@sonship saidDo you seriously believe that you are fooling anyone the way Witness Lee fooled you? The true believers in Christ mock those who:Lol... Jesus is waiting on the Local Church to return.
😀 .. Are you serious?
You really are a dunce.
"Knowing this first, that in the last days mockers will come with mocking, going on according to their own lusts. . . . " (2 Pet. 3:3)
Rajk999 is right on time.
- promote false teachings
- make false prophecies
- fabricate doctrines not found in the bible
Yss. I mock your false teachings. Dozens of the last 15 years and now the classic:
Jesus Christ has to wait for the Witness Lee's Local Church to develop before He can return ... LOL !!!
Do you seriously believe that you are fooling anyone the way Witness Lee fooled you?
- promote false teachings
Identify one.
- make false prophecies
Identify one
- fabricate doctrines not found in the bible
Identify one.
Watch carefully folks as Rajk999 fails to answer any one of the three requests above. Expect more name calling, that is all.
Rajk999 you're "Enjoying" being an empty liar.
Wanting the Lord to come back is not a false prophecy
Wanting to help believers live for Christ is not extra-biblical teaching.
Referring to what the Bible says about such subjects is not failed prophecy.
Wanting to help in the recovery of proper local churches is not starting a Local Church INC organization.
You're "enjoying" being an empty accusing liar with little to no conscience about
@sonship saidYou really are shameless. Every singler poster here, Christian or not, has had difficulty getting you to support your doctrine. Nothing you say makes sense and nothing you say is supported in the bible. Your doctrine is complete garbage.
Rajk999 you're "Enjoying" being an empty liar.
Wanting the Lord to come back is not a false prophecy
Wanting to help believers live for Christ is not extra-biblical teaching.
Referring to what the Bible says about such subjects is not failed prophecy.
Wanting to help in the recovery of proper local churches is not starting a Local Church INC o ...[text shortened]...
You're "enjoying" being an empty accusing liar with little to no conscience about
You accused Witness Lee falsely.
And if your falsehoods are pointed out, you say I give undue attention to a man.
This is cowardly, unethical, & despicable,
Now get to work saving the last torn shreds of any tattered integrity you have left, if
- promote false teachings
Identify one.
- make false prophecies
Identify one.
- fabricate doctrines not found in the bible
Identify one
There is literally loads of stuff on the doctrinal controversies surrounding Witness Lee and indeed the Local Church denomination. Even a 10 minute cursory read indicates that the church evolved into a cult of sorts.
Contraversial does not automatically mean INCORRECT.
Your job is to convince that the controversial discussion proves INCORRECTNESS biblically. It is not enough to simply hand wave that someone didn't agree with this or that saying, making the issue a controversy.
And then if you were able to point out something extrabiblical about what Lee said the next thing I would ask is HOW SERIOUS is that alleged mistake? How much would your alleged doctrinal error effect the MAJOR tenets of the Christian faith?
Once again "controversies" do not prove ERRORS.
"Here are some controversies" does not automatically prove that unbiblical teachings are being taught.
That website contains many rebuttals to your alleged errors based on many "controversies".
Its nice that you can refer to www.contendingforthefaith.org. But that doesn't indicate to me that you read anything there. OTherwise you'd realize that the critics of Witness Lee were far from being assured they actually found mistakes on Bible teaching.
They disagreed, Sure. Disagreement doesn't prove error does it?
Now WHICH article in Contending For the Faith proved errors in what Lee taught? Specifics please.
I’ve read enough of Lee’s writings to know that he was initially spirit led (during his time under the tutorship of Nee) but clearly became ambitious and introduced many erroneous teaches and caused huge controversies, rifts and anguish.
Name one example please which is your strongest one.
Accusations of ambition are your opinion which could not be born out by many co-workers of Nee and Lee from those days.
Subjective opinions from someone/s about how "ambitious" Lee was are nebulous. They amount to suspicion, distrust, and subjective judgments of character difficult to prove.
Doctrinal differences is what you have to clearly demonstrate to me.
And two servants of God may both be used by God as a team though
the second extend what was started by the first through God's blessing.
Nee followed M.E. Barber the British missionary.
It does not mean that God stopped moving because Nee built upon what he received under her tutelage.
Nor does it automatically mean while Nee was in prison God stopped blessing because Lee was free to build upon what he received under Nee's tutelage.
