@sonship saidFor you, it wouldn't surprise me.
Jonah a picture of deification . . . ?
Talking about convoluted.
I did NOT say Jonah was a type of deification.
You say it would not suprise you if I DID say so.
But I didn't.
I proposed Jacob for whom we have a long account in the Genesis of how God transformed him from a heal holder to Israel a prince of God.
And I proposed Joseph.
But you wouldn't be surprised if I had said Jonah, which I didn't and probably wouldn't say.
Are you a logical child or an illogical adult ?
@sonship saidAgain, so often do you twist and ravage scripture to support the non-biblical concept of human deification that it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you used the Jonah and the whale narrative to validate your bizarre deification claims.
Talking about convoluted.
I did NOT say Jonah was a type of deification.
You say it would not suprise you if I DID say so.
But I didn't.
I proposed Jacob for whom we have a long account in the Genesis of how God transformed him from a heal holder to Israel a prince of God.
And I proposed Joseph.
But you wouldn't ...[text shortened]... ah, which I didn't and probably wouldn't say.
Are you a logical child or an illogical adult ?
People, the Bible says "For there is one God . . . " ( 1 Tim. 2:5a) .
Ghost trots in as a staunch defender of all things evangelical with "there is no God" And if there is one as the Bible shows he's more righteous than that God.
I say with Paul, Christ, His life, -His excellent power of that life, has become the treasure in earthen vessels that He might be manifested in Christians. Conceivably a process we could call deification.
Who'se twisting the Scripture more ?
@sonship saidYes. One God.
People, the Bible says "For there is one God . . . " ( 1 Tim. 2:5a) .
Ghost trots in as a staunch defender of all things evangelical with "there is no God" And if there is one as the Bible shows he's more righteous than that God.
I say with Paul, Christ, His life, -His excellent power of that life, has become the [b]treasure in earthen vessels[/ ...[text shortened]... ians. Conceivably a process we could call deification.
Who'se twisting the Scripture more ?
Not one God and lots of demigods.
Not one God and lots of demigods.
Use the powerful search engine at www.ministrybooks.org
and see if within all of those thousands of pages of ministry books you
can locate any usage of the word demigods.
Hundreds of books there by Nee and Lee and thousands of pages to search.
I could not locate ONE instance of the use of the words demigod or demigods.
Liar you are. Aren't you?
@sonship saidSearch the entire Bible and you will not find God-ized or We-ized.
Not one God and lots of demigods.
Use the powerful search engine at www.ministrybooks.org
and see if within all of those thousands of pages of ministry books you
can locate any uage of the word demigods.
Hundreds of books there by Nee and Lee and thousands of pages to search.
I could not locate ONE instance of the use of the word.
Liar you are.
Fraud you are.
There is a million more times ground to deduce from Scriipture - God-ized, Son-ized, or We-ized then there is "God doesn't exist."
Loser you are. Aren't you?
That is on top of liar.
@sonship saidHey, you're the one being accused of blasphemy by other Christians.
There is a million more times ground to deduce from Scriipture - God-ized, Son-ized, or We-ized then there is "God doesn't exist."
Loser you are. Aren't you?
That is on top of liar.
@sonship saidThat isn't necessary. There is simply nothing in that passage that says you have been deified.
Ghost is going to analyize any exegesis I've written here of 2 Cor. 4:7-12 to demonstrate which sentence meaning I twisted on some 93% of the passage.
Pull up a chair and watch him break it down line by line for us.
But there's a ghost of a chance he's up to the task.
"We have this treasure in earthen vessels"
Is the life of Jesus taught in the Bible to be the life of God?
Yes, is the answer. And conceivably the dispensing of that life, that Person into God's people could be referred to as their deification.
You cannot show twisting. That is why you say it is not necessary.
I never said the word "deification" can be literally located in the New Testament.
NO effective rebuttal of 2 Cor. 4:7-12 teaching the believers are in possession of the life of Jesus - which is God's life.
Moving on to another question.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, Unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone; but if it dies it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)
If the opposite of "bears much fruit" is "abides alone", then in what sense is Jesus dying to produce more of what He is ?
He would not abide alone.
He would die to be reproduced; die to be multiplied; die to bear much fruit
rendering Him as not abiding ALONE.
Could not we call the multiplication of the Son of God a deification of the ones who undergo the process of this multiplication?
My answer is Yes, conceivably so.