What is it to be human?

What is it to be human?



Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Mar 19

@divegeester said
If there is nothing to discuss then why did you challenge me on it?
Because your interpretation is arbitrary.

All the other trees are literal fruit bearing trees. So why should the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil be any different?

There's no indication in the text that they are anything other than literal trees. What's more, there is no text of scripture that indicates a metaphorical link between Jesus and the tree of life.

You have no proof texts to base that interpretation on. It's merely your misguided opinion.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Mar 19

@fmf said
You haven't said anything to contradict or counter the content of my post.
I did, but like most things you don't see anything that doesn't fit into your world view, regardless of how often it is told to you.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Mar 19

@fmf said
Is what Grampy Bobby believed the same as what you believe?
Do you ever tire of your obsession of asking someone about someone else' beliefs or statements?

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@secondson said
Because your interpretation is arbitrary.

All the other trees are literal fruit bearing trees. So why should the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil be any different?

There's no indication in the text that they are anything other than literal trees. What's more, there is no text of scripture that indicates a metaphorical link between Jesus and ...[text shortened]... life.

You have no proof texts to base that interpretation on. It's merely your misguided opinion.
I’ve given you the reasons in my post earlier in the thread. You haven’t addressed those. Feel free to do so as soon as you’re ready.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19
1 edit

@secondson said
There's no indication in the text that they are anything other than literal trees. What's more, there is no text of scripture that indicates a metaphorical link between Jesus and the tree of life.
Well there are two trees of life for a start!

I keep asking you, where is this tree of life now?

Can you still eat it’s eternal life giving fruit?

Does eating the fruit mean you don’t need Jesus for eternal life? Presumably so as one would already have eternal life!


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
I did, but like most things you don't see anything that doesn't fit into your world view, regardless of how often it is told to you.
You trotted out your Christian beliefs again. The only message you have for atheists is that we are going to be tortured for not sharing your beliefs. If we shared your beliefs maybe we wouldn't get tortured. Merely trotting out your Christian beliefs again and again and again isn't changing the simple straightforward message that you have for atheists.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
Do you ever tire of your obsession of asking someone about someone else' beliefs or statements?
Do you agree with Grampy Bobby's Christian ideas about the difference between being "human" and "fully human"?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Mar 19

@fmf said
Do you agree with Grampy Bobby's Christian ideas about the difference between being "human" and "fully human"?
Your funny!

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19
1 edit

@kellyjay said
Your funny!
Why not just answer the question truthfully? Not that difficult is it?

Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
It is interesting how he ascribes will and agency to the cosmos.

I was always under the impression that he was a hard materialist.

Would he admit he was just waxing poetic in this statement?
We are part of the Cosmos; if we have will and agency, so does it.

Secret RHP coder

on the payroll

26 Nov 04
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
That tree was our down fall, God knows about the knowledge of good and evil, man didn't until they ate of it. Now we are experiencing good and evil, and the evil experiences are by both the things we see, and the things we do. Now we spend a lot of time trying to call this good or that, and we act as if we are the absolute in this realm of deciding what is and isn't good tod ...[text shortened]... ustify what we do and say in our own eyes, no matter what it is we think we are calling good or bad.
But could we really help but eat from such a tree? I don't see how.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Mar 19
5 edits

What is it to be human ?

Jesus Christ is what God meant by normal human being.

The point is that we have all fallen so far below the normal level of what God meant by men and women. - to be people thoroughly united with God.

Many of you don't get it yet, do you ?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
03 Mar 19
1 edit

@bigdoggproblem said
But could we really help but eat from such a tree? I don't see how.
Don't you resist urges today you know are bad and evil? I'd be willing to bet you do, and are a better person for it. Having an urge doesn't mean it has to be followed, being tempted doesn't mean we have to yield.

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
Don't you resist urges today you know are bad and evil? I'd be willing to bet you do, and are a better person for it. Having an urge doesn't mean it has to be followed, being tempted doesn't mean we have to yield.
If BDP resists an ugre to be evil, and you resist an urge to be evil, who is the righteous?

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19
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@sonship said
Many of you don't get it yet, do you ?
This phrase has to be the most objectionable thing a religionist can say to an unbeliever. It’s sneering, condemning, mocking and ridiculing.

Who have I heard say it the most in this forum over the years...the cultists Galveston75 and Robbie Carrobie.

And now sonship. Well well well.

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