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666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?

666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?


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7 is god's number because you have a higher chance of throwing a 7 with two dice than any other number (1 out of 6 chance). So we see that Einstein was wrong, god does play dice.

That's my theory. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories that have been posted here, don't you think?

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Originally posted by rwingett
7 is god's number because you have a higher chance of throwing a 7 with two dice than any other number (1 out of 6 chance). So we see that Einstein was wrong, god does play dice.

That's my theory. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories that have been posted here, don't you think?
Seven is a sacred number in lots of religious traditions.

Anachronisticaly, Christians often like to say that the origin of 7 being a divine number is because it is 3+4. Three obviously refers to the principal members of the Trinity (i.e., Father, Son, and Spirit) and four refers to the ubiquity of 4s in the secular world (four seasons, four cardinal directions, etc.). It's nice imagery and leads to all sorts of neat theological/numerological tricks, but it's not historically true.

The Jews utilized lots of numerological symbolism in their writings, both Scriptural and supplemental. Threes, fives, and sevens are often emphasized (and, too, various combinations thereof, such as 3*7=21, or 3*4=12).

I'm sure people with greater knowledge than I will be able to talk about 7s in other traditions. I don't think it has to do with dice; before dice were all sorts of games of chance which involved the number two (like the faces of a coin). Two would be more divine, since things are so very obviously in pairs (male-female, night-day).


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Some texts refer to the number of the beast as being 666 and others as 616.

It was mentioned here that it has to do with the letters in ancient times were also used as numbers. When translating "Nero Caesar" from Greek into Hebrew, it comes up as 666. The numerical equivalent of "Nero Caesar" from Latin to Hebrew is 616.

The numerical equivalent of "Jesus" in Greek is 888.

Of course it has been discussed that the number 6 stands for imperfection or incompleteness, the number 7 for perfection and completeness, and the number 8 for absolute perfection, or an abundance of fullness.

It does seem that most of revelation applies to ancient Rome, so it is fitting that Nero Caesar was the beast described. The passage does state that "it is the number of a man".

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Originally posted by rwingett
7 is god's number because you have a higher chance of throwing a 7 with two dice than any other number (1 out of 6 chance). So we see that Einstein was wrong, god does play dice.

That's my theory. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories that have been posted here, don't you think?
"That's my theory. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories that have been posted here, don't you think?"

Rwingett, this is just the kind of contribution I was hoping NOT to get...

How has this contributed to the discussion in any way?



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Originally posted by rwingett
7 is god's number because you have a higher chance of throwing a 7 with two dice than any other number (1 out of 6 chance). So we see that Einstein was wrong, god does play dice.

That's my theory. I just thought of it on the spur of the moment. It makes about as much sense as all the other theories that have been posted here, don't you think?
Surely God would be throwing 7 dice though!
Making the number thrown most a lot higher (can't work out what it is though)

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666 is simply the number prophecised in Revelation. Had the number been 345 it would have had the same effect.

666 happens to coincide with the barcode used all over the world today. The inventor of the barcode accepted the simularity, but denied any purposefull attempt to create this number.

The biblical prophecy coinciding with monetary trade makes the case even stronger that indeed the barcode is the sign of the devil.

This is one prophecy I would love not to believe.

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Originally posted by pcaspian
666 is simply the number prophecised in Revelation. Had the number been 345 it would have had the same effect.

666 happens to coincide with the barcode used all over the world today. The inventor of the barcode accepted the simularity, but denied any purposefull attempt to create this number.

The biblical prophecy coinciding with monetary trade make ...[text shortened]... eed the barcode is the sign of the devil.

This is one prophecy I would love not to believe.
Why do you think it's the barcode? I have heard many theories as to what the mark is but nothing that made much sense to me. I mean it is certainly made clear that whatever the mark is, it is something you dare not accept. Now that leads to a different question. Did the bible tell us what the mark is or did god play a cruel joke by telling us not to get it but not telling us what not to get.


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7 is god's number because it rhymes with "Heaven" - his/her favourite night club

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Originally posted by Feivel
Why do you think it's the barcode? I have heard many theories as to what the mark is but nothing that made much sense to me. I mean it is certainly made clear that whatever the mark is, it is something you dare not accept. Now that leads to a different question. Did the bible tell us what the mark is or did god play a cruel joke by telling us not to get it but not telling us what not to get.


