Immunity From Timeout While On Vacation

Immunity From Timeout While On Vacation



23 Oct 05
01 Sep 06

Originally posted by IM14u2NV
Yes 1186
No 532
So, it's clear.... let's wrap this up and move on to the new system

20 Feb 02
01 Sep 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
I think there are plenty of non-paying players here who contribute. Have you never played against a non subscriber - were they not contributing their time and effort?

This vacation immunity thing could only make sense in tournaments.
It should never be available for games [b]between
non-subscribers, in my opinion.[/b]
No they are free loading, I don't mean it in a bad way but it is true. RHP is a business not a state funded service or charity. It makes perfect sense that the first priority is to keep the paying customers happy so they continue to fund the site. It also makes sense to keep the very good players happy, and many of those like Dave Tebb seem strongly in favour of a vacation allowance.

The only reason I can see to continually allow not paying customers to use a service is if you can make money in another way out of them - such as advertising. If not the admins are just emptying their pockets for your enjoyment, and thats contributing a lot more than time and effort. Its quite funny how many non-subscribers just see the the free games, forums, and social benefits of RHP as a free service.

If you like it here why not pay?



22 Aug 05
02 Sep 06
1 edit

Originally posted by latex bishop
No they are free loading, I don't mean it in a bad way but it is true. RHP is a business not a state funded service or charity. It makes perfect sense that the first priority is to keep the paying customers happy so they continue to fund the site. It also makes sense to keep the very good players happy, and many of those like Dave Tebb seem strongly in ...[text shortened]... ms, and social benefits of RHP as a free service.

If you like it here why not pay?

Put it like this;
Why should I pay the same as you when I only play a few games at a time - no wish to enter tournaments etc etc etc. We have ads which contribute to our upkeep.
If I had to subscribe at every site I used [chess or non chess] I'd soon be skint.
You probably only use the internet for chess so it maybe makes sense for you to subscribe.

I don't begrudge you your extras......🙄

Don't you consider Gatecrasher to be a very a good player?

Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
02 Sep 06

I proudly voted No. Closing in on two years and 800 games and I have yet to be timed out. It's called organization.

The timebank is there to cater for vacations. If you are playing 3/7 you are saying that you will not have breaks exceeding 10 days in the conceivable future and that the majority of the time you will be playing every 3 days (otherwise your timebank will be depleted). I appreciate that sometimes things happen and if you put up a vacation message with a return date and some kind of reason I'll leave the skull (doesn't help in tournaments though) but this shouldn't be required of me. You are exceeding the agreed upon time limits and it should be my choice to let you do so without penalty.

Gatecrasher has in the past come up with a good system whereby timebank would increase when you play quickly (by a fraction of remaining timeout time). Back when he suggested it I agreed and I still do.

Making a vacation sign immunity from timeouts is not the answer.

Mystic Meg

27 Mar 03
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by XanthosNZ
I proudly voted No. Closing in on two years and 800 games and I have yet to be timed out. It's called organization.

The timebank is there to cater for vacations. If you are playing 3/7 you are saying that you will not have breaks exceeding 10 days in the conceivable future and that the majority of the time you will be playing every 3 days (otherwise yo ...[text shortened]... I agreed and I still do.

Making a vacation sign immunity from timeouts is not the answer.
I agree 100 percent, but would like to pass a message for Dave Tebb.

"If only there had been vacation immunity. Ok, the tournament would take slightly longer to complete. But at least the eventual winner would be determined by merit, rather than their ability to avoid time-outs.

These words do ring some with me, but I also do like the idea of Gate's idea of gaining a percentage of remaining time per move. I believe it should be a very small percentage, and there should be a cap. I don't want to start a 7day game and see somone has 45 days to move because we banged through an open while I was posting insightful messages like this one.


Cancerous Bus Crash


06 Sep 04
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by Phlabibit
I agree 100 percent, but would like to pass a message for Dave Tebb.

"If only there had been vacation immunity. Ok, the tournament would take slightly longer to complete. But at least the eventual winner would be determined by merit, rather than their ability to avoid time-outs.

These words do ring some with me, but I also do like the idea of ...[text shortened]... ecause we banged through an open while I was posting insightful messages like this one.

Thread 38806

For anyone else wondering about Gatecrasher's suggestion.


02 Feb 06
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by XanthosNZ
I proudly voted No. Closing in on two years and 800 games and I have yet to be timed out. It's called organization.

