What is it to be human?

What is it to be human?



28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
And why do you seemingly exclusively bother him about it?
You've asked me this lightweight pad-out-the-conversation stuff at least half a dozen times before. This is a debate and discussion forum. I am interested in the moral incoherence of the torturer god ideology and in the effects of superstition on the intellect and interpersonal skills of religionists that subscribe to it.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
Sins, that which we do against the truth. You keep wanting to make this about God's failure instead of acknowledging our guilt. You cannot be accused of wrong willfully against something you didn't know, but not being aware doesn't excuse you of breaking the law, and you can be charged with disobedience against the truth you were aware of when you do that. Sins before a Just ...[text shortened]... y ideology as I read and understand the scriptures, not this twisting of things you just spewed out.
The only message your ideology has for me, an atheist, is that you believe I am going to suffer enormous never-ending supernatural violence ~ and that I deserve it ~ because I don't believe the same things as you. That torture "threat" is the heart of inexplicable darkness at the very centre of your belief system.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19
1 edit

@philokalia said
Now we are at the derailment.
No. There's no derailment. One cannot talk about "humanity" with a Christian without discussing the fate of that part of "humanity" which is not Christian.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
... Another thread about "hell," eh?

Back on page 7 it seemed we were still talking about the nature of what being a human is.

Now we are at the derailment.

If one were to keep track of the number of threads taht FMF/Dive turn derail in the direction of hell, you honestly would have to be very meticulous and on point.

It's several a week.
This is just self-important, off-topic, half-engaged, uncomprehending wingeing.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
Not true, what I see is after two or three attempts of getting you to see what changes are due to Jesus Christ, you just refuse to acknowledge Him. My views are not at odds with each other, your ability to see what is said to you is in doubt.
I clearly demonstrated how your views are at odds with each other in my post two pages back.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Mar 19


I boldly suggest Christianity does just that. It divides humans up into those worthy of salvation and those destined for damnation.

I put it to you sir that religion gets in the way of what it truly means to be human and denigrates our commonality.

Who was more responsible for the cessation of Gladiator Games in Rome - spectacles of bloodshed?

Athiests or Christians ?

Who is more responsible for the cessation of the Slave Trade in Europe and the New World?

Atheists or Christians ?

Who is more responsible for the establishment of hospitals recent centuries?

Atheists or Christians ?

The major Ivy League colleges in America were mostly founded by -

Atheists or Christians ?

Establishment of modern scientific progressed by men like Galileo, Newton, Copernicus, Kepler, Faraday, Kelvin, Boyle -

Were they more informed by Atheistic philosophy or Christian theism ?

"Advocating human rights, democracy, political freedoms, concern for the poor: These themes are rooted in the biblical idea that all humans are made in God's image, that they have dignity and worth, and that they are equal before law."

- Paul Copan


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
03 Mar 19

@fmf said
I am "yapping"
Yapping - to talk at length in an irritating manner.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

Maybe religions have served their purpose in the narrative of human development. Maybe there's no longer any need to keep up the pretense that their supernatural underpinnings are real. Maybe it's time to stop the dreary threats against those who don't believe in supernatural causality.


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19

@secondson said
Yapping - to talk at length in an irritating manner.
I was in a conversation with you. Are you trying to hide your cop-out behind a condescending word?

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
You don't read what it written so you ask about things not said.
This is a dodge.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
LOL, you're really bothered by that, aren't you?
No it’s funny, amusing, interesting behaviour.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
... Another thread about "hell," eh?

Back on page 7 it seemed we were still talking about the nature of what being a human is.

Now we are at the derailment.

If one were to keep track of the number of threads taht FMF/Dive turn derail in the direction of hell, you honestly would have to be very meticulous and on point.

It's several a week.
The deliberate, contrived and systematic eternal torture of billions of people is the central apocalyptic theme in the nature of your version of God and your version of Christianity. Your insistence that the eternal torture is justified colourises and overshadowed everything else that you believe and say.

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
So, Dive, I guess a good starting place to make your concept of man not being made in the image of God would be trying to account for these passages.

Genesis 5:1-2
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in th ...[text shortened]... likeness of God;

These seem very clear.

None of them refers specifically to Adam.
Yes he made Adam in his image. Adam and in Adam was the entire human race...Did you bother to read my post where I comprehensively debunked your frankly silly opinion that all human beings are still born in the image of god?

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16 Feb 08
03 Mar 19

@philokalia said
What is wrong with the concept of a hell for those who reject God?
Are you asking what is wrong with your version of god deliberately keeping billions of people supernaturally alive so he can torture them for eternity? Is that really what you are asking?


28 Oct 05
03 Mar 19
1 edit

@divegeester said
No it’s funny, amusing, interesting behaviour.
There was one time I went back 15 pages of my posting archive and found a single thumbs-down on every single post. One thumbs-down. Every single post, every thread, every forum. Over 200 posts. Then one had been missed [somehow] on page 16 and then it continued as before page after page, one thumbs down per post, hundreds and hundreds of posts in a row. Bizarre. Some sort of dysfunction in play. But funny nevertheless.

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