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Originally posted by blindfaith101
THE WORD OF GOD has never been disproven. I know of noone including satan,that ever prove THE WORD OF GOD wrong.Every man and women makes the choice about whether they believe or not. You want someone to give you a righteous reason to not believe. CHRIST gave us instructions to preach the truth.To preach THE WORD OF GOD.So it is not me you are rejecting, it is THE WORD OF GOD,you are rejecting
The word of God says that the Earth and the rest of the universe was created out of nothing a couple of thousand years ago. Fossil and geological records say the Earth was created 3.45 billion years ago. Echoes from the Big Bang say the universe was created around 15 billion years ago. There are trees older than the Earth is supposed to be according to the word of God.

The word of God has only never been disproven because the believers don't listen when it is being proven wrong.

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Originally posted by blindfaith101
THE WORD OF GOD has never been disproven. I know of noone including satan,that ever prove THE WORD OF GOD wrong.Every man and women makes the choice about whether they believe or not. You want someone to give you a righteous reason to not believe. CHRIST gave us instructions to preach the truth.To preach THE WORD OF GOD.So it is not me you are rejecting, it is THE WORD OF GOD,you are rejecting
Trust me Blindfaith101,

It is YOU I am rejecting. You are so self-righteous. You remind me of dj2becker (I wouldn't doubt you are the same person). You are like a child having a tantrum

"My God is the only God"

"My God can beat up your God"

You think it adds any more emphasis when you capitialize certain words ("the TRUTH of GOD and I KNOW and YOU DON'T&quot😉? Honestly, how old are you? I stopped submitting to the debate forum simply because YOU and YOUR kind are incapable of having a rational discussion outside of the bible. Let me be exact and clear so you can understand "I am rejecting YOUR interpretation of the word of god because frankly, I find you to be illiterate."

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Originally posted by XanthosNZ
The word of God says that the Earth and the rest of the universe was created out of nothing a couple of thousand years ago.
where does it say this? 😕

(also-i think you mean more than 2000 years ago...)

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Originally posted by Joe Fist
Trust me Blindfaith101,

It is YOU I am rejecting. You are so self-righteous. You remind me of dj2becker (I wouldn't doubt you are the same person). You are like a child having a tantrum

"My God is the only God"

"My God can beat up your God"

You think it adds any more emphasis when you capitialize certain words ("the TRUTH of GOD and I K ...[text shortened]... jecting YOUR interpretation of the word of god because frankly, I find you to be illiterate."
No you reject Christ. Just like in O.T. time when they rejected people like the O.T. Prophets they rejected God. You are lost that is way you think you reject Blindfaith101, but you are really rejecting God.

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I gave Mary the old bone while Joseph was outside making stupid benches.

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Now who's got that bad breath in here ....... ?

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

Now who's got that bad breath in here ....... ?
Hey Ivanhoe. Why can't you talk some sense into these silly preacher boys? They're driving me crazy. Can't you tell them they're wasting their time, to go forth to the masses who will listen? Can't you do anything, Ivanhoe?! Besides just sitting there throwing out one-liners that are as funny as a colostomy bag?!?! Well?! Can YOU?!?!

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Originally posted by RBHILL
No you reject Christ. Just like in O.T. time when they rejected people like the O.T. Prophets they rejected God. You are lost that is way you think you reject Blindfaith101, but you are really rejecting God.
Please....with all due respect, I am fully aware of what I reject and what I don't reject.

I completely reject Blindfaith101's frenzied interpretation of the Bible and his rabid dismissal of every other point of view. I reject anyone, for that matter, who has zero respect for anyone elses beliefs that differs from theirs.

His point of view, and who knows maybe yours as well, is so completely condescending. The bottom line is that NOBODY HAS A FRIGGIN CLUE as to what happens when we die. You like many others find it necessary to cling to some book to get you through your life and I say more power to you. I don't and there are many others who feel the same. The point is at least most civil, rational people have the common decency not to crap on someone else's belief system (or lack of a belief system).

The way I see it then is that you win regardless. You know the WORD and, as you put in your profile, "Someday Heaven". I guess you have intimate knowledge as to who goes to your fantasy land. How un-Christlike are you and Blindfaith101 to condemn other people. Who the %$#$^& made either one of you spokespersons for God?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Wow. Your therapy must be getting along swimmingly.

Well, I just can't take it anymore. All these preacher boys make me want to hurl. And on days like today, I like to vent in my own fashion. You must know what that is like? You must be able to sympathize for a little old sinner like me. Ivan? Do you?

You might as well talk to your shoe then to get anything worthwhile from this "debate".

This is a sham of a debate because they are incapable of debate. THEY put THESE words IN CAPITALS and this is supposed to ADD emphasis to their point. Also I guess it helps to quote something:

"Many people like gin martinis as opposed to vodka ones"

Fist 2:5

See? Now I have convinced you of THE WAY, right?

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Originally posted by darvlay
Wow. Your therapy must be getting along swimmingly.

Well, I just can't take it anymore. All these preacher boys make me want to hurl. And on days like today, I like to vent in my own fashion. You must know what that is like? You must be able to sympathize for a little old sinner like me. Ivan? Do you?

I sympathise with you Darvlay ...... why don't you go and chop some wood ? .... and please make sure your bag doesn't leak ...... 😛

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Originally posted by ivanhoe

I sympathise with you Darvlay ...... why don't you go and chop some wood ? .... and please make sure your bag doesn't leak ...... 😛

Like I said before, I'm not the carpenter -- I just bone his wife.

Cheers Ivanhoe, you old dog.

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Originally posted by darvlay
Like I said before, I'm not the carpenter -- I just bone his wife.

Cheers Ivanhoe, you old dog.

.... you naughty little puppy you .......

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