Why is everything in the Bible true and accurate?

Why is everything in the Bible true and accurate?


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04 Apr 04
13 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
I'm not going to bring up ten years of your quotes to show you how wrong you are here with this. Anyone who has ever read you knows what you have said and how you belittle those you claim are doing nothing but use 'church language.' You are forever putting your claims against what the Word says, and you have even said and were quoted as suggesting that it's either Jesus (your Jesus) or the Bible and some choose the Bible.
Its Jesus or the bible.
Some worship the bible, and live in the flesh. Their faith is dead
Some do the commandments of Jesus, they live in the Spirit
Doers are justified.

Your doctrine is one of dead faith.
I know because you have never once promoted the commandments
Never have to told anyone about what Jesus's commandments were.
I can correctly conclude that your doctrine is not of Christ.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
Its Jesus or the bible.
Some worship the bible, and live in the flesh. Their faith is dead
Some do the commandments of Jesus, they live in the Spirit
Doers are justified.

Your doctrine is one of dead faith.
I know because you have never once promoted the commandments
Never have to told anyone about what Jesus's commandments were.
I can correctly conclude that your doctrine is not of Christ.
The Spirit is a person, the third person of the Godhead, not the reflection of obedience. We are justified by Jesus Christ, not our works of righteousness.



04 Apr 04
13 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
The Spirit is a person, the third person of the Godhead, not the reflection of obedience. We are justified by Jesus Christ, not our works of righteousness.
You are a milk Christian only capable of promoting first principles The meat Christians, and other more advanced God-fearing people, know more about good and evil, right from wrong righteousness and good works. When you grow up we might be able to communicate easier.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22

@divegeester said
I’ve still not seen a coherent cohesive argument to support why everything which is written in the Bible has be taken as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate etc?

I was brought up to accept that the bible was the complete, inerrant and total word of God but I do not see evidence, even within the bible, to support that assertion.

I’m sorry if this offends and makes me deserving of abuse, but it simply isn’t there.
As I said, cite one error in the Holy Bible.

Explain the accuracy of prophecies, especially the Messianic prophecy in Daniel, and how the Bible could contain scientific facts that were thousands of years ahead of man’s knowledge at the time.

You’re the one making the claim so tell us why you think the Bible should not be taken “as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate, etc.”

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22
1 edit

@rajk999 said
Its Jesus or the bible.
Some worship the bible, and live in the flesh. Their faith is dead
Some do the commandments of Jesus, they live in the Spirit
Doers are justified.

Your doctrine is one of dead faith.
I know because you have never once promoted the commandments
Never have to told anyone about what Jesus's commandments were.
I can correctly conclude that your doctrine is not of Christ.
Have you ever once used the words “forgiveness” and “love” and “grace” in your doctrine?

I’ve never once seen you use those words in your doctrine, and those words form the basis of the entire New Testament and what Jesus Christ taught.

Not to mention Jesus Christ said to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, mind, soul and strength and to love thy neighbor as thyself are the two greatest commandments.

God is completely absent from your doctrine, except for what He did 2,000 years ago, and you ridicule the importance of prayer, reading the Holy Bible and worshipping God.

And you display nothing but dishonesty, condemnation and hate in here.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
You are a milk Christian only capable of promoting first principles The meat Christians, and other more advanced God-fearing people, know more about good and evil, right from wrong righteousness and good works. When you grow up we might be able to communicate easier.
What you do is make false claims that what the scriptures say is not valid. If what you claim were true, why don't you stay on topic instead of turning the subject matter into the one you are speaking with by putting them down? You claim that 'your Jesus' and what the scriptures say are at odds, and people should follow 'your Jesus' teaching instead of the Bible, while there is no distinction between Jesus and the Bible in reality. You are claiming there is one that only shows you have not idea what you are talking about as you twist the simple truth of the scripture into making this all about our performance in works instead of the grace and mercy of God we receive through faith.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
You are a milk Christian only capable of promoting first principles The meat Christians, and other more advanced God-fearing people, know more about good and evil, right from wrong righteousness and good works. When you grow up we might be able to communicate easier.
The “milk Christians” are the ones incapable of understanding Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and how His sacrifice cleanses a Christian of sins.

The “milk Christians” can’t understand how God’s Holy Spirit could indwell them and how they could be made the righteousness of God in Christ based only on what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.

The “milk Christians” have to be told to do good works and keep the commandments because they don’t understand the New Covenant and God’s Grace, and can’t operate or even think outside the worldly paradigm of “Do good, get good; do bad, get bad.”

The “milk Christians” are people like you, rajk999.

And guess what?

Not only does all your condemnation, hate and dishonesty reveal you as a mouth worshipper who is far from Jesus Christ, so does your lack of God’s Holy Spirit indwelling you.

