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Judge Jackson: Can't define the term 'woman'

Judge Jackson: Can't define the term 'woman'



@wildgrass said
Right well just because it's not mentioned doesn't mean it's not to be legislated. That'd be silly.

It was irrelevant for a SCOTUS nomination hearing though.
What racist legislation would you like to see?
What sexist legislation would you like to see?

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@wildgrass said
To be fair Joe, the word 'woman' is nowhere to be found in the Constitution, so it's outside the realm of her duties as a judge to define it.
Is the word Man in the Constitution? I am not being cute, it is a good question, to get to the crux of your question. So as not to back you up too much, I just googled it ( I admit I did not know myself,) and it is not.
What say you? Please don't segue on me, it gives me a headache . 😕

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@averagejoe1 said
Is the word Man in the Constitution? I am not being cute, it is a good question, to get to the crux of your question. So as not to back you up too much, I just googled it ( I admit I did not know myself,) and it is not.
What say you? Please don't segue on me, it gives me a headache . 😕
Segue? What's that got to do with anything? She wasn't asked that.


@wajoma said
What racist legislation would you like to see?
What sexist legislation would you like to see?
Err maybe we got off track. I was speaking to Joe's comment. There's lots of legal stuff not in the constitution.

Personally I'd like to see a federal balanced budget amendment and a cut to military spending by 50%>

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@wildgrass said
Segue? What's that got to do with anything? She wasn't asked that.
Segue would be to discuss the SCOTUS nominee, in re the 'woman' comment, and you write about budget and military spending . Pitiful. Just pitiful. Debater of the year.
I do like the idea of a balanced budget, but just today your president ordered printing of money to give people $100 towards gas, to get votes of course, and worse, to make them dependent on government . It also increases inflation, during a time of slowing economy, which, you guessed it, creates stagflation .
Tell me, how can you want balanced budget and enjoy having a fool for a president. You fellers are so confused.


@averagejoe1 said
Segue would be to discuss the SCOTUS nominee, in re the 'woman' comment, and you write about budget and military spending . Pitiful. Just pitiful. Debater of the year.
I do like the idea of a balanced budget, but just today your president ordered printing of money to give people $100 towards gas, to get votes of course, and worse, to make them dependent on government ...[text shortened]... can you want balanced budget and enjoy having a fool for a president. You fellers are so confused.
I was asked directly about legislation I would support.

If you think a SCOTUS judge should only be concerned with what's written in the Constitution, then why do you care if she defers to biology when asked about sex?


@averagejoe1 said
Segue would be to discuss the SCOTUS nominee, in re the 'woman' comment, and you write about budget and military spending . Pitiful. Just pitiful. Debater of the year.
I do like the idea of a balanced budget, but just today your president ordered printing of money to give people $100 towards gas, to get votes of course, and worse, to make them dependent on government ...[text shortened]... can you want balanced budget and enjoy having a fool for a president. You fellers are so confused.
I do like the idea of a balanced budget, but just today your president ordered printing of money to give people $100 towards gas, to get votes of course, and worse, to make them dependent on government .

I guess we'll see where everything shakes out eventually, but your favorite former guy printed nearly $8 trillion that he didn't have. Just gave it out like candy canes to the farmers and military contractors and whoever was groveling the hardest. Sick.

I'm not saying Biden's any better, but he's not pretending to be a conservative.

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@wildgrass said
I was asked directly about legislation I would support.

If you think a SCOTUS judge should only be concerned with what's written in the Constitution, then why do you care if she defers to biology when asked about sex?
Look what you are asking me,...'why do we care if she defers to biology when asked.."
If a group of guys were sitting at Starbucks, and we were asked to 'define woman' I Guarantee that you would not say 'I am not a biologist'. You would instead make an effort to define a woman.
Holy smokes.


@averagejoe1 said
Look what you are asking me,...'why do we care if she defers to biology when asked.."
If a group of guys were sitting at Starbucks, and we were asked to 'define woman' I Guarantee that you would not say 'I am not a biologist'. You would instead make an effort to define a woman.
Holy smokes.
Nice. I think you've identified a key difference between casual conversations over coffee and SCOTUS confirmation hearings.

