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RHP against the Fritz 9 master.

RHP against the Fritz 9 master.

Only Chess

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Voting has now ended and the move , 11.0-0 will be submitted to CHESS . Please wait for up to 30 minutes to receive a reply.

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Originally posted by MikeXx2020
why castle when we can do Qd2 then 0-0-0?
We can do numerous things that are playable, but I think castling directly is the best and most consequent. Why castle queenside if we are missing the c-pawn? that would surely give him the opportunity to start an offensive.

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Originally posted by SicilianNajdorf
Voting has now ended and the move , 11.0-0 will be submitted to CHESS . Please wait for up to 30 minutes to receive a reply.
Is there a black move yet, SicilianNajdorf or do you have problems with the program again?


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Yes , SeVeS , the program wasn't working against so this time I reinstalled the BIOS and MS DOS and the Norton Commander , if the problem ever happens again (which hopefully won't any more) , then our voting time will be extended by a day , now it is not .
CHESS made reply to the move , 11.0-0 by playing 11...b5 !
We must watch out as our bishop is attacked .
12. Bd3 Bc5 13. dxc5 Qxd3 14 . Qxd3 Rxd3 , CHESS severely analysed this line .
Game History :
1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6
3. Nf3 Bg4
4. cxd5 Bxf3
5. dxc6 Bxc6
6. Nc3 Nf6
7. f3 e6
8. e4 Qd7
9. Be3 Rd8
10. Bc4 Be7
11. 0-0 b5

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hmmmm 11. e5 isn't looking so bad now to me, but thats just me,........

I'm just saying............

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Bb3 (1)

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1 for 12.Bb3
9 hours + 15 minutes remaining before the move , 12.Bb3 is submitted to CHESS.

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12. e5 weakens the d5 square and could provide black with an outpost for his knight. 12. Bd3 seems the most logical. As stated by schakuhr we can reply with:

11. ... b5 12. Bb3 b4 13. Ne2 and 14. Rc1 with some pressure on his bishop there.

And we look fine.

So 12. Bb3 (3)


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12. Bb3

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I am sorry for the delay , but Russ should be sorry for that , anyway , our time will again not be extended becuase it is only 2 hours of loss.
The move , 12.Bb3 will be submitted to CHESS . Please wait for up to 30 minutes to recieve a reply.

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And also , CHESS took 12 minues + 05 seconds on playing the move , 11...b5 . Just so that you know.

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CHESS may take a while to think on this one.

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CHESS has made his move . From now on I will post all info. in a systematic way.
Response : 12...a5
Previous Move : 12. Bb3
Time taken for CHESS's move : 20 minutes + 26 seconds.
Our Time Left : 21 hours + 10 minutes
Game History :
1. d4 d5
2. c4 Nc6
3. Nf3 Bg4
4. cxd5 Bxf3
5. dxc6 Bxc6
6. Nc3 Nf6
7. f3 e6
8. e4 Qd7
9. Be3 Rd8
10. Bc4 Be7
11. 0-0 b5
12. Bb3 a5

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