12 Feb 23
@a-unique-nickname saidHitting the guy in front of you in the calves with your Zimmer frame: I've got you on my list.
The aging population often have issues with rudeness and is the ideal solution. We don't need more people to look after the elderly, we need less elderly.
Blocking the entire aisle because you can't be bothered to turn your mobility scooter straight: you're also on the list.
Complaining about Millennials: none of you Boomers will be missed.
12 Feb 23
@fmf saidCould you give an example of any European nation or America hoarding obscene amounts of food or water from say Africa. Europe and America are net exporters of food and don't import water. As for energy we are stopping developing nations from using the cheap natural resources they have (thus stopping their advancement) in our efforts to make the sun colder.
8 billion people is not a manageable number
The challenge will be how to mitigate and then block rich powerful nations from siphoning off and hoarding obscene proportions of the energy, the food, the water, and the resources that are available and which their compliant corporate-neo-colonial national clients enable them to do.
You can prattle on all you like about killing smokers, queue-jumpers and litterbugs if you think that's the key to it.
If you mean China when referring to a rich powerful nation you may have a point. Good luck in mitigating them.
12 Feb 23
@the-gravedigger saidMultinational conglomerates across southeast Asia ~ and no doubt elsewhere in the developing world - polluting rivers [and impoverishing local people downstream] with their mining and logging operations.
Could you give an example of any European nation or America hoarding obscene amounts of food or water from say Africa.
Japanese, Korean, and European agroindustry conglomerates scooping up fertile land and commandeering [and diverting] local water supplies to set up plantations and monoculture [all for export back to rich countries], depriving local people of water and often devastating the land on which they could be growing food.
Rich world industrial-scale operations in the developing world ~ intent on securing the food security of first-world countries, and with the bought-and-paid-for local elites ~ more often than not threaten local food security and local access to water and the best arable land. Stuff like that.
@the-gravedigger saidTurkey conspires with Israel to divert its water away from [poor] Arab settlements and Arab arable land on the West Bank so that Israel and Israeli settlements get to use it. Just another example.
Could you give an example of any European nation or America hoarding obscene amounts of food or water from say Africa.
@fmf saidAll these conglomerates have to obey the laws of the country they are operating in.
Multinational conglomerates across southeast Asia ~ and no doubt elsewhere in the developing world - polluting rivers [and impoverishing local people downstream] with their mining and logging operations.
Japanese, Korean, and European agroindustry conglomerates scooping up fertile land and commandeering [and diverting] local water supplies to set up plantations and monocultur ...[text shortened]... ot threaten local food security and local access to water and the best arable land. Stuff like that.
Also they have to have local and national permits to operate. These can be revoked at any time.
12 Feb 23
@fmf saidI don't consider Israel a part of the USA or Europe. Anyway thats covert warfare and will never be sorted out.
Turkey conspires with Israel to divert its water away from [poor] Arab settlements and Arab arable land on the West Bank so that Israel and Israeli settlements get to use it. Just another example.