“But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”

(Romans 8:9)



04 Apr 04
13 Feb 22
1 edit

@kellyjay said
What you do is make false claims that what the scriptures say is not valid. If what you claim were true, why don't you stay on topic instead of turning the subject matter into the one you are speaking with by putting them down? You claim that 'your Jesus' and what the scriptures say are at odds, and people should follow 'your Jesus' teaching instead of the Bible, while there ...[text shortened]... s all about our performance in works instead of the grace and mercy of God we receive through faith.
I never use any of the language you say I use. I quote the teachings of Christ and I post the commandments. I never said anything about 'performance in works' or 'works salvation'

You are constantly changing what I say. and I put you down because you Christians do the same to me, all the time... or are you blind to that.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
I never use any of the language you say I use. I quote the teachings of Christ and I post the commandments. I never said anything about 'performance in works' or 'works salvation'

You are constantly changing what I say. and I put you down because you Christians do the same to me, all the time... or are you blind to that.
When have you ever quoted what Jesus Christ said were the two greatest commandments?

When have you ever quoted what Jesus said about forgiveness?

When have you ever mentioned the Grace of God and that the law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ?

You know very little about what Jesus Christ taught and the entire message of the New Covenant and New Testament has flown thousands of feet over your head.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22

@rajk999 said
Its Jesus or the bible.
Some worship the bible, and live in the flesh. Their faith is dead
Some do the commandments of Jesus, they live in the Spirit
Doers are justified.

Your doctrine is one of dead faith.
I know because you have never once promoted the commandments
Never have to told anyone about what Jesus's commandments were.
I can correctly conclude that your doctrine is not of Christ.
<<Your doctrine is one of dead faith.
I know because you have never once promoted the commandments
Never have to told anyone about what Jesus's commandments were.
I can correctly conclude that your doctrine is not of Christ.>>

I thought you were against personal comments. You just said so in another thread.

Is this comment another example of your hypocrisy, dishonesty and hate, mouth worshipper?

Why, yes! I think it is!

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
13 Feb 22
1 edit

@rajk999 said
I never use any of the language you say I use. I quote the teachings of Christ and I post the commandments. I never said anything about 'performance in works' or 'works salvation'

You are constantly changing what I say. and I put you down because you Christians do the same to me, all the time... or are you blind to that.
Well, the language you do use is quite belittling, considering that you are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, according to you. I have to agree with another in this thread, when do you ever talk about the two great commandments Jesus gave, you don't, instead talk about works, which is performance-driven. When do you speak of grace and mercy, loving one another instead of condemning or name-calling?



04 Apr 04
13 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
Well, the language you do use is quite belittling, considering that you are preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, according to you. I have to agree with another in this thread, when do you ever talk about the two great commandments Jesus gave, you don't, instead talk about works, which is performance-driven. When do you speak of grace and mercy, loving one another instead of condemning or name-calling?
Are you familiar with the language Jesus used? He called people Fools, hypocrites, blind guides. Jesus was primarily concerned with truth and righteousness. Good works was the main focus of Jesus Christ and this is evident in all his teachings

Nothing you preach is from Jesus except vague meaningless passages which you constantly regurgitate about
- living in the Spirit [What does that mean ? you never say]
- Belonging to Jesus [What is that ? I guess you do not know
- whether Jesus knows you
- personal relationship [not in the bible]

Your doctrine is contrary to Christ. Jesus said in Matt 25 that the Good Samaritans of this world will enter the Kingdom of God. You have never told that to anyone. I wonder why?



16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22

@kellyjay said
Again, you are saying it is not all trustworthy; you are claiming it isn't all the Word of God. Since you are making such calls upon the Word of God, how much of it do you reject and accept, and if you are throwing out something, and keeping others, what makes those verses any better than the ones you reject. You are now claiming that there is a distinction. Do you start thr ...[text shortened]... hen do you start accepting books, if only parts, how do you justify accepting any of it and not all?
Do you, or do you not, have a coherent cohesive argument to support why everything which is written in the Bible has be taken as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate etc?

All I’m reading from you is a flustered sense of indignation.


16 Feb 08
13 Feb 22

@pb1022 said
As I said, cite one error in the Holy Bible.

Explain the accuracy of prophecies, especially the Messianic prophecy in Daniel, and how the Bible could contain scientific facts that were thousands of years ahead of man’s knowledge at the time.

You’re the one making the claim so tell us why you think the Bible should not be taken “as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate, etc.”
I’ve still not seen a coherent cohesive argument to support why everything which is written in the Bible has be taken as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate etc.

Do you have one?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
13 Feb 22

@divegeester said
I’ve still not seen a coherent cohesive argument to support why everything which is written in the Bible has be taken as being absolute truth, morally right, totally accurate etc.

Do you have one?
Already responded and gave you two reasons.

You have yet to give a single reason in support of your position.