Originally posted by RBHILLA ghost writer 🙂
The meaning of this # has been discussed more than that of any other part of the book of Rev. The 3 sixes have been said to represent many things, including the # of man or the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false prophet (16:13). If the # 7 is considered to be the perect # in the Bible, and if 3 sevens represent complete prefection, ...[text shortened]... insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Originally posted by RBHILLSo...
The meaning of this # has been discussed more than that of any other part of the book of Rev. The 3 sixes have been said to represent many things, including the # of man or the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false p ...[text shortened]... number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
There is no upcoming judgement day? If Christ has "already won," then Revelations has no application to our lives and our futures. Is that what you're saying?
Originally posted by RBHILL"woe to thee oh earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows hte time is short. let him who hath understanding recon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. it's number is six-hundred-and-sixty-six"
The meaning of this # has been discussed more than that of any other part of the book of Rev. The 3 sixes have been said to represent many things, including the # of man or the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false prophet (16:13). If the # 7 is considered to be the perect # in the Bible, and if 3 sevens represent complete prefection, ...[text shortened]... insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
(and i'm not sure if it's "eatch and sea" or "earth and sky"😉
as to what it means, i'm don't really know. 777 could be the hold trinity?
and no, God has not already won-read revelations. tis confusing...and i can't remeber the bit i'm trying to remember. something about a lady (methaphor for the church, if i'm thinking properly) being chased by the beast. so the chuch was under attack from it. but the lady climed a rock and the best fell down a chasm. or something...i forget 😛
Originally posted by RBHILLHi RBHill,
The meaning of this # has been discussed more than that of any other part of the book of Rev. The 3 sixes have been said to represent many things, including the # of man or the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false prophet (16:13). If the # 7 is considered to be the perect # in the Bible, and if 3 sevens represent complete prefection, ...[text shortened]... insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
Thanks to you and everyone else who contributed thus far.
So, some think it's 999, some think it's 666, whilst others think it may be 616...interesting.
Even more interesting why 7 is thought of as a magical number, and even as the number of perfect man.
As a matter of interest RBHill, did you know that many serious occultists (not to be confused with black magicians) would agree with you. However the reasoning is that man is a septenary being (seven principles that unite to form a potentially perfect human being).
According to this philosophy, the 7th principle is the highest abstract, and is essentially the 'God' essence inherent in every human being.
Hence - if you subscribed to this particular school of thought - a human with the number 666 is the number of a human (mind, body spirit) but devoid of the 7th principle.
This isn't an invitation to argue one theory against another, it's just information that may, or may not contribute to your own thoughts on these things.
Changing the subject slightly, isn't it interesting how numerology - or numbers - seem to play an important part in holy writings.
What about Noah's Ark, and all the dimensions...why on earth would they want to describe every dimension of this 'vessel'?
Warm regards to all.
Originally posted by MeesyThere are no doubt many reasons, but there is a somewhat intersting 'magician' reason I'll throw in first.
Even more interesting why 7 is thought of as a magical number...
"Pick a number between 1 and 10"... Heard it? Its common. We've ten fingers, so ten was the most common choice for the magician to ask (you could show an audience your number without a microphone, and even without translation. Magicians, a clever bunch).
Now comes the odd bit. People tend to pick 7. Why? Well, they avoid limits (1 or 10) and the middle (5), as these are all "too easy" for some odd reason. They tend to go higher rather than lower, so opt for the 6,7,8 bunch out of habit (who knows why. Humans tend to high-ground when threatened as an instictive response, but that may not be the reason. They just do). And then equally oddly, we tend to avoid even numbers (does dividing by two make it easier to guess? Who can say: certainly, in encryption terms, factorials are the desired numbers, but that is a tad obscure for human instict, or is it?), and so go for 7. Three is the next most commonly picked number.
Originally posted by FeivelHeh, I'm sure it was on his pyjamas.
Where did you get the idea about the jesus monogram? Was that on his shirt pocket?
No, the monogram IHS. No idea who came up with it or when, but it's often above the gates of churchyards in stone.
And I don't know ehere I heard about it being turned upside down and looking like hebrew letters.
Originally posted by RBHILLThat is one of the most interesting posts I've ever read on here. I LOVE that last quote. I've read about half of the Bible and I love the way the writers describe evilness in such a dramatic way. They make anything evil sound so......... evil lol. Maybe that's not what most are supposed to take from the Bible but I was only reading it for the stories anyway.
The meaning of this # has been discussed more than that of any other part of the book of Rev. The 3 sixes have been said to represent many things, including the # of man or the unholy trinity of Satan, the first beast, and the false prophet (16:13). If the # 7 is considered to be the perect # in the Bible, and if 3 sevens represent complete prefection, ...[text shortened]... insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.
I seem to remember reading that, although the bible now has 666, that some theorize that it originally read 1666. 1666, or more clearly MDCLXI, is a euphamism for the Roman Empire; that is the author of Revelation (Apocalypse) was using a metaphor to point at the Roman Empire as epitomising "The Beast" so to speak.