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@wildgrass said
Nice. I think you've identified a key difference between casual conversations over coffee and SCOTUS confirmation hearings.
Contrare' I have shown that a question, and its answer, is the same everywhere. But your answer here is quite honest in that it is demonstrative of a liberal point of view. Why,, that is why we conservatives are here, to learn! And to learn how to dance!
Just like we learn from your learned president, who, having said several times last week that sanctions are imposed to 'deter' Russia, BUT, yesterday he said sanctions do not deter. This man has the future of the world in his hands. Another demonstrative liberal. Putin laughs his head off. Wonder why Putin didnt do all this when Trump was President. He respected Trump, that is why. (I am not changing the subject,, the SCOTUS discussion is tiresome)


@averagejoe1 said
Look what you are asking me,...'why do we care if she defers to biology when asked.."
If a group of guys were sitting at Starbucks, and we were asked to 'define woman' I Guarantee that you would not say 'I am not a biologist'. You would instead make an effort to define a woman.
Holy smokes.
Defeating your argument, legislators vote on bridge building, but they are not engineers. Saw this analogy in WSJ today.


@mchill said
Joe - You're not getting the big picture here, are you? Please allow me to explain:

Judge Jackson is extremely well educated and can clearly answer that question but consider her situation. She's sitting in a room with a number of openly hostile republicans who are looking for any excuse on the planet to call her unqualified, even though most of them voted to confirm her no ...[text shortened]... rt posturing to the press about her lack of judgement - - I shouldn't have to spell this out to you.

The question puts her in an impossible spot and so she has to duck it.

Somewhat unrelated, but not worth its own thread:

Mchill, you're basically a middle-of-the-road Democrat, who obviously wants the party to succeed. Do you realize that the Lia Thomas fiasco and these sorts of issues are going to kill the Democrats in near future political discourse, but, alas, the SJW constituency is too important not to placate or do you secretly wish they'd back down on these losing issues?


@sh76 said

The question puts her in an impossible spot and so she has to duck it.

Somewhat unrelated, but not worth its own thread:

Mchill, you're basically a middle-of-the-road Democrat, who obviously wants the party to succeed. Do you realize that the Lia Thomas fiasco and these sorts of issues are going to kill the Democrats in near future political discourse, but, alas, t ...[text shortened]... ncy is too important not to placate or do you secretly wish they'd back down on these losing issues?
I remember when conservatism meant staying out of other people's business, especially when that business was a completely obscure sport like swimming that no one ever watches or pays any attention to.

Lia Thomas is an NCAA athlete competing within the rules of that organization. Why does Ron DeSantis feel like he has to butt in everywhere and tell private organizations how they should be run?


@wildgrass said
I remember when conservatism meant staying out of other people's business, especially when that business was a completely obscure sport like swimming that no one ever watches or pays any attention to.

Lia Thomas is an NCAA athlete competing within the rules of that organization. Why does Ron DeSantis feel like he has to butt in everywhere and tell private organizations how they should be run?
Whew. You know you are ruining our country with liberal largesse, my little girl avoiding a burly guy walking into her bathroom, and a thousand other very nasty liberal brain washing crap of libs, affecting our lives. My other daughter at NY Univ where a convicted murderer is out of prison, lecturing. He should be electrocuted.
So you can see why leaders like DeSantis are scared of what you are all up to, and the Lia thing is just another tool for him, and me, to use to try to stop the advance of EVERYTHING that you people are trying to ram down society throats. Proud, are ‘ya?

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@wildgrass said
I remember when conservatism meant staying out of other people's business, especially when that business was a completely obscure sport like swimming that no one ever watches or pays any attention to.

Lia Thomas is an NCAA athlete competing within the rules of that organization. Why does Ron DeSantis feel like he has to butt in everywhere and tell private organizations how they should be run?
===Why does Ron DeSantis feel like he has to butt in everywhere and tell private organizations how they should be run?===

Because the movement to make masculinity and femininity irrelevant and malleable sucks and no matter how much you wish the issue would just go away, it won't until the SJWs stop pushing this pernicious nonsense or until you Democrats stop allowing the mainstreaming of their extreme ideologies.

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