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Who is an antichrist

Who is an antichrist


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Sep 14
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Originally posted by Proper Knob
As Wolfgang alluded to, that's a very dangerous mindset.
Why, in this life we are to love others! In this life I'm supposed to care not
only about my friends and family, but those that I don't know and even
my enemies! I'm not even supposed to be happy about it when those who
are my enemies have something bad happen to them. What about all of
that is dangerous? I trust God, I wish I trusted Him completely.

I believe God is kind and generous, He brings sunshine to the good and the
evil, because He loves those that are against Him, when He sends rain it
is upon the good and bad, because He loves both the good and bad among
us. I think His mercies are beyond all we can hope for!

I believe God is trying to train people to be like that, care not only those
that care about you, but all others. I get those that hate God will only see
what they want about Him, it has always been that way with us, not just
with God but everything else we like and dislike. We see what we want to
see and ignore all the rest.

So now we get to the place where even God says, enough is enough. If He
hates sin and will deal with it in such away that everyone who loves it and
lives it will be removed from His Kingdom forever. Than that is what He will
do, it is His Kingdom, He will do with it as He sees fit.


28 Oct 05
07 Sep 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Okay, around and around we go again. We have covered this ground and if
you were telling us the truth about your past you should know. I think I'm
a hair away from just writing off ever having another conversation with you.
The reason we sometimes go "around and around we go again" is because your often have a tendency to say woolly inconsistent things about your beliefs. Are your "sins" already forgiven or are you accountable for your "sins"? Are your "good works" necessary for "salvation", or is it simply somehow inevitable that you will carry them out to some degree [whilst actually being unnecessary] if you happen be a believer in Christ? You may think that what you are saying about these things is clear but I think it is shrouded in waffle.

Proper Knob

North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
Why, in this life we are to love others! In this life I'm supposed to care not
only about my friends and family, but those that I don't know and even
my enemies! I'm not even supposed to be happy about it when those who
are my enemies have something bad happen to them. What about all of
that is dangerous? I trust God, I wish I trusted Him completely.
...[text shortened]... ver. Than that is what He will
do, it is His Kingdom, He will do with it as He sees fit.
I'm talking specifically with regard to the mindset of following someone who's beliefs you don't agree with or like. As you have said before on this forum, 'God's ways are not mine'. You're willing to put your own values to the side and blindly follow.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by Proper Knob
I'm talking specifically with regard to the mindset of following someone who's beliefs you don't agree with or like. As you have said before on this forum, 'God's ways are not mine'. You're willing to put your own values to the side and blindly follow.
I'm talking about all things in life! There are plenty of things going on in
this life I believe are happening and because I believe they are my liking
or disliking them does not change things. Evil is in the world, and it will
be dealt with totally and completely! I believe God's ways are better than
mine, personally there are people in this world I love to see leave it, but
because of God's love for them, I think they need be afforded every chance
to receive His grace and mercy and in hopes they change their ways.

With respect to Hell after judgment day, nothing is asked of me, nothing is
demanded of me, nor is it demanded of anyone else in this life. I don't have
to like it, but it changes nothing in how I am to respond to others in the
here and now other than it helps me be motivated in trying to show them
their need to be saved.

I do believe God's mercy is great and those that receive it will do so without
any condemnation or judgment against them, and those that receive God's
wrath will receive punishment without any mercy mixed into it at all. I do
not believe God mixes His mercy with condemnation or his wrath with

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm talking about all things in life! There are plenty of things going on in
this life I believe are happening and because I believe they are my liking
or disliking them does not change things. Evil is in the world, and it will
be dealt with totally and completely! I believe God's ways are better than
mine, personally there are people in this world I lo ...[text shortened]... at all. I do
not believe God mixes His mercy with condemnation or his wrath with
The evil of the 2oth century was not dealt with nor the evil from the past 2000 years.

I fully expect nothing to be done by some deity for the next 20 million years.

