30 Apr 22
@kellyjay saidWhat on Earth are you babbling about now? Sung with the choir? Greeted at the door? Stood at the pulpit? What is this drivel?
You may have sung with the choir, you might
have greeted at the door, you could have stood at the pulpit, but inside of your
life, Christ never dwelt.
08 May 22
-Removed-You claim knowledge you don't have all the time dive! Instead of telling me what I
believe, why don't you take scripture and show me where I am wrong! Your dodge is
simply never engaging with the truth, you spout knowledge you claim to have that
you don't as if what you say is the gospel and your case even better than the biblical
text that is the gospel.
08 May 22
@kellyjay saidWhat nonsense! I have already revealed personal details about my faith. Here you are wittering on about me as if you've never read any of my posts.
There was never anything going on in your life back then that had Jesus in
it; accept in His name; all that you did was just in His name.
I had strong committed life-permeating life-changing faith. Just like you do now. Who knows, maybe mine was more profound and affecting than yours. We'll never know.
It wasn't about choirs, doors, pulpits, church. What is this nonsense swirling around in your thoughts? We are talking about FAITH, KellyJay, not silly trivialities and trappings.
Having lost my faith, I understand what your faith is. [1] You are still stuck with thinking it is supernatural and not merely cognition, and [2] You seem absolutely clueless about loss of faith despite taking up more of my time than I sometimes think you deserve over the last decade or so. It's like talking to someone who can't be bothered to read what I post.
@fmf saidAs I have pointed out, our part is a matter of something internal to us; if it wasn't it
It's just cognition for you too, KellyJay.
wouldn't be us; there, you have just repeated your stance over and over as if that
trumps everything else in the discussion while everything else in the discussion is
the only thing that matters.
Just as I said, when we put faith in our friends to act as they say they will, there is
something in us that believes, correct, but it is our friend who is the focus of our
faith, not 'faith' itself as if that were the magic act in all matters of belief. We can
have faith in our cars, our company's ability to pay us, and on and on where we
put our faith or in whom is either real and trustworthy or not. You changed your
mind; you didn't alter reality.
08 May 22
@kellyjay saidI fully understand the tenets of your faith and the implications for how you perceive yourself. But nothing supernatural is happening to you. It's just cognition. Strong faith, weak faith, growing faith, fading faith, lack of faith, It's all cognition.
As I have pointed out, our part is a matter of something internal to us; if it wasn't it
wouldn't be us; there, you have just repeated your stance over and over as if that
trumps everything else in the discussion while everything else in the discussion is
the only thing that matters.
Just as I said, when we put faith in our friends to act as they say they will, there i ...[text shortened]... or in whom is either real and trustworthy or not. You changed your
mind; you didn't alter reality.
@fmf saidWe act, trust, and plan according to our faith or worldviews. We can be deceived by
our perceptions leading us to wrong conclusions; therefore, we may trust false things,
so we have to be willing to change our minds as you did when you thought there was
no God. However, the truth is the only thing that matters, not that we have
perceptions or ideas about them, which you focus on as if only what we think is real
because we think it. Is God real? Our beliefs don't change the true answer to that