@kellyjay saidSo you are proposing that "sins" that have repercussions that last "from generation to generation", morally speaking, deserve punishment that lasts for eternity, even after those [finite] repercussions are no longer felt.
I thought he was doing a good job; some crimes, some sins, effects go through time from generation to generation; they don't stop when they are done.
@fmf saidWe can see things in this temporary universe as they affect us right at the moment, but love and compassion can be felt through generations as well, as Jim's life was the man I told you about who just died.
So you are proposing that "sins" that have repercussions that last "from generation to generation", morally speaking, deserve punishment that lasts for eternity, even after those [finite] repercussions are no longer felt.
Someone who sins, what they do affects this universe not just within the sinner, but all of the sinners crimes are against God as God takes everything done to each of us as crimes against Him since He is responsible for His creation, so every sin, every wrong, every hurtful action, every act of selfishness at the expense of the innocent are all against God as well, and being against God as well are all eternal crimes. Even when we take revenge, revenge belongs to the Lord, not us.
05 Jan 22
@kellyjay saidHow does my lack of belief in your God figure "affect this universe"?
Someone who sins, what they do affects this universe not just within the sinner, but all of the sinners crimes are against God as God takes everything done to each of us as crimes against Him since He is responsible for His creation
@kellyjay saidAll I am hearing here about your reasoning is the assertion that ...all sins against God are eternal crimes. It's just an assertion. If you extend it, it can become circular reasoning, thusly: ...all sins against God are eternal crimes - because they are eternal crimes - because they are crimes against God - which makes them eternal crimes etc.
So every sin, every wrong, every hurtful action, every act of selfishness at the expense of the innocent are all against God as well, and being against God as well are all eternal crimes.
If my selfishness, say, results in some harm coming to my family, which ceases on the event of my death, and I am not forgiven for this by your God figure because I am a non-believer, what would be the justification for STILL burning me in flames in 300,000,000,000 years from now and then for eternity beyond that?