That is superstitious claptrap that God cannot move ON through successive faithful servants.
For example, who says that if Elijah comes and Elisha follows him, the latter cannot be a prophet of God because he may say something that the former prophet did not say?
Your presupposition I question - that Lee had to verbatim repeat only what Nee taught.
1.) Your presupposition that two Christian co-workers cannot be said to have been used by God if one is not a total tape recorder of the other.
2.) Point out your most aggregious example of where you think a contradiction of the second servant rendered Lee substantially different from Nee.
I see you as a promoter of Lee above or at least equal to Jesus.
Now I have to be rude and say you are a liar.
You know for years the name most written here by me is the name Jesus Christ in one form or another. You know that.
Others actually mention the name Witness Lee more than I do.
When I respond then they complain about too much cut and paste, long posts or that I am exalting someone.
That is convenient. Make false accusations about some one and then whine that too much space is given to correcting the misinformation, too much reading and long posts. That is a convenient method of being irresponsible and getting away with it in public.
Having said that it is a lie that I exalt anyone over Jesus Christ.
You should be ashamed of making that false accusation.
And it shows your resorting to playing on people's emotions.
Having said that, there is no reason for me to be ashamed at having received considerable help in my Christian life from any particular servant of God. And I feel freedom of conscience to refer to where that help came from. "I got this help from Witness Lee" doesn't mean I am promoting Lee for his own sake.
I am referring to where I got some help and others may also.
That is not hero worship. If I didn't you'd be the first to yell plagiarism.
I see you as a promoter of Lee above or at least equal to Jesus. I find the doctrines and teachings you regurgitate to be morally reprehensible and logically incomprehensible, and your style in here to be one of self-aggrandisement and yet inaccessibly dull.
And you are an idiot to complain that good teaching is influential and worth repeating.
What is wrong with "regurgitating" very good ministry ?
Paul taught the church in Philippi - The things which you have also learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace will be with you." ( Phil. 4:9)
Now you'll no doubt say "You are making Witness Lee as important as Paul".
No, not necessarily. I am pointing out the principle which did not die in the first century. A servant of God may be useful to repeat his life practice, remember his words, and learn and recommend others will get spiritual benefit also.
"The things . . . " "THINGS" - include the ministry and life example -
"which you have learned
and received
and heard
and SEEN in me" in someone may in fact be worthy that they pass not away in obscurity. Are you jealous or something?
Explain what is wrong with "regurgitating" if I also endeavor to LIVE as that useful servant of God lived. What do you think Christians are SUPPOSE to do differently ??
I practice these useful things. And if I regurgitate and you're annoyed that's too bad.
You will probably now falsely accuse me of exalting someone to Paul's status.
Lee never claimed to be as important as Paul.
And I do not either.
Does that mean God can never raise up any one ever after important ?
What rule is there that there could not be someone used by the Holy Spirit ever after the time of Paul that we Christians could appreciate, imitate, regurgitate if need be, and remember his or her life practice?
Watchman Nee repeated D.M. Panton and Margeret Barber and Robert Govette remembering what God wrought through them. What is wrong with me following their composite benefit and include Nee's protégée Lee ?
False alarm much.
"And the things which you have heard from me through many witnesses, these commit to faithful men, who will be competent to teach others also. Suffer evil with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus." (2 Tim. 2:2,3)
That is not Paul requesting hero worship silly. That is practical advice for the health of the church life. Who are you to dictate that no one will ever again be worthy of passing on to others their life example and insight into the word of God?
@sonship saidI have identified and substantiated several incorrect teachings from Witness Lee (more than once) that have no basis in scripture.
You accused Witness Lee falsely.
And if your falsehoods are pointed out, you say I give undue attention to a man.
This is cowardly, unethical, & despicable,
Now get to work saving the last torn shreds of any tattered integrity you have left, if
- promote false teachings
Identify one.
- make false prophe ...[text shortened]... ify one. [/b]
- fabricate doctrines not found in the bible
Identify one
Shall we go over them again? I have time.
No you have not. You wrote some stuff you didn't like.
And we cannot go over "again" what you never proved in the first place.
Four-in-one God for example. John 17:20-23.
The Bible's teaching has ample ground for saying that the church is in the Triune
God. Which you were probably shown and still didn't like.
But then there is NO Bible teaching concerning God that you agree with. So big deal.