Intelligent? Design

Intelligent? Design


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
I get the idea that death to you is bad even though you claim it is a natural part of life.
With respect to God telling us how to live to avoid such things, He has and we reject
His Word and suffer for it. From our sexual relations to how we behave with one an

Evidence that tells you there is no God, what would that be? As I have been pointi ...[text shortened]... with another (A real god would...) you quite the man who knows how a real god
should do things.
I wondered when you would pull the 'so now you know the mind of god card'

If the bible god is real you already know the mind of god: I am a jealous god, is just one statement about the mind of god.

What evidence do you have there is such a god?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
I wondered when you would pull the 'so now you know the mind of god card'

If the bible god is real you already know the mind of god: I am a jealous god, is just one statement about the mind of god.

What evidence do you have there is such a god?
You wondered when I'd pull the mind of god card? Typically its after you tell me what god
would do if god were real. I already told you about God and the universe as being
evidence than there is what God has done in my life since I turned it over to Him.

The Bible is evidence in how it was put together and the history within it is too.

If I talk about the mind of God it will be due to scripture, what do you base your thoughts
on god about?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
07 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
You wondered when I'd pull the mind of god card? Typically its after you tell me what god
would do if god were real. I already told you about God and the universe as being
evidence than there is what God has done in my life since I turned it over to Him.

The Bible is evidence in how it was put together and the history within it is too.

If I talk about the mind of God it will be due to scripture, what do you base your thoughts
on god about?
By what I see here and now, like 300 million dead from TB, like 3 year olds getting cancer, like ISIS killing christion or muslim kids, they don't care who they kill if the catch them daring to get a western education and of course that is based on some twisted view of religion, but a god could set them straight very quickly but that doesn't happen.

I am sure out of those 300 million dead from TB I bet half were devout christians so it must have been your god WANTED it that way. Yet they were mixed with atheists, hindu's, Jaynes, Budhhists, Muslims who would not go to heaven according to your dogma.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
By what I see here and now, like 300 million dead from TB, like 3 year olds getting cancer, like ISIS killing christion or muslim kids, they don't care who they kill if the catch them daring to get a western education and of course that is based on some twisted view of religion, but a god could set them straight very quickly but that doesn't happen.

I am ...[text shortened]... theists, hindu's, Jaynes, Budhhists, Muslims who would not go to heaven according to your dogma.
Everyone dies for one reason or another, that is part of the curse. Everyone of us will to at
some point in time for one reason or another. Death isn't going to change until the curse
is lifted so complaining about death seems like you are beating a dead horse, pun intended.

The death by ISIS and so on is human on human crime, it is one of the reasons we are
living in the type of world we are in. We are a broken race, we do not act as we should.

14 Mar 15
07 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Everyone dies for one reason or another, that is part of the curse. Everyone of us will to at
some point in time for one reason or another. Death isn't going to change until the curse
is lifted so complaining about death seems like you are beating a dead horse, pun intended.

The death by ISIS and so on is human on human crime, it is one of the reasons we are
living in the type of world we are in. We are a broken race, we do not act as we should.
What about death that isn't human on human? What about cancer on human or volcano on human?

Where does God fit in with such scenarios?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Nov 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
What about death that isn't human on human? What about cancer on human or volcano on human?

Where does God fit in with such scenarios?
According to scripture death is not a natural part of human life, it is one of the very last
enemies to be cast into Hell. So all of our deaths have a taste of this is wrong to us in
my opinion. With cancer and other things that destroy our bodies they were also never
meant to occur either since the wages of sin is death when sin entered into the human
experience our bodies were corrupted to the point where they could turn on themselves.

When God created it all, it was called very good. All of our (supposed to) things in life
were setup to just be the normal way of things until we fell. We are living with the results
of our actions, like almost all actions once you take one you remove other choices from
the equation and introduce others. Now we are living in a fallen world and all that follows
from that. That is until God ends this world and starts a new one where the things that
cause sin, death, pain, and suffering are done away with forever.

Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
According to scripture death is not a natural part of human life, it is one of the very last
enemies to be cast into Hell. So all of our deaths have a taste of this is wrong to us in
my opinion. With cancer and other things that destroy our bodies they were also never
meant to occur either since the wages of sin is death when sin entered into the human
...[text shortened]...
Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
It's funny, there are tribes and 'races' of humans who were around way before the Garden of Eden myth. So according to your bible. those people also were among the fallen, innocents who had nothing to do with Eden or alleged events that happened there.

The whole thing was cleverly concocted to send fear into people and it still works to this day. Another aspect of the biggest scam in human history.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
It's funny, there are tribes and 'races' of humans who were around way before the Garden of Eden myth. So according to your bible. those people also were among the fallen, innocents who had nothing to do with Eden or alleged events that happened there.

The whole thing was cleverly concocted to send fear into people and it still works to this day. Another aspect of the biggest scam in human history.
We are all humans that have come down from the first two so we share in the nature that
has been given to us. There are no innocents when we can do something we know we
should not do.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
We are all humans that have come down from the first two so we share in the nature that
has been given to us. There are no innocents when we can do something we know we
should not do.
The main point is the Garden story is just that, an allegory. If you don't do as we say you will go to hell. In fact you are already going to hell unless WE save you. Yep, us humans, with no speaking to a god is going to save your sorry ass because only WE have direct access to this god.