Humans have put themselves on such a high plane they think they are some kind of semi god, to be worthy of a god's attention.

I think nothing could be further from the truth.

I think the truth is we are on our own, with our own made up religions and no deity is going to come down and save our sorry asses when push comes to shove, however that works out and we will either save ourselves or go extinct and there will be no deity coming down to either judge, pass, or condemn. That is all man made BS just to control the unruly population of several thousand years ago. And to build a political power base. That seems to be the sum of it. Nothing good ever came out of religion, in terms of acceptance of other cultures, peace among men, goodwill or even altruism.

All of those attributes are either non-existent or spotty at best.

Isn't that one of the goals of religions, to have people get along?

How is that working for you?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by sonhouse
The evil of the 2oth century was not dealt with nor the evil from the past 2000 years.

I fully expect nothing to be done by some deity for the next 20 million years.

Humans have put themselves on such a high plane they think they are some kind of semi god, to be worthy of a god's attention.

I think nothing could be further from the truth.

I th ...[text shortened]... 't that one of the goals of religions, to have people get along?

How is that working for you?
I think evil is deep within mankind, everything it does it does with an eye
on itself. From paying taxes, from taxing those richer than themselves, it
is always about getting over. Even when we attempt to do good there it is
right there with us.

I believe when God does shut this place down and deals with it, it will be
done forever. We will see it in all areas of our lives for what it was and how
we were a part of it all.

I've told you before we cannot earn God's good grace, but many try and
they do it making themselves look as good as they can. From destroying
those that disagree or dislike them on down to other means.

Yes, even though God commands that we love one another we do not.
Very few are finding the Lord, and we see what the rest are doing.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
I think evil is deep within mankind, everything it does it does with an eye
on itself. From paying taxes, from taxing those richer than themselves, it
is always about getting over. Even when we attempt to do good there it is
right there with us.

I believe when God does shut this place down and deals with it, it will be
done forever. We will see it in ...[text shortened]... ne another we do not.
Very few are finding the Lord, and we see what the rest are doing.
I'm still waiting....

It is not going to happen in 20 MILLION years much less like in the next 20 years that people continue to think.

I completely agree there are evil people who are unreachable, will kill and the higher up on the political spectrum, the more people they kill. Like Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin.

They are all un-redeemable. The only good despot is a dead despot.

Good example of evil as we speak is ISIS, they ADMIT they are evil and revel in it. Barbarians who deserve only death.

Your god, their god, someone else's god are not coming down to stop it.

Like I said, the 100 million deaths of the 20th century due to despots and no response from your god, their god, ANYONE's god is ample proof to me that it could just as well have been 1 BILLION deaths, 10 Billion deaths (which of course would end the human race, but there is NOTHING that says that couldn't happen, that is to say, EVERY human dead from whatever reason, extinction of the human race totally, there would be no response from your god or anyone else's god because even allowing the idea of their being such a god, it is clearly hands off and therefore no good to us on our human level, otherwise it would have recognized the atrocities that have taken place in the last couple thousand years where absolutely no response came from said god, it doesn't matter HOW many people die. There will be no response from this alleged god.

You are basing your life on wishful thinking.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by sonhouse
I'm still waiting....

It is not going to happen in 20 MILLION years much less like in the next 20 years that people continue to think.

I completely agree there are evil people who are unreachable, will kill and the higher up on the political spectrum, the more people they kill. Like Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin.

They are all un-redeemable. The on ...[text shortened]... ere will be no response from this alleged god.

You are basing your life on wishful thinking.
Well if you read the last book of the Bible it talks about how God is going
to end it. I imagine from reading it, that things are about to get much
worse. I don't think anyone is unreachable the way has been open for all,
but not all are going to come. I also don't think this has been going on for
20 million years either, as a side note.

Even those within ISIS can be saved, I also pray that God reaches them!

