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Somebody help me...


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Originally posted by Suzianne
I live in Scottsdale and I regularly bike 50+ miles a day in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler and Mesa, usually more like 75+ in the winter.
Wow I didn't know you lived there. And with the canals there it is a great place to ride for sure.
Channel 13 put together a bike club named Team Tyree back in 95' I think, from the sports guy there at the station, Gil Tyree and we had about 50 people join the club to do the MS ride that year.
I've ridden all over the valley but my favorites were up to Cave Creek then Fountain hills or out to Wickenburg. Sure miss all that....
Last placed I lived was Happy Valley Rd. and had a great view of Pinnical Peak out my back door.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I live in Scottsdale and I regularly bike 50+ miles a day in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler and Mesa, usually more like 75+ in the winter.
Cycling is cool, I still remember my rides with my good ole Rigi from 1979 to 1994; today I ride solely indoors for approx. 16 hours weekly following Joe Friel's protocols, and it still feels great. And if I ever manage to buy a good VT, methinks it would be even better -I 'm thinking about Tacx Bushido...

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Originally posted by black beetle
Cycling is cool, I still remember my rides with my good ole Rigi from 1979 to 1994; today I ride solely indoors for approx. 16 hours weekly following Joe Friel's protocols, and it still feels great. And if I ever manage to buy a good VT, methinks it would be even better -I 'm thinking about Tacx Bushido...
I also loved cycling, three times i have been hit by people opening their car doors! Once as i was lying in the middle of Ontago street a motorist who was waiting for the lights to change got out and examined the front of his car to make sure that on my way to meet the pavement after said lady opened her car door as i was cycling past i had not grazed his car in the process. It was at that moment that i declared a war on materialism.😵

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Originally posted by FMF
I have never claimed that my life "was just like [yours]" or anything of the sort. I have simply said that, say, twenty years ago, we were both Christians. I was not a Muslim like my neighbour was and is now. I was a Christian back then like you are now. I have never claimed that my life was just like yours.
You compared yourself to me! You have no stinking idea what my life was
like before or after I met Christ! I guess I should have seen this coming.
You claimed you were a Christian like me, I want to know why for all of
those years you thought Jesus was real, then why not! Can you at least be
honest about that?

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You compared yourself to me! You have no stinking idea what my life was
like before or after I met Christ! I guess I should have seen this coming.
I have never claimed that our lives were the same. I have simply pointed out that back when I was a Christian, we were both Christians [unless you are a relatively new convert]. I don't need to know what your life was like in order to state that we were both Christians twenty years ago. I I don't need to know what your life is like now to be able to take you at your word when you claim you are a Christian.

You claimed you were a Christian like me, I want to know why for all of
those years you thought Jesus was real, then why not! Can you at least be
honest about that?

I have been honest throughout our conversation. As I have said countless times, I subscribed to the claims made about Jesus by Christians as based on what I believed was the divinely inspired Bible. Since then my beliefs have changed.

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Originally posted by FMF
I have never claimed that our lives were the same. I have simply pointed out that back when I was a Christian, we were both Christians [unless you are a relatively new convert]. I don't need to know what your life was like in order to state that we were both Christians twenty years ago. I I don't need to know what your life is like now to be able to take you at ...[text shortened]... as based on what I believed was the divinely inspired Bible. Since then my beliefs have changed.
You have said to so many time it was the same for you as me it isn't even
funny! You do understand I've not one denied you once claimed to be a
Christian right? I've never once rejected that idea!

Had you said, I no longer believe Jesus is the Son of God, but I once
thought He was real, but I was mistaken, that in my opinion would be an
honest statement. That would show you acknowledge what you once
claimed as true was really false and always was. You could even have said
and I would have agreed with you, God is real, was real, Jesus is real, was
real and I reject God now. I could have accepted that too, as true, what
you once had you reject with your eyes wide open.

The reality of God, the reality of Jesus Christ are rejected by you now.
What you do now instead of the two examples above is say it was real now
it isn't for me, I lost my faith. Your faith, isn't what I've concerned myself
with, you can go back and read every exchange we have had, I have always
agreed what you once claimed as true now you reject. The reality of God in
your life was either real or not, that is dependent on God, not you, because
unlike you *and me* God is faithful we are not.


How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?" / Spirituality Forum
"It was real to me back then. I was telling truth back then when I self-identified as a Christian. It was the same as you self-identifying as a Christian now."

How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?" / Spirituality Forum
"It was very real to me at that time. As real as it is to you now."

How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?" / Spirituality Forum
I believed that I did, yes. Just as you believe you have Him in your life.

How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?" / Spirituality Forum
If we go back 20 years, the reality in my life at that time was that I believed that "God was in [my] life though Jesus Christ" just as you believe that 'God is in your life though Jesus Christ' now.

