What is it to be human?

What is it to be human?



Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
04 Mar 19

@divegeester said
I’ve given you the reasons in my post earlier in the thread. You haven’t addressed those. Feel free to do so as soon as you’re ready.
Your "reasons" are merely conjectural opinions. If you fail to provide scriptural evidence of your assertions, then you've failed in your argument.

It's an opened book test divegeester. Doctrine and truth are built based on what the Bible says, not on feelings.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19
2 edits

@secondson said
Your "reasons" are merely conjectural opinions. If you fail to provide scriptural evidence of your assertions, then you've failed in your argument.

It's an opened book test divegeester. Doctrine and truth are built based on what the Bible says, not on feelings.
It’s not my “ opinion” it is biblical FACT that there are two trees of life in the bible. There are two, one in Genesis and a completely different one in a different location in Revelation.

It’s not my “opinion” it is FACT that the “literal” tree of life which was on earth is now nowhere on earth. So where is it! Edit; where are THEY, there are two of them.

It’s not my “opinion” it is biblical FACT that eternal life ONLY comes via Jesus Christ not some literal fruit off of a literal tree.

Try again muscle man.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
04 Mar 19

@divegeester said
Well there are two trees of life for a start!

I keep asking you, where is this tree of life now?

Can you still eat it’s eternal life giving fruit?

Does eating the fruit mean you don’t need Jesus for eternal life? Presumably so as one would already have eternal life!
The tree of life, the one that was in the garden of Eden, and presumably still there, cannot be accessed because it's guarded by two Cherubims.

Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

"Can you still eat it’s eternal life giving fruit?"

Silly question. You can't get to it, so how can you eat of it? If you'll read the text it tells us why. Adam had sinned. If he was allowed to eat of the fruit of the tree of life he would live forever in sin. You need to take that into account.

"Does eating the fruit mean you don’t need Jesus for eternal life? Presumably so as one would already have eternal life!"

As I said above, you need to take into account the fact that had God not driven Adam out of the garden he would have had access to the tree of life, and subsequently lived in sin forever.

It's in the text. Read it.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
04 Mar 19

@divegeester said
It’s not my “ opinion” it is biblical FACT that there are two trees of life in the bible. There are two, one in Genesis and a completely different one in a different location in Revelation.

It’s not my “opinion” it is FACT that the “literal” tree of life which was on earth is now nowhere on earth. So where is it! Edit; where are THEY, there are two of them.

It’s ...[text shortened]... ONLY comes via Jesus Christ not some literal fruit off of a literal tree.

Try again muscle man.
Apparently you just glossed over what I said.

I didn't say there weren't two trees of life in the Bible. You didn't hear what I said, but went on to generate an argument against nothing except the illusion in you head.

And perhaps I should tell you where your thinking is flawed in the matter of the two trees, that is if you can focus cognitively enough to grasp the concept.

The tree of life is mentioned twice in the Bible. There are not two trees of life. Just one!

See now? See how I pointed out the error in your thinking? I doubt though that you have the intellectual integrity or moral fortitude to admit you're wrong.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
04 Mar 19
2 edits


Don't look for or contemplate where a physical tree of life is today.

In Him was life. The focus now should be in the resurrected Christ in whom is life and who is the life. He is the bread of life. He is the life of God and the resurrection and the life.

It is Christ in whom we find the life of God - the eternal life.

The mysterious tree of life in Genesis is gone now.
Its purpose now is symbolic to point us to Jesus Christ.

The last Adam became a life giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19

@secondson said
The tree of life, the one that was in the garden of Eden, and presumably still there, cannot be accessed because it's guarded by two Cherubims.

Genesis 3:24
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

[b]"Can you still eat it’s eternal life giving ...[text shortened]... had access to the tree of life, and subsequently lived in sin forever.

It's in the text. Read it.
Yes that is all in the text but it doesn’t address my points and doesn’t lift your silly butt off the floor from you have been soundly dumped.

You be better off doing a sonship and sloping off for couple of days or at least taking one of your ubiquitous “bathroom breaks”

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19
1 edit

@secondson said

I didn't say there weren't two trees of life in the Bible.
Just read my post again SecondSon. Read and digest if you can.

It was ME who said there are two trees of life in the Bible. ME, to YOU.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19

Or listen to sonship, he seems to at least understand the concept.

Real trees with life giving fruit and healing leaves. Good grief.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19

@sonship said

Don't look for or contemplate where a physical tree of life is today.

In Him was life. The focus now should be in the resurrected Christ in whom is life and who is the life. He is the bread of life. He is the life of God and the resurrection and the life.

It is Christ in whom we find the life of God - the eternal life.

The mysterious ...[text shortened]... symbolic to point us to Jesus Christ.

The last Adam became a life giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)
How on Earth can a mature Christian possibly believe that the tree of life is a real tree giving eternal life!!!

Jesus is the life!

Hardly a day goes by when this forum doesn’t astonish or appal me.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
04 Mar 19


I was not ridiculing him.
I was not belittling him.

Is your intent to put down that you may feel higher?


28 Oct 05
04 Mar 19

@sonship said
Is your intent to put down that you may feel higher?
What do you perceive is the intent behind SecondSon's incessant put-downs?

I'm sorry if I have butted in before you had a chance to say something to SecondSon too under your own steam.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
04 Mar 19

@fmf said
All you ever do is give your opinion about "the truth". That's all anyone does when they talk of their faith or their lack of faith, me included. That's all anyone does. That's all that happens here.
No the truth doesn’t reside in us we can see it when our views match reality. The hard part is making sure that it’s reality not popular opinion we are looking at.


28 Oct 05
04 Mar 19

@kellyjay said
No the truth doesn’t reside in us we can see it when our views match reality. The hard part is making sure that it’s reality not popular opinion we are looking at.
You and I exchange opinions. That's all. For the most part you don't think my views match reality. And for the most part I don't think your views match reality. We just share our opinions about reality and truth. Nothing grander than that is happening on your end of our conversations and nor is anything grander happening at my end. Everything both of us say and claim and think and believe - on the matters we discuss - is entirely subjective.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
04 Mar 19

@sonship said

I was not ridiculing him.
I was not belittling him.

Is your intent to put down that you may feel higher?
SecondSon insults me and accuses me of awful things. Have you ever, even once addressed him over this?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
04 Mar 19

@divegeester said
Just read my post again SecondSon. Read and digest if you can.

It was ME who said there are two trees of life in the Bible. ME, to YOU.
Again, perhaps this time it will sink into your head, there are not two trees of life in the Bible. You said wrong. You are in error.

There is one tree of life mentioned twice in the Bible.

Digest that.

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