That is SO human. Built in heirarchy so there are people on top and people below. A god would not need that since to a god there are no special people, just potential. But there sure as hell WERE people on the planet and we did NOT come from just two humans. We can tell from the fossil record there were a number of human lines, like Neandertals, Denovisan, Homo Habilis and so forth. You should put that story to bed and view it like the allegory it really is, just like the flood story, another allegory. You should realize there was never a time when humans came from a man and a woman. We humans go back millions of years, literally, from homo habilis to Neanderals to homo sapien sapien and so forth. Nobody is suggesting we are decended from apes. Apes and chimps and Bonobo's and all that is a separate line, but yet the creationist crowd loves to tout that as what science says we come from, a red herring to turn it into a joke.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
The main point is the Garden story is just that, an allegory. If you don't do as we say you will go to hell. In fact you are already going to hell unless WE save you. Yep, us humans, with no speaking to a god is going to save your sorry ass because only WE have direct access to this god.

That is SO human. Built in heirarchy so there are people on top and ...[text shortened]... rowd loves to tout that as what science says we come from, a red herring to turn it into a joke.
Where in anything I said directed anyone to do anything?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
09 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Where in anything I said directed anyone to do anything?
What has that got to do with the points I am making, that the whole thing is a human engineered scam from day one, that there never was a garden of Eden or world wide flood.

All allegory tales to control the congregation of sad converts.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
What has that got to do with the points I am making, that the whole thing is a human engineered scam from day one, that there never was a garden of Eden or world wide flood.

All allegory tales to control the congregation of sad converts.
You go on and on about how what I am talking about has to do with control. So what have I said that is controlling? Men have been attempting to control their world from day one. What I share is that we all need God and need to show and give grace to one another. The reason we need to do that is we are all equally flawed and given undeserved grace because of Jesus Christ not our own worth.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Nov 16
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
You go on and on about how what I am talking about has to do with control. So what have I said that is controlling? Men have been attempting to control their world from day one. What I share is that we all need God and need to show and give grace to one another. The reason we need to do that is we are all equally flawed and given undeserved grace because of Jesus Christ not our own worth.
I never mentioned you wanting to control anything but this conversation. I said the originators of the bible scam were the ones bent on control. That is why they made up the whole scam for THEM to be able to control savage tribes.

And you don't get it about the origins either, an obscure tribe in the middle east comes up with the scam and that is supposed to have been just between the tribes but when Christianity came about and subverted it, now all of a sudden, the world was supposed to be conquered and the entire planet turned Christian. Funny that never happened after 2000 odd years. It just goes to show the human nature of the entire scam.

A real god wanting to make a world wide religion would just go Poof, the entire world hears the message in their own language at the same time, no need for a heirarchical religious set up, but humans REQUIRE a heirarchical setup since no god was involved in the manufacturing of these religions but of course you are too far gone into the scam to ever see your way clear of it which is a shame, these religions hold back mankind from actually maturing, instead, keeps them living in fear, fear of devils, god, religious wars BESIDES the fear of secular wars. Without the religious fears there would be much less total fear in the world. The world is passing the need for these fear filled religions which are in the act of dying out as we speak and it can't happen fast enough for me.
You can't even process the idea that there were 300 MILLION deaths from TB yet the religous set touts the cure of a person as a miracle like a god would look kindly on this one person while hundreds of millions of god fearing and worshipping congregationists die, and continue to die.

But of course now you again pull the 'so now you know the mind of god' card.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
10 Nov 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
I never mentioned you wanting to control anything but this conversation. I said the originators of the bible scam were the ones bent on control. That is why they made up the whole scam for THEM to be able to control savage tribes.

And you don't get it about the origins either, an obscure tribe in the middle east comes up with the scam and that is suppos ...[text shortened]... continue to die.

But of course now you again pull the 'so now you know the mind of god' card.
Which is BS sonhouse, you bitch and complain about things you don't have any clue
about like the motivation on why scriptures were written and you go on and on telling
me and everyone else how god would do things if he were real or not. You are just blowing
this crap out of your butt, because you don't know you just BELIEVE it so.

The scriptures do not claim that the entire planet will turn Christian, as a matter of fact
the only thing is does say the gospel will be preached everywhere, and only a few will
find the way of life. The rest are on their way to a devil's hell so you don't even have a
clue about that part either.

"A real god..." there you go again, you are so full of yourself that you know how a God
who sees the beginning from the end, who sees everything at once, who is almighty would
do anything and why! You don't know what would be important to God, you just know
what is important to you, and your arrogance you reject something you know nothing
about because you think so highly of your own wisdom.

Blaa blaa 300 million dies from TB, everyone dies you are going to as I am. Same ole
song and dance with you, I wouldn't do it this way so God isn't real. This life is not the
end its a temporary existence and it is quite clear since EVERYONE DIES. Yet you
know how god would do things if god were real, you'll have no excuse.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Nov 16

Originally posted by KellyJay
Which is BS sonhouse, you bitch and complain about things you don't have any clue
about like the motivation on why scriptures were written and you go on and on telling
me and everyone else how god would do things if he were real or not. You are just blowing
this crap out of your butt, because you don't know you just BELIEVE it so.

The scriptures do no ...[text shortened]... ce EVERYONE DIES. Yet you
know how god would do things if god were real, you'll have no excuse.
Yes, everyone dies. Even Jesus. The big deal there was he never came back because he never died on the cross, but that is another story. I am saying people think a god would single out a person to save, calling it a miracle when literally millions of people just as deserving or more gets killed, or tortured.

Tell me how a god would save one person but let a million others just as faithful die horrible deaths.

We all die. I am talking about the quality of death. It's one think to die in your sleep at age 103 but it's totally another to die at 15 by a terrorist carving your heart out of your living body because you dared to want a western education.

You seem to think those two deaths are the same thing. If that is what you think, you have a long way to go before you count yourself civilized.

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