If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
05 Nov 18
7 edits


Did you really entirely miss the point of my post? Or are you disingenuously side-stepping it by focusing on a comparison made to lend perspective to the way you use the Bible as a weapon? The comparison to people from the Antebellum South who used the Bible as a weapon to further slavery is apt. If you want to discuss the Bible and slavery in detail, then start a thread on that topic.

I put the same question to you. Are you side stepping my point? The fact that the same Bible was used to abolish the slave trade, I think, is apt.

State your main point again if you wish.

Here's the main point again:
The very prejudice and discrimination that YOU promote is the CAUSE of "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior".

I reject the accusation.

I promote here that oneness with Christ brings any man with any kind of problem to a genuine NEW BEGINNING.

If you IGNORE all of that and FOCUS on just the hurt feelings of those (all of us) for whom the Bible says we ALL are in need of a new beginning, that's your problem.

Your philosophy offers no hope. Its a TEASE. At the end of it there is no God, no Divine Love, and no healing. What do you care about? All you care about is yelling at Christians that he who commits sin is a slave of sin. Hence your love affair with John 8:34.

Your "encouragement" usually boils down to the passage you love to bludgeon over the heads of Christians, the perversion of which is - "if you still sin you are not a disciple of Jesus Christ."

What compassion does your "another Jesus" offer ANYONE in trouble?

That is the part YOU play. People like YOU are at the root of the problem.

Well, I'll give an account to God for my service. And you will give an account to God for yourself.

I tell people that in Christ's death is supernatural help to terminate and kill off many things which plague our lives with tragedy.

You TEASE men and women with your invention - a ChistLESS, GodLESS, Humanism fraught with self righteousness and cryptic Atheism..

Any chance that you'll actually address it?

How dare people like you try to deceive people into thinking "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior" is caused by minority sexual orientation or gender identity itself when the cause is the cultural and social prejudice that YOU inflict upon them.

My dear younger brother DIED in the gay community in San Francisco. He withered away from HIV complications. I hardly need to hear from you about sympathy for people with gender confusion.

"Gay" turned out to be not so "Gay" in his experience.
I didn't condemn him. I loved him.
And I told him that he couldn't die without the Lord.

And he said "Nobody said I was."

Thank God he didn't leave this life hoodwinked into your ChristLESS, GodLESS, self-righteous, tricky pseudo Christian Humanism.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
06 Nov 18

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
06 Nov 18

@divegeester said
Do you class a Christian person’s (who has killed themself) “shortsightedness” as mental illness?
Bump for sonship.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Nov 18
3 edits


Since you refuse to reciprocate when asked questions, I will no longer put high priority on answering your questions.

This one way - inquirer / responder relationship has grown old. It is too lopsided on you sidestepping posters on one hand and bumping and re-re-asking your stuff on the other.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
06 Nov 18

@sonship said

Since you refuse to reciprocate when asked questions, I will no longer put high priority on answering your questions.

This one way - inquirer / responder relationship has grown old. It is too lopsided on you sidestepping posters on one hand and bumping and re-re-asking your stuff on the other.
What questions have you asked me I this thread which I haven’t answered?


06 Nov 18
06 Nov 18


15 Oct 06
06 Nov 18

@sonship said

[quote] Did you really entirely miss the point of my post? Or are you disingenuously side-stepping it by focusing on a comparison made to lend perspective to the way you use the Bible as a weapon? The comparison to people from the Antebellum South who used the Bible as a weapon to further slavery is apt. If you want to discuss the Bible and slavery in detail, t ...[text shortened]... ked into your ChristLESS, GodLESS, self-righteous, tricky pseudo Christian Humanism.
C'mon jaywill. Once again you've side-stepped the issue with yet another red herring.

Here's the main point again:
The very prejudice and discrimination that YOU promote is the CAUSE of "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior". That is the part YOU play. People like YOU are at the root of the problem.

Any chance that you'll actually address it?

How dare people like you try to deceive people into thinking "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior" is caused by minority sexual orientation or gender identity itself when the cause is the cultural and social prejudice that YOU inflict upon them.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Nov 18
1 edit


Once again you've side-stepped the issue with yet another red herring.

I said I reject the accusation.

Does not side stepping mean to you my complete agreement with your accusation?

Here's the main point again:
The very prejudice and discrimination that YOU promote

If you regard my teaching of the Gospel as promoting prejudice and discrimination then I'll just have to come under that slander.

But then again, since you teach that he who commits sin is a slave of sin, and that only a sinless lover of Jesus is a true disciple then you should equally admit that YOU, ThinkOfOne are ALSO promoting prejudice and discrimination.

What makes you think the same slander could not be leveled at you ? "Slaves of sin" must be your discrimination between good people and bad people.

So look into the mirror and scold yourself for "promoting prejudice and discrimination."

In that same chapter, John chapter 8 was the woman caught in adultery in the wrong according to your kind of teaching? If she was then scold yourself for prejudice against her sexual orientation, she preferred men who were not her husband.

You bad, bigoted prejudice religious discriminator!
You teach that the woman with a sexual orientation for adultery was a slave of sin.

Bad bigot you.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Nov 18

is the CAUSE of "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior". That is the part YOU play. People like YOU are at the root of the problem.

