@divegeester saidAccording to the theology, what is thought to be Jesus' emotion as He watches the people being tormented in burning fire?
Your literal interpretation of Revelation indicates that your version of Jesus will be in Hell overseeing the burning alive of people.
What part of His character makes Him need to be watching it?
28 Sep 19
@fmf saidGood question and one I cannot answer from an informed perspective as it is not the Jesus I have come to recognise during my 30 years as a Christian.
According to the theology, what is thought to be Jesus' emotion as He watches the people being tormented in burning fire?
What part of His character makes Him need to be watching it?
However I can guess and those who support the philosophy and doctrine can correct me if they wish to. Although the breve KellyJay will have to do so vicariously through replying to another poster of course.
They will possibly claim that Jesus being the exact physical representation of God’s being is demonstrating the vengeful side of his character, the side that is full of wrath. It is difficult for them to do this though because the purpose of Jesus physical presence as the son of God was to demonstrate God’s loving kindness and everlasting mercy.
So as can be seen by the anger, obfuscation and intellectual dishonestly on display in this thread, those supporting this doctrine find it easier to work around Jesus’ presence in Hell overseeing the burning alive of people by creating long convoluted posts about various theological concepts mostly focusing in on how evil we all are and holy Jesus is and therefore how acceptable it all is. And it is basically what it is and we will all find this out when we die.
@divegeester saidNo
Sonship, KellyJay and SecondSon...
Do either of you believe that my rejecting that doctrine of eternal suffering (or whatever terminology you choose to give it) either on its own as a rejection, or together with my vociferous attacks on it in this forum constitute me being cast into the lake of fire?
@ghost-of-a-duke saidIt's not a question of need. It's a matter of consequence.
Again, why the need for torment?
If you don't know, just say so.
@secondson saidI think it is a moral matter and a moral question.
It's not a question of need. It's a matter of consequence.
@fmf saidBeing in hell is torment. The moral justification is because it is God's judgment.
What is the moral justification for the punishment being torture?
God is justified in pouring out His wrath on a Christ rejecting world because of who and what He is.
@secondson saidWas Jesus tormented in hell? Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. (Acts 2:27 KJV)
Being in hell is torment. The moral justification is because it is God's judgment.
God is justified in pouring out His wrath on a Christ rejecting world because of who and what He is.
@fmf saidYet you don't believe that after this life is over that you will be held accountable for everything you ever thought, said and did.
I take responsibility for everything I post.
God keeps records. But you don't believe that's true.
@secondson saidAll are saved by the death and resurrection of Christ.
That's not what the Bible says.
The bible says that.
All do not get eternal life.
The bible says that too.
Therefore saved DOES NOT MEAN eternal life.
Saved means that Jesus paid the price for mans sins.
Man in return has to obey and live righteously.
THEN and ONLY THEN is there eternal life.
@fmf saidAnd your "stance" is predicated on the experience of your existence in a material world.
And my stance on the source, nature and application of morality, and what happens when people disagree about moral questions, has not changed since we discussed it on those previous three or more occasions.
By denying the existence of the supernatural/spiritual components of life you've created a void in your understanding.
@fmf saidThat's a well articulated insult coming from your substantial intellectual prowess, and well developed wealth of social skills.
You singled him out as a "great thinker" and a "great writer". He is, clearly, one of the weakest and most inarticulate writers here and one of the most feebleminded Christians ever to play a part in this community. It's interesting that you do not have the social skills to have discerned this.