Evolution Q & A

Evolution Q & A


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Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@pettytalk said
I wasn't aware that knowledge was represented by an apple. I have heard about the apples in the Garden of the Hesperides, but there is no specific mention of apples in the Garden of Eden.

Are there Biblical literalists who actually believe that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil produces an actual fruit that can be consumed as food?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
1 edit

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Evidence based. That is the glaring difference.
Everything in the universe is evidence there isn't science's Atheistic evidence and another set of Theistic creation evidence! This is why the truth of the matter is not bound to only one side of any discussion worldviews in either Atheism or Theism, both worldviews deal with truth. They are worldviews that simply look at the same universe and everything in it from two different starting points. What reflects reality as it is truly is it will be true no matter what the other worldview says.

14 Mar 15

@kellyjay said
You favour symbolism over evidence?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@ghost-of-a-duke said
You favour symbolism over evidence?
You are clueless


16 Feb 08

@kellyjay said
You are clueless
And yet you are the person who believes in literal:
- Talking serpents
- trees bearing fruit which can kill
- trees bearing fruit which can give eternal life
- the earth is only 6,000 years old
- there is a pit of burning sulfur and brimstone into which billions of non Christians will be eternally tortured by an overseeing Jesus
- etc etc

14 Jan 19

@kellyjay said
Nope, God requires nothing He created man because it was His pleasure to do so. It is a wonder why God does the things He does to us. He is a Being without need, His love is everlasting, and there is no limit to His knowledge, power, or scope, the universe cannot contain Him. So His plans are His own, and our greatest accomplishment is to be like Him, there is no higher st ...[text shortened]... the dark and relativism so we can make up things as we go instead of seeing reality for what it is.
How would you know all those things you say about God?

Has God told you the specific reason why he created man? It's possible that He merely wanted a gardener to tend his Garden of Eden? "And the LORD God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." And therefore in this case it was for the pleasure He has for His garden.

And if God wants man to be like him, do mean in every respect? All that God is we are to be? And does this God's everlasting love want every man to be as he is, or just some?

You say God is Holy, but what makes God Holy? You are saying that the greatest accomplishment for man is to be like God, Holy. But at the same time you are saying that his nature of holiness is too foreign for us to know. How in hell are we to become something we know not what it is? That's you meaning of foreign, not known.

Do you argue with others to reinforce your beliefs, or to clear your doubts? Is Solomon considered holy? He was born from a sinful act of adulterous sexual lust. Moreover, is it written from whose seed the promised Messiah will come. Don't you say that all of mankind is sinful because we are all tainted with the original 'sin'? If we bear the sins of our forefathers, Jesus has a double dose of it, through the line of David.

Do you take everything in the Bible as being literal? Have you ever put any personal thought in the music/songs mentioned in the Bible? The Song of Songs?

The Song of Solomon contains beautiful and sensuous descriptions of love and sexual desire. Just a few lines here. But tell me, is it literal? God's Word?

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—
for your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the young women love you!
Take me away with you—let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@pettytalk said
How would you know all those things you say about God?

Has God told you the specific reason why he created man? It's possible that He merely wanted a gardener to tend his Garden of Eden? "And the LORD God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." And therefore in this case it was for the pleasure He has for His garden.

And if ...[text shortened]... hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.

Anything that we know about God comes by revelation from Him to us, if we make it up than we are the source.

Those that believe that they can look at the universe and know and understand it while rejecting God are taking a leap of faith.

Denying God is to suggest everything came into being without God. Therefore all that is between their ears is a product of mindlessness, deciphering the product of mindlessness, claiming that they can produce a factual hypotheses that can explain all the meaninglessness.

God wants to conform us into the image of His Son, while we are trying to create God and form Him into our image. We like the idea of a tame God who reacts and behaves as we want Him to. A holy righteous God who only does what He wants is scary! The guilty see Him causing strife and passing out punishment, while when we accept His grace no matter what life throws at us, we see His love here and have faith for the future.


16 Feb 08

@pettytalk said
How would you know all those things you say about God?
What is your relationship with God, are you a Christian?


31 May 12

@kellyjay said
Evolution is a statement of belief relating to a common ancestor, as is asserting Abiogenesis is true too, you can base your arguments or opinions on what you call facts, but your conclusions are not a facts.
It is not a fact that man is fallen.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@moonbus said
It is not a fact that man is fallen.
From your point of view the natural state of man is that he steals, robs, murders, rapes, lies, and all of these things are just what man does with some worse than others. The fact these things occur is only because that is just the way it is, nothing to see here, but that isn't how it should be, and a "should be" is something man cannot create for himself, you are simply avoiding accountability looking for any excuse to avoid looking at righteousness and man at the same time.


15 Jun 10

@kellyjay said
From your point of view the natural state of man is that he steals, robs, murders, rapes, lies, and all of these things are just what man does with some worse than others. The fact these things occur is only because that is just the way it is, nothing to see here, but that isn't how it should be, and a "should be" is something man cannot create for himself, you are simply a ...[text shortened]... ng accountability looking for any excuse to avoid looking at righteousness and man at the same time.
'Man', and here I prefer to use the term 'humankind' since 'man' is also women, is also creative, kind, loving and so on; to see the world through the prism of your grinding negativity must get tiresome.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@indonesia-phil said
'Man', and here I prefer to use the term 'humankind' since 'man' is also women, is also creative, kind, loving and so on; to see the world through the prism of your grinding negativity must get tiresome.


28 Oct 05

@kellyjay said
From your point of view the natural state of man is that he steals, robs, murders, rapes, lies, and all of these things are just what man does with some worse than others.
A relatively small number of the members of "Man" steal, murder, and rape. "Man" raises its young to not steal, murder, and rape. "Man" punishes those who steal, murder, and rape. In this context, you asserted [admitted?] that you are equally as evil as a rapist. Speak for yourself, KellyJay.


15 Jun 10

@kellyjay said
If you're writing in your sleep, that would explain a lot, since you appear to be living in a dreamworld.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04

@indonesia-phil said
If you're writing in your sleep, that would explain a lot, since you appear to be living in a dreamworld.
Wake me up when you have something to say about any of the topics under discussion instead of people.