@sonship saidI think the Collins English dictionary definition of deification offers a succinct insight into why you post the way you do on this forum.
dē″ə-fĭ-kā′shən, dā″-
The act or process of deifying.
The condition of being deified.
One that embodies the qualities of a god.
Notice the word "process".
Christians do not say the "process" has been completed yet.
This is closer to the sense of Jesus PRAYING [b]"I in them, and You in Me, that they may be PERF ...[text shortened]... have entered into the Christian faith.
Ie. "You people are saying you are above criticism."
@sonship saidYour attempts to deflect the observation of you and your posting in this forum, onto “Christian brothers and sisters” is cringeworthy sonship.
Once again Christian brothers and sisters you can see the tactic of the accuser of the brothers. But our battle is not against flesh and blood.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidBullseye!
Are these the same Christian brothers and sisters Witness Lee said were in an organization of Satan?
@sonship saidYou don’t need to use old English words in order to achieve that sonship.
@divegeesterOn another note, why are you using “thou” in your reply?
To sound sanctimonious, silly!
@divegeester saidSeems that someone is mad because I refer to other believers in Christ that I am reasonably convinced are Christian brothers or sisters as such.
Your attempts to deflect the observation of you and your posting in this forum, onto “Christian brothers and sisters” is cringeworthy sonship.
This is just Divegeester unable to refute deification, jumping instead to sectarianism. From there he'll jump to maybe plageurism or chained up space aliens or how come I am not running through the streets yelling "Fire! Fire!" or maybe how come I am not an official leader in some heirarchy. He runs in a curcuit around and around.
He hops around to recycle old accusations to cover up abject incompetence to refute any single matter I write about.
I expect the pushback to this post to be demands that I be able to label everyone on the Forum as to who is and who is not a Christian.
Oh, I forgot about his recycled three headed idol card to mock the Trinity.
Let’s see where it goes
Good idea. May I ask you a question brother?
Now, Hebrews 7:25 says something very interesting.
"But He, because He abides forever, has His priesthood unalterable. Hence also He is able to save to the uttermost those who come forward to God through HIm, since He lives always to intercede for them."
Christ lives eternally.
Christ is an interceding Priest eternally.
His petitions, intercessions, prayers on our behalf are able to save us "save . . . to the uttermost." He lives forever to intercede for us.
In light of this activity of Christ why is deification of the saved (properly understood) so blaphemous or unlikely to consider ?
A key phrase there is "deification . . . properly understood".
You have to ignore the demi-god making the skeptics wish to associate with deification.
Would you not think Christ the great interceding HIgh Priest knows for what and how much to petition His Father FOR in our behalf ?
@sonship saidYou present weak evidence. You blank out responses to your bogus elicitations. You don't seek a discourse at all.
A key phrase there is "deification . . . properly understood".
You have to ignore the demi-god making the skeptics wish to associate with deification.
And then you claim that your weak evidence, if "properly understood" BY YOU [of course], is somehow turned into corroborating "evidence"?
It's obviously true if, as you assert, it is "properly understood"?
It's textbook IPSE DIXIT.
25 Jan 22
@sonship saidI think, for a long time, your deification nonsense was less conspicuous, but now that it is in the full glare of the sun, all Christians here are recoiling away from you, some even calling your beliefs blasphemous.
What do you think PB1022?
Christ, ever living to intercede for us.
Do you think that could conceivably mean intercession for salvation to deification - "save . . . to the uttermost?"
No, this thread has not gone well for you.