05 Jun 22
19 Jun 22
@divegeester saidAnd yet you are telling me how I should accept something I believe is in error over and over again.
Don’t be childish. What do any of us care what the other thinks?
19 Jun 22
@kellyjay saidSo what is your purpose on this forum? I am here to listen to what you say, scrutinize it, compare it to mine. Why do you talk to me? Is it performative: are you aiming what you say at unseen fellow Christians - willy-waving, in other words - or are you seeking to convert people to Christianity?
He doesn't care yet continues to harp; I do care, so there is a difference.
19 Jun 22
@fmf saidYou always do the same to me and more, so why are you on your high horse?
So what is your purpose on this forum? I am here to listen to what you say, scrutinize it, compare it to mine. Why do you talk to me? Is it performative: are you aiming what you say at unseen fellow Christians - willy-waving, in other words - or are you seeking to convert people to Christianity?
You are forever telling me what I have is what you used to have. You are forever
jumping into many threads I make and end up scrutinizing my motivation on why
I'm saying the things I do; you bring up hell when I'm not talking about it, even
here is it seeking to bring to light my motivation for saying anything, which
you do more often than not. You even start threads highlighting something I said
so you could talk about me. Have you ever seen me do that to you or even dive?
My reasons for talking about anything are my own, as everyone else is; you find
that your reasons are far more acceptable than anyone else' so you can question
them and see if they meet your standards of posting motivations?
@kellyjay saidI am not on a "high horse". My insights into the nature of faith are shrewder than yours and informed by experiential knowledge.
You always do the same to me and more, so why are you on your high horse?
You are forever telling me what I have is what you used to have.
@kellyjay saidYet another dodge. Do you believe that your constant disingenuous posting, littered with logical fallacies and rhetorical gimmicks ~ and your prideful evasions, time and time again - have any chance whatsoever of saving even a sing;e "soul" among those who might read your screeds and sidesteps?
My reasons for talking about anything are my own, as everyone else is; you find
that your reasons are far more acceptable than anyone else' so you can question
them and see if they meet your standards of posting motivations?
@kellyjay saidYour morally incoherent ideology of "Hell" lies at the very core - and is the very foundation - of your misanthropic/narcissistic rote-learned religionist recitations.
You bring up hell when I'm not talking about it, even
here is it seeking to bring to light my motivation for saying anything, which
you do more often than not.
Propagating this ideology is surely your motivation for almost every single post.
All you do here, as is the case with me, is share your personal opinions which amount to absolutely nothing at all if stripped of your personal motivation for expressing them.
@kellyjay saidOK, I see. For someone's benefit, you have placed a for-Christian-consumption label on me: "an Anti-Christ". [Is this labelling for your benefit? Is it for the benefit of people reading? Is it somehow for my benefit? Who knows?] So, anyway, it is what it is. Now then, what are the practical implications for the reality in which my family and I live? And what should I do now?
From Christian to Anti-Christ.
@fmf saidOh, yes, you are so shrewder; your posts are just the cream of the crop; everyone
I am not on a "high horse". My insights into the nature of faith are shrewder than yours and informed by experiential knowledge.
should stop what they are doing because you have an opinion! Your pomp and
arrogance are astounding sometimes! Seriously your retort is you are so much
better than I am!
@fmf saidThat makes me less than; I believe every wrong will be accounted for without
Your morally incoherent ideology of "Hell" lies at the very core - and is the very foundation - of your misanthropic/narcissistic rote-learned religionist recitations.
Propagating this ideology is surely your motivation for almost every single post.
All you do here, as is the case with me, is share your personal opinions which amount to absolutely nothing at all if stripped of your personal motivation for expressing them.
exception, and only the guilty need apply for grace from Christ who laid down
His life for us, the innocent for the crimes of the guilty. Those who refuse this
grace will give an account for their sins that is incoherent? Eternal beings (us)
will stand before God, who is Holy, Righteous, Just, Good, and give an account
to Him our creator for all that we did to Him and those He loves. So you belittle
my beliefs, call me names because of them, and I'm less than here; how arrogant
of you. Do you think I'm doing you a disservice for questioning your lack of
experience with God in your past, and I'm in error, and this is acceptable to you?
The standards you have, have two sides, one for others, and then there is the
one for you, which are not the same.
@kellyjay saidOf course, you are "in error". You are an unthinking ideologue regurgitating doctrine that has you believing that you have undergone some sort of supernatural transformation because of stuff "between your ears", as you yourself put it.
Do you think I'm doing you a disservice for questioning your lack of
experience with God in your past, and I'm in error, and this is acceptable to you?
I do not have a "lack of experience with God in [my] past". I have had a so-called "experience with God" - it lasted decades - that is more or less the same as yours although the effects on our respective lives may differ.