Quote the prophecy carefully. Then do some research into the inventor of the barcode. He has his own webpage, but refuses to answer any more questions about how he came about to choose the numbers.

The only way I could believe this not to be part of the prophecy would be if this person purposefully did this to fulfill the prophecy, yet he claims it is by chance.


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Originally posted by pcaspian
Originally posted by Feivel
[b]Why do you think it's the barcode? I have heard many theories as to what the mark is but nothing that made much sense to me. I mean it is certainly made clear that whatever the mark is, it is something you dare not accept. Now that leads to a different question. Did the bible tell us what the mark is or did god play a ...[text shortened]... s person purposefully did this to fulfill the prophecy, yet he claims it is by chance.

Ok but what you are saying is opinion. i have heard the school of thought that the mark is the barcode, credit cards, a tatoo, etc... That is fine but what I would like is a more thorough look into what the bible says is the mark. If god isn't playing a cruel trick on everyone, the answer is in the bible somewhere.


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A lot of these points have already been made, for which apologies, but here is my take:
When St. John was writing Revelations, the main language of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire was Greek (and had been since the time of Alexander the Great). Ancient Greek used letters to represent numerals (for instance an alpha with a dash = 1, beta with a dash = 2 etc.).
In the manuscripts of Revelations there is disagreement over "the number of the beast". This is predictable because numbers in Greek manuscripts were very frequently copied incorrectly by scribes and there is no way for us to tell what was the original version: to give a modern example it is easy to correct the text "He drank the bear quickly" but I have in the past scrawled a phoned number down and later dialled a zero instead of a six.
Revelations very definitely contains anti-Roman sentiment and Nero (emperor 54-68) was a natural target as well as a contemporary one (Revelations ch.1 makes it clear that John was expecting the fulfilment of this prophecy "soon&quot😉. The Roman historian Tacitus (writing around 100) says that Nero used the Christians as scapegoats following the great fire of Rome in 64. When you add up the letters in Neron Kaisar (the Greek version of his name) you get (I must check this in the morning) 607. In my opinion that is close enough to make it at least plausible Nero was meant.
Coming at this from a classical rather than theological angle, it is tempting to see the beast with "7 heads" mentioned in chapter 13 as the city of Rome itself (which was built on 7 hills). However as many have already pointed out, 7 is a significant and very common number in religious and mystical contexts. A quick glance just at the next couple of chapters throws up 7 angels with 7 plagues being given 7 golden bowls, so I won't press the seven headed beast as Rome idea.
Hope some of this was of interest 😉 By the way Revelations is well worth reading whether you are Christian or not: it really was quite some vision John was having!

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I would like some info on the barcode connection if someone can provide it. How do they use the number 6?
Revelations is clear that the mark is to do with trade. The beast "forced everyone.....to receive a mark on his right hand or forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark."

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Originally posted by Matt Hortin
I would like some info on the barcode connection if someone can provide it. How do they use the number 6?
Revelations is clear that the mark is to do with trade. The beast "forced everyone.....to receive a mark on his right hand or forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark."
Does that mean we are to have a barcode tatoo on our right hand and forehead? Does the bible tell us anything about the mark of god? Maybe if we know the mark of god that will point us in the right direction to find the mark of the beast.


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I have heard it said that a barcode tattoo which could be scanned when buying something is the logical fulfilment of this. Of course you have to accept the barcode = mark of the beast equation first. I'm still hoping for some details on how barcode numbers fit with 666 (which as I've said shouldn't be relied upon as the number originally written by John.
As far as the mark of god goes, I'm no biblical scholar, but this might be of interest: it is the very next verse after "His number is ???".

"Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him the 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads." This was a mark of redemption.

I'm sure this idea of names on foreheads reminds me of something else. A mythical creature? A film? Can anyone jog my memory where I might have come across it?

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Originally posted by Matt Hortin
I have heard it said that a barcode tattoo which could be scanned when buying something is the logical fulfilment of this. Of course you have to accept the barcode = mark of the beast equation first. I'm still hoping for some details ...[text shortened]... film? Can anyone jog my memory where I might have come across it?
I can perhaps point you to the right area. What does the old testament (Deuteronomy 6) say will be on the right hands and foreheads (minds)? Be specific please.


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