Hi meesy, The mark of the beast I'm sure you know by now is taken from "revelations" a book from The Book. It will be a mark that will be placed on a right hand or on a forehead. I have heard some that have read and studied about the matter say that it MAY be a tatoo or a barcode that may not be recognized as the number 666.
your friend(puppeteer)
If you believe that Jesus died for all your sins, then you don't have to worry about "judgement", becuase Jesus was judged in our place on the cross. Remember friend, He was sinnless, but He became sin on the cross for us(I Corinthians 5:21). He loves us(John 3:16)!
Would you simply trust Him?
No decision is a decision. Can you imagine not making a decision at your wedding ceremony? Your fiance would feel rejected.
Please make a decision, please trust Him alone to take you to heaven. Ephesians 2:8,9
Originally posted by PuppeteerHow are you this evening Billy?
If you believe that Jesus died for all your sins, then you don't have to worry about "judgement", becuase Jesus was judged in our place on the cross. Remember friend, He was sinnless, but He became sin on the cross for us(I Corinthians 5:21). He loves us(John 3:16)!
Would you simply trust Him?
No decision is a decision. Can you imagine not makin ...[text shortened]... cted.
Please make a decision, please trust Him alone to take you to heaven. Ephesians 2:8,9
Originally posted by Feivel
I can perhaps point you to the right area. What does the old testament (Deuteronomy 6) say will be on the right hands and foreheads (minds)? Be specific please.
And why does that shock you ? It is clearly the mark that God put on man's body to identify them as belonging to God. Does it surprise you that the Devil intends to mock God ?
Rev 6 vs 17 "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. "
Tell me Feivel, do you not find it ironic that the author enters this 'buy or sell' clause into the text ? How odd really.
http://www.laurerupc.com/ -> Inventor of the barcode.
Go to frequently asked questions, then question 6/7 I think. The inventor will explain it all.
Originally posted by pcaspianWhy does it shock me? What gives you the idea that I was shocked? now as to the mark of the beast, is it in any way "related" (as in opposite) the marl of god? If it is, the mark of god is clearly spelled out in the two passages I cited and in numerous other old testament references. A barcode is an interesting concept but not one I can personally reconcile with the bible.
Originally posted by Feivel
[b]I can perhaps point you to the right area. What does the old testament (Deuteronomy 6) say will be on the right hands and foreheads (minds)? Be specific please.
And why does that shock you ? It is clearly the mark that God put on man's body to identify them as belonging to God. Does it surprise you th ...[text shortened]... questions, then question 6/7 I think. The inventor will explain it all.
Originally posted by PuppeteerIt will be recognizable because if you don't take the mark you will be murdered.
The bible says that it will be a number that is used for buying and selling in the vesre before(revelation 13:17). I'm thinking it will not be recognizeable because the antichrist wants to decieve and control. That's why I'm led to believe it's probably a u.p.c. code.