We are all walking out our faith, I choose to put mine God who said He
would never leave or forsake us regardless what happens in this world.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
Well if you read the last book of the Bible it talks about how God is going
to end it. I imagine from reading it, that things are about to get much
worse. I don't think anyone is unreachable the way has been open for all,
but not all are going to come. I also don't think this has been going on for
20 million years either, as a side note.

Even those w ...[text shortened]... e God who said He
would never leave or forsake us regardless what happens in this world.
I hope for humanities sake you are dead wrong. I think we need to blast religion from our consciousnesses and take matters into our own hands and not constantly and obsessively be praying for some god to come down and fix all our boo boo's, which hasn't happened in 2000 or more years and there is ZERO signs of anything else.

Things may indeed get worse, the way we are treating the planet right now we are stripping it of resources, some say we are already using 50% of Earth's resources as we speak and it sounds like with no corrections the population will double again in another 100 years or so. which sounds to me like at that point Earth will have nothing more to offer in the way of resources. At that point, we either drastically lower our population, which has its own problems, or move to another planet, Terraform Mars or build spaceships capable of going to planets around other stars we can start over being mindful of the mistakes of our sordid history.

You have to admit there are far too many people on the planet right now.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by sonhouse
I hope for humanities sake you are dead wrong. I think we need to blast religion from our consciousnesses and take matters into our own hands and not constantly and obsessively be praying for some god to come down and fix all our boo boo's, which hasn't happened in 2000 or more years and there is ZERO signs of anything else.

Things may indeed get worse, ...[text shortened]... our sordid history.

You have to admit there are far too many people on the planet right now.
Actually I believe God wants us to man up and do good in the face of what
ever occurs to us. For example: Turning the other cheek is not what the
world teaches, not rejoicing when your enemy has bad things happen is
not what the world teaches, love your enemies do go to those that despise
you are not the things this world teaches. It is the hard hearts of man that
not only rejects these things, but belittles those that follow them.

I don't admit there are more people on the planet right now that the world
cannot handle it, I do admit we are not doing what we can to make
everyone on the planet live in peace and with all they need due to the
greed of many.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
Actually I believe God wants us to man up and do good in the face of what
ever occurs to us. For example: Turning the other cheek is not what the
world teaches, not rejoicing when your enemy has bad things happen is
not what the world teaches, love your enemies do go to those that despise
you are not the things this world teaches. It is the hard hearts ...[text shortened]... e
everyone on the planet live in peace and with all they need due to the
greed of many.
The thing about that greed deal is it is never going to stop. What makes you think that your god, allowing folks into your alleged heaven, is going to weed out all the asssholes who are in it for the money, power and so forth? Do you think once in, always in? You figure there will be no crime in heaven?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Sep 14
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Originally posted by sonhouse
The thing about that greed deal is it is never going to stop. What makes you think that your god, allowing folks into your alleged heaven, is going to weed out all the asssholes who are in it for the money, power and so forth? Do you think once in, always in? You figure there will be no crime in heaven?
God said those asssholes will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
Of course.
All the criminals and those that do evil will have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimestone, so those in heaven will not have to worry about them

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
09 Sep 14
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Originally posted by sonhouse
The thing about that greed deal is it is never going to stop. What makes you think that your god, allowing folks into your alleged heaven, is going to weed out all the asssholes who are in it for the money, power and so forth? Do you think once in, always in? You figure there will be no crime in heaven?
I don't think that is true, there are honest people out there that would
return found money if they knew where it belonged and not think twice.
Greed is simply someone who wants what they want and is not content
with what they have. While a content person will not be moved to be
greedy. Yes, I believe that when all is revealed and we see evil for what
it is and those that love it are all removed, then there will be no crime and
the universe will be what it was supposed to be from that point on.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
09 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
I think evil is deep within mankind, everything it does it does with an eye
on itself. From paying taxes, from taxing those richer than themselves,
You are seriously screwed up if you see taxation as evil.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
09 Sep 14
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Originally posted by KellyJay
Even those within ISIS can be saved, ...
That's why they are there!

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