermarkets will have more mexican food (which is good) and there will be more catholics in the US. Everybody wins.[/b]
Originally posted by SleepyguySo does Obama need a greater incentive to solve US problems, by say Conservatives doing tea parties across the country to show their discontent and by foreign investors shunning American debt as unreliable as it weakens its currency...
In other words, Mexicans need to have a greater incentive to solve their own problem. That's what a closed border would hopefully do.
Free movement of people is good for both countries and its freedom to those that do so. That is not a good argument to take this away.
Originally posted by SeitseAnyone can make such claims against any government, the hard part would be proving... or in this case even making a good argument for it.
Only if you want Mexicans to rightfully impale and lapidate Americans after they're done with hanging the corrupt Mexican politicians.
Sounds nice, actually.
* Don't forget that MANY Americans benefit from the great business made between U.S. politicians/corporations and the corrupt Mexican elite.
Perhaps you should check the tag of your t-shirt or where some parts of your car are manufactured, for example.
Originally posted by generalissimoAgreed.
[b]The only regret I have regarding Mexico, is that the 40 or 50 million poor are too brainwashed or are too disorganized (or even lack the nerve) to start a bloody revolution.
wait, didn't they have a revolution about a hundred years ago?
A revolution would only create another civil war, the result would be the collapse of the economy, so don't even think about it.[/b]
Originally posted by Sam The ShamWe've had the current immigration policy for about 40 years, and Mexican-Americans have been in the US Southwest since the 1800's and before. Look at New Mexico, what problem do you have with the minority-majority elections... oh yeah, that's right, the immigrant-bashing party got clobbered with the heavy support of Mexican-Americans.
Looks like you got your wish. Hope you're happy with the results in another 20 years.
2 facts you never address:
Mexico's population growth has slowed and emigration to the US peaked in 2001.
Most Mexican-Americans population growth is now days stemming from the native-born Mexican American population.
I'm sure you love those 2 points because they don't at all undermine your beloved racist attitudes.