The timebank is there to cater for vacations. If you are playing 3/7 you are saying that you will not have breaks exceeding 10 days in the conceivable future and that the majority of the time you will be playing every 3 days (otherwise yo ...[text shortened]... I agreed and I still do.

Making a vacation sign immunity from timeouts is not the answer.
Yeah, I'm pretty much in agreement here. My idea is that if we HAVE to have this new vacation immunity then it should prevent player's from moving in ANY games with it on, and force them to wait 3-4 days to turn it back off so as to prevent stalling issues (which regularly occur on RHP).

20 Feb 02
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
Put it like this;
Why should I pay the same as you when I only play a few games at a time - no wish to enter tournaments etc etc etc. We have ads which contribute to our upkeep.
If I had to subscribe at every site I used [chess or non chess] I'd soon be skint.
You probably only use the internet for chess so it maybe makes sense for you to subscri ...[text shortened]... your

Don't you consider Gatecrasher to be a very a good player?[/b]
I played at a few sites and then payed at the one I liked the best. If enough people don't pay then there is no RHP, or for those who do pay it will just cost them more as they are subserdising those who do not.

Its not a big beef and I am not having a go. Its up to Russ really, but there are more than a few people on this site who pay nothing and moan the most. I know this is not you 🙂


Yes I do, and he seems a top bloke too.

If Theres Hell Below

We're All Gonna Go!

10 Sep 05
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by latex bishop
If you like it here why not pay?
quote from the RHP front page:

"Playing online chess at Red Hot Pawn

Play online correspondence chess through a feature-rich, browser interface against your friends or other members. No downloads are required to play online chess, and it is completely free to sign up and play."

20 Feb 02
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by wormwood
quote from the RHP front page:

"Playing online chess at Red Hot Pawn

Play online correspondence chess through a feature-rich, browser interface against your friends or other members. No downloads are required to play online chess, [b]and it is completely free to sign up and play.
nothing is really free apart from air and the like, someone always has to pay. You are being charged no cost, that does not mean one does not exist

Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
02 Sep 06
2 edits

Personally I think this idea stinks!

Not being able to time out a game on vacation…how lame. I have watched people put up their sign and continue to post and move in games which makes me angry and upset.
I like the idea that it is your opponents choice whether or not to take the bones if your sign is on, and I personally hate the idea that it may be forced upon me to do anything.

I say that if we are going to do this, time outs must be automatic.

This is just another way for some dumb person to take on a bunch of 3 day timeout games two weeks before they go on vacation. I think there should be an option for me to accept a game or delete a game that would impose such passive aggressive cry babying.

This whole thing sickens me.

I certainly hope that if the new system is in place that if the person taking vacation with a seven day option that if they don't move on day eight, all of their games will automatically time out if there is nothing left on their games timebanks.


Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
02 Sep 06

Now that I have thought about it more, why on earth would some one take on a game with less than a seven day time out with time bank if they know they will be taking a vacation ever? Even a 3 day time out game can take months to finish! This whole thing is a waste of time. I say to anyone who is crying about being timed out, quit yer crying, don’t accept or challenge any games you may not be able to move in for what ever reason, and quit putting the responsibility on others when the problem lies with you. If you want a reliable game that you wont lose because of your failure to look ahead and plan go to uchess, yahoo chess, or whatever and just take a block out of yer day and play a game from start to finish and don’t waste my time.



22 Aug 05
02 Sep 06

Another problem is, when someone is on vacation and they find some cybercafe, will they be able to make a few moves and then go back on vacation?
How often - whats the minimum time for a vacation - why not a shorter time - why not longer?
Seems there are 101 conditions needed to be catered for.

Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
02 Sep 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
Another problem is, when someone is on vacation and they find some cybercafe, will they be able to make a few moves and then go back on vacation?
How often - whats the minimum time for a vacation - why not a shorter time - why not longer?
Seems there are 101 conditions needed to be catered for.
The vacation should only be effective for the lowest time out you have in your game page. This has to be fair for the person that is affected by someone elses failure to plan ahead too.

I don't know about anyone else but I will take on games with shorter time periods because I want the games to move along, if I wanted a game to take years to play I would only play long time outs. This is specifically why we have a choice of time when making challenges and accepting them.


Track drifter ®

Hoopnholler, MN

28 Feb 05
02 Sep 06

Originally posted by sevenstar
So, it's clear.... let's wrap this up and move on to the new system
No it's not clear, I aint done yet. Most people I am sure voted out of ignorance.

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