The Lord Jesus has the need to be joined by a remnant of faithful out of the larger body of those called and chosen.
"These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and they who ARE WITH HIM,
the called and chosen and faithful, will also over come them," (Rev. 17:14)
The words in italics are supplied to clarify the sentence. He will overcome the Antichrist and his armies with those who are with Him (the Lamb).
First some are captured out of the earth to be taken to fight with Jesus. Probably the praising and rejoicing itself will be the weapon used to supernaturally destroy Antichrist and his armies.
Originally posted by yoctobyteThe scripture is written in a way where it affects both the spiritual and the physical. The inspired monks of the 3rd century, i'm sure had no idea of it's fullness. And in that same concept, neither do we comprehend it's fullness. In other words, the living bible. The Word of God.
I recently watched a talk on Mathew 24 as it relates to the end times. In the video the speaker talks about the events to come as described in this Gospel as having already happened vs. something that is to happen in the future (2,000 years+)… perhaps in our lifetime as many Christians believe. I am interested in the point of view from other Christians o ...[text shortened]... urs but very interesting if you like such things.
There is a little of both going on. The Apostles believed that Christ's return would be soon. (what is soon to God)
There are stages we can look at in a more factual way.
The fact that in the Six Seal, (the Great Day of the Lord) it will be something significant. There are text in scripture as far back as Isaiah and in every book after that till you get to the New Testament, all having references to it. And even in the Six Seal itself, the very last line; "run and hide for the Great Day of the Lord is here" .
So you can see, some was for the time of Paul, some of it was telling us of things to come, and there will be future events as well.