This is my first post on the forums here. I've been reading through this lengthy thread and find some humorous comments, some informed opinions, and some negative responses.
Personally, I think it's good to have open discussions about whatever topic we choose.
I think that one of our main problems is that the Orwellian future is already here and has been for many years. We are the proles. Our opinions carry almost no weight. The bulk of modern society all around the globe is part of a larger play to keep the powerful in power and the rest of us under wraps. The general public is fed BS, beer, boxing, football, and anything else that will keep our minds occupied with the day to day requirements of living the life that has been sculpted for us. Throw in manipulation of the economy and jobs and most of us are pretty well held in place at the edge of financial ruin.
I hope that more individuals will continue to step forward and challenge the established norm. There is a small chance that given enough time, a more respectful form of people management will come into existence. It is more likely that those people that speak with the clearest voices will be drowned out by the screaming soccer fans, and while we are distracted by the wrestling action the "police" will allow tragedy to strike those that speak with the greatest clarity.
Lets keep the discussion going. There are a few voices of reason that pop up and leave behind a few gems for us to ponder.
It is inevitable that most of our opinions come from being too focused in singular points and not focused enough on the larger picture. This is one of the ways that we are managed in mass. Any piece of information can be interpretted in whatever way makes each of us look right and everyone else look wrong. Keep an open mind. It is likely that most of our opinions are wrong. At least historically, that seems to be the case.
Happy debating.