Well, I think a tolerant person is one who has something strongly to believe in. If you're a clueless moral jelly fish I don't count that as your tolerance.

And we who follow Christ's gospel expect to sometime be accused by the self-righteous opponents of God's gospel.

"And indeed all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (2 Tim. 3:12)

As Nero accused the Christians of setting the city of Rome on fire, we expect the likes of you to accuse Christians for all manner of things.

So you teach no one can call themselves a disciple of Jesus who still sometimes commit a sin. How come you then don't blame yourself for heaping condemnation and prejudice on scores of folks who know they don't measure up?

Any chance that you'll actually address it?

How dare people like you try to deceive people into thinking "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior" is caused by minority sexual orientation or gender identity itself when the cause is the cultural and social prejudice that YOU inflict upon them.

QUOTE where I wrote this. And we can go on from there.

QUOTE ME where I wrote exactly what you charge.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Nov 18
2 edits


The young women in one of the videos said her father devastated her by admitting that he wanted to be a woman. She found some of her clothing missing. Her dad had taken it for dressing as a female.

No she didn't blame Christians for the fact of her depression and confusion. He couldn't be her mother because she already HAD one. Who then would he be if her dad changed from man to a women ?

So for her crushing depression you blame me because I would tell all involved that Jesus is a Healer and a Great Physician with divine and everlasting love?

Go try your accusation on, say, the infamous Westboro Baptist Church. They go out with banners reading "God hates fags."

Don't try to sweep all Christians into your little corner of accusation.


15 Oct 06
06 Nov 18
5 edits

@sonship said

Once again you've side-stepped the issue with yet another red herring.

I said I reject the accusation.

Does not side stepping mean to you my complete agreement with your accusation?

Here's the main point again:
The very prejudice and discrimination that YOU promote

If you regard my teaching of the Gospel ...[text shortened]... ou teach that the woman with a sexual orientation for adultery was a slave of sin.

Bad bigot you.
As so often happens, you've completely lost the context of this discussion.

You should really go back and read our discussion in its entirety. Barring that:
Those who want to drive transgender people into the closet, legislate against us, and stigmatize us, talk about all the time in order further marginalize us. It is literally a matter of life and death.

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it....

Transgender people in states without LGBT legal protections are at higher risk of suicide. Other studies have found that transgender people who have been discriminated against are at a higher risk of suicide...

Transgender people who have been physically or sexually abused because they are transgender are at a higher risk of suicide...

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has addressed the issue of suicide in LGBT populations, and reached the same conclusions on the actual causes of suicide in the transgender community:

Suicidal behaviors in LGBT populations appear to be related to “minority stress”, which stems from the cultural and social prejudice attached to minority sexual orientation and gender identity. This stress includes individual experiences of prejudice or discrimination, such as family rejection, harassment, bullying, violence, and victimization.Increasingly recognized as an aspect of minority stress is “institutional discrimination” resulting from laws and public policies that create inequities or omit LGBT people from benefits and protections afforded others. Individual and institutional discrimination have been found to be associated with social isolation, low self-esteem, negative sexual/gender identity, and depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. These negative outcomes, rather than minority sexual orientation or gender identity per se, appear to be the key risk factors for LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior.”


The aim of the videos you have been promoting and defending work to "drive transgender people into the closet, legislate against us, and stigmatize us, talk about all the time in order further marginalize us ".

The very prejudice and discrimination that YOU promote is the CAUSE of "LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior". That is the part YOU play. People like YOU are at the root of the problem.

Following is a trailer for a documentary for YOU:

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
08 Nov 18

@thinkofone said
As so often happens, you've completely lost the context of this discussion.

You should really go back and read our discussion in its entirety. Barring that:
[quote][b]Those who want to drive transgender people into the closet, legislate against us, and stigmatize us, talk about all the time in order further marginalize us. It is literally a matter of life and death.[/ ...[text shortened]... blem.

Following is a trailer for a documentary for YOU:
And I might add that this is far, FAR from the love of Jesus.

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Talking the talk is common in this forum. Walking the walk much less so.


28 Oct 05
08 Nov 18

@suzianne said
And I might add that this is far, FAR from the love of Jesus.

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Talking the talk is common in this forum. Walking the walk much less so.
Do you ~ through your behaviour on this forum ~ demonstrate the "Love your neighbour as yourself" command in action, to your way of thinking?


15 Oct 06
08 Nov 18
1 edit

@suzianne said
And I might add that this is far, FAR from the love of Jesus.

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Talking the talk is common in this forum. Walking the walk much less so.
Their core beliefs about what "lov[ing] your neighbor as yourself" entails are "far, FAR from the love of Jesus".

So it's not just the case of not "walking the walk".

Any ideas how this could be the case, if in fact they have the "holy spirit" guiding them as they believe?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
09 Nov 18

@fmf said
Do you ~ through your behaviour on this forum ~ demonstrate the "Love your neighbour as yourself" command in action, to your way of thinking?
I might remind you that Jesus also cautioned us not to give that which is holy unto the dogs.

I don't live amongst dogs and my neighbors aren't dogs, either. Extrapolate from that as you will, because I know you will.

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