How can a God of love send anybody to Hell?" / Spirituality Forum
I believed that I did, yes. Just as you believe you have Him in your life.

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Just one? Usually, a guy likes two.

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Originally posted by Suzianne
I live in Scottsdale and I regularly bike 50+ miles a day in Scottsdale, Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler and Mesa, usually more like 75+ in the winter.
Wow, we used to live in Scottadale also. We lived in sight of 'hole in the rock' you probably know exactly where that is. We lived close to the now defunt Los Arcos Mall. So how long have you lived there? We had a band there, old timey american stuff, we called ourselves the Sugarloaf Mountain Band, got some nice gigs, some TV time and such. My wife and I played at the Kerr Cultural Center, know that one? We put on several folk acts like 'Silly Wizard', a really great band from Scotland.

Also Joe and Antoinette McKinna, Irish folk duo, he made and played the Illium pipes, was all Ireland champion back in the day.

So what part of Scottsdale do you live in?

My first full time job in the area was with General Instrument in Chandler, rode my like 250 CC Yamaha to work every day. Then got a job with Varian as field service tech, so worked in all the big plants back then, Motorola, which went belly up, no more Motorola, but Intel is big there also so I was sent to all those cleanrooms and many more around the country including a 4 year stint in Israel (Intel) with my family in tow,

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Originally posted by KellyJay
Had you said, I no longer believe Jesus is the Son of God, but I once
thought He was real, but I was mistaken, that in my opinion would be an
honest statement.
Well I am not a Christian now, if that's what you are getting at. I have never denied this. My belief in Jesus was real to me at the time I was a Christian, just as it's real to you ~ as a Christian ~ now. But my beliefs changed. I no longer believe Jesus is the Son of God. This does not alter the fact that I used to believe Jesus was the Son of God. I have been completely honest with you on these matters throughout.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You could even have said and I would have agreed with you, God is real, was real, Jesus is real, was real and I reject God now. I could have accepted that too, as true, what you once had you reject with your eyes wide open.
I was a Christian for about 28 years.

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Originally posted by KellyJay
You do understand I've not one denied you once claimed to be a
Christian right?
Well, actually, the entire thrust of your 'argument' seems to be 'because you are no longer a Christian, you never were one'.

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Originally posted by FMF
Well, actually, the entire thrust of your 'argument' seems to be 'because you are no longer a Christian, you never were one'.
I think for me, I was never one. Even though I was raised Lutheran and went to a Lutheran school K-8 never went to a pubic school till HS. It was the dichotomy I felt from my Grandmothers religion, Pentacostal, and the Lutheran church we attended when I was a child. Grandma said I would be condemned to hell forever and ever if I allowed myself to be baptized in the Lutheran way, sprinkled H2O on forehead. To her. baptizing was total dunking and they had a 2000 gallon tank just for that purpose at her church. I consented to to that and grandma was totally relieved I wasn't going to hell but that was when I was 8 and saw there was something seriously wrong when two religions supposedly worshiping the same god could have such different takes on things.

That set me against both faiths and I have been happy with that decision ever since.

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I think for me, I was never one. Even though I was raised Lutheran and went to a Lutheran school K-8 never went to a pubic school till HS. It was the dichotomy I felt from my Grandmothers religion, Pentacostal, and the Lutheran church we attended when I was a child. Grandma said I would be condemned to hell forever and ever if I allowed myself to be baptize ...[text shortened]... things.

That set me against both faiths and I have been happy with that decision ever since.
Your grandmother was right. Just as one does not stick in his toe and pull it out and claims he took a bath, it is the same for Baptism. One must go all the way or not at all. Now look at you. Because you did not listen to your grandmother, you are headed for the lake of fire with your hatred. However, 8 years old is much too early to make that decision. Age 12 is the earliest it should be done and that must be willing and not kicking and screaming.

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Originally posted by FMF
Well I am not a Christian now, if that's what you are getting at. I have never denied this. My belief in Jesus was real to me at the time I was a Christian, just as it's real to you ~ as a Christian ~ now. But my beliefs changed. I no longer believe Jesus is the Son of God. This does not alter the fact that I used to believe Jesus was the Son of God. I have been completely honest with you on these matters throughout.
You have never once seen me deny you once claimed to be a Christian!
You have never once seen me deny your beliefs have changed!
You have never once grasp that was not what I was talking about!

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Originally posted by FMF
Well, actually, the entire thrust of your 'argument' seems to be 'because you are no longer a Christian, you never were one'.
No, that is not the thrust of my argument, since I've given you honest ways
to acknowledge leaving Christ and you've just ignored both to completely
miss once again my point.

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