30 Apr 22
@fmf saidI said it isn't real without Jesus; there is a difference you seem not to grasp.
I don't think there's any dispute over whether Christianity is real. Nor is there any dispute over how one's Christian faith is not real without belief in Jesus.
08 May 22
@kellyjay saidThe difference between what I typed and what you typed is crucial. And entirely deliberate. It is you who doesn't seem to grasp it. Faith is a function of cognition and not a supernatural phenomenon. I understand completely that what you typed - the words you used - is part of your religious faith.
I said it isn't real without Jesus; there is a difference you seem not to grasp.
@fmf saidYes, faith for you is all between our ears, not what it is we are trusting in.
The difference between what I typed and what you typed is crucial. And entirely deliberate. It is you who doesn't seem to grasp it. Faith is a function of cognition and not a supernatural phenomenon. I understand completely that what you typed - the words you used - is part of your religious faith.
@fmf saidWhen I have faith in my friend to do what my friend says he will do, the faith
Faith is a function of cognition which means, in a colloquial sense, it is "between your ears", KellyJay, just like all other beliefs you and I have.
is between my ears, but what I have faith in is my friend, who is not part of my
physical makeup. You keep turning this into something totally within us, not Jesus
Christ, it is not just how we view Jesus Christ; it is Jesus Christ. I agree that you did
make the profession you did; however, it was never more than cognition in the
colloquial sense between your ears, not part of reality.
08 May 22
@kellyjay saidI totally understand what your faith in Jesus consists of, amounts to, and how it affects you. And, yes KellyJay, it is completely "between your ears" as you put it.
You keep turning this into something totally within us, not Jesus
Christ, it is not just how we view Jesus Christ; it is Jesus Christ. I agree that you did
make the profession you did; however, it was never more than cognition in the
colloquial sense between your ears, not part of reality.
08 May 22
@kellyjay saidIt has never been more than a function of cognition for you nor will it ever be. And if you should ever lose your religious faith, that will be a cognitive process too.
I agree that you did
make the profession you did; however, it was never more than cognition in the
colloquial sense between your ears, not part of reality.
@fmf saidThat is the denial of the reality of Christ; this is the point I've been stressing to you
It has never been more than a function of cognition for you nor will it ever be. And if you should ever lose your religious faith, that will be a cognitive process too.
it has always been this for you a function of cognition, nothing more; the reality of
what you had was always this. You may have sung with the choir, you might
have greeted at the door, you could have stood at the pulpit, but inside of your
life, Christ never dwelt. That is a true confession of your experience; it was only
you; there was never anything going on in your life back then that had Jesus in
it; accept in His name; all that you did was just in His name.
-Removed-Yes, when the scripture warns us about walking away from Christ, that is what we
can do, but to walk away from Christ, you must first have Christ in you! I'd say many
people are all walking around thinking they have their ticket pressed for the
Kingdom of God who doesn't know the Lord. They care no more about the Kingdom
of God than those that don't profess it, even if they have religion in their lives, they
still hate people, they don't forgive, they ignore all that God has said, there is not a
a single thing that differentiates them from those that don't profess Christ accept
they do things in God's name. If you are not abiding in Christ, it doesn't matter what
your profession of faith is if you don't have the Spirit of God within, you don't
belong to the Lord; these too are messages found in scripture and are easy to see
if you READ the whole thing.
Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life, not something about Jesus, not what we want him
to be; if you don't know Him, you can it is turning to Him, putting your faith in Him,
repenting, seeking Him with all your heart, and you will find Him as He promised
not because I have said it, it has nothing to do with me.
I'm sure you, because of your doctrine, find all of this unacceptable since you have
been preaching everyone is accepted no matter if they profess Jesus Christ or not,
unrepentant murderers, rapists, liars, and thieves are just as holy and acceptable to
God as those who have laid down their lives instead of renouncing His name.