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Rudeness and over population

Rudeness and over population



@a-unique-nickname said
No, i genuinely want to decrease the world's population, people are annoying and they destroy everything they touch.

Littering will also be added to the list.
Littering will also be added to the list.



@a-unique-nickname said
2.1 is simply replacement, not a growing population. Once we get the population down to a more manageable number i completely agree 2.1 kids on average is the way forward. But to prevent issues from an aging population drastic action needs to be taken.
2.1 is simply replacement, not a growing population.

I am not aware of anyone supporting the idea of "a growing population" on this thread - or indeed anyone I've interacted with in recent years.


@a-unique-nickname said
2.1 is simply replacement, not a growing population. Once we get the population down to a more manageable number i completely agree 2.1 kids on average is the way forward. But to prevent issues from an aging population drastic action needs to be taken.
Once we get the population down to a more manageable number i completely agree 2.1 kids on average is the way forward.

The population is "down to a more manageable number" as long as the fertility rate is 2.1 children per woman, regardless of the number.

If you have a rate that is significantly lower than the population replacement rate, then that melon-scoop taken out of the country's population profile is going to be disastrous when people of a certain age are lacking in numbers and there are not enough taxpayers and consumers in the economy.


The population is currently over 8 billion people (unofficially but accurate), that is not a manageable number. Quite the opposite.


@a-unique-nickname said
The population is currently over 8 billion people (unofficially but accurate), that is not a manageable number. Quite the opposite.
8 billion people is not a manageable number

I think it is. I think 10 billion will be entirely manageable. The challenge will be how to mitigate and then block rich powerful nations from siphoning off and hoarding obscene proportions of the energy, the food, the water, and the resources that are available and which their compliant corporate-neo-colonial national clients enable them to do.

You can prattle on all you like about killing smokers, queue-jumpers and litterbugs if you think that's the key to it.



This sounds like The Cousin of The Handmaid's Tale.



@fmf said
This sounds like The Cousin of The Handmaid's Tale.
Or the slippery slope of eugenics.

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You want to give elected officials or bureaucrats the final say on who has children... or farm it out to the private sector? 🙂


What would you do to parents who proceeded to have children without a licence?

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So you would propose to prevent people who have committed burglary, physical attacks, and/or caused criminal damage from procreating?


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