26 Jun 18
Originally posted by @fmfYour opinion on scripture is of little concern to me, since you have missed God entirety, deny Jesus completely. Your opinion is not one I value on scriptural discussions! I hope that changes but right now it is what it is!
What I believe is that you are slotting the word "good" into asserions that are the product of circular logic.
26 Jun 18
Originally posted by @kellyjayThis is mere deflection. The question is about why torturing people forever, in and of itself, is morally good. Don't run away.
Your opinion on scripture is of little concern to me, since you have missed God entirety, deny Jesus completely. Your opinion is not one I value on scriptural discussions! I hope that changes but right now it is what it is!
26 Jun 18
Originally posted by @kellyjayThat is just pure Christian arrogance which will get you nowhere. Suppose FMF is the kind of guy who helps people in need. There will be a time when FMF will help someone not knowing that that person is Jesus Christ. That is how it works.
Your opinion on scripture is of little concern to me, since you have missed God entirety, deny Jesus completely. Your opinion is not one I value on scriptural discussions! I hope that changes but right now it is what it is!
You mistakenly tell yourself you have Gods Spirit therefore you only can do good works. That is talk. Jesus is interested in what you do.
Therefore FMF can very well be doing things that Jesus will reward with eternal life.
You may very well be doing nothing and will be cast out of the Kingdom of God.
That is how a just God will judge people and this is how he said he will judge people. Any other method makes God a respecter of persons. Your concept of God makes him a respector of persons which the Bible says he is not.
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyIs God 'most people'?
Unlike you apparently, most people get a strong sense of satisfaction when the antagonist gets his just due by the hand of the protagonist just before the movie ends.
Surely he is above such things?
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeGod is satisfied when justice is served. We are "made in His image" and are likewise satisfied.
Is God 'most people'?
Surely he is above such things?
I favor annihilationism. I like it when the bad guy gets his head blown off. A life sentence in a hot prison with no a/c is kind of a let down at the end of the movie though I can see how some would prefer it.
26 Jun 18
Originally posted by @tom-wolsey"I favor annihilationism."
God is satisfied when justice is served. We are "made in His image" and are likewise satisfied.
I favor annihilationism. I like it when the bad guy gets his head blown off. A life sentence in a hot prison with no a/c is kind of a let down at the end of the movie though I can see how some would prefer it.
The makings of a controversial tattoo.
(As an aside, you are less in 'His image' if you are a meat eater. True story).
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-dukeLOL
"I favor annihilationism."
The makings of a controversial tattoo.
(As an aside, you are less in 'His image' if you are a meat eater. True story).
Now wait a minute. God likes the smell of grilled meat. Right?
Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Why can't God simply forget sin?
God is eager and willing to forget your sins.
But not before you see and believe what it cost Him to do so.
Originally posted by @rajk999It doesn’t matter what works he has done or is doing! No where in scriptures does it say you are saved by our works, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ! Granted on judgment day works are with out a doubt a topic but without Jesus Christ good works will not save you. When we get right with God He gives us His Holy Spirit to do the works He has for us. Without God’s Spirit we don’t belong to Him.
That is just pure Christian arrogance which will get you nowhere. Suppose FMF is the kind of guy who helps people in need. There will be a time when FMF will help someone not knowing that that person is Jesus Christ. That is how it works.
You mistakenly tell yourself you have Gods Spirit therefore you only can do good works. That is talk. Jesus is intere ...[text shortened]... of persons. Your concept of God makes him a respector of persons which the Bible says he is not.
Originally posted by @tom-wolseyIf your belief in the Christian Hell allows you to frivolously compare it to a good guy/bad guy movie, I think you aren’t taking the threat seriously enough, by, oh, say, a million-fold. It seems that the self-proclaimed believers in Hell are in fact, its strongest deniers, at least in terms of their own personal risk of falling away. Don’t forget, a small probability times an infinite amount put at risk, is an infinite risk.
God is satisfied when justice is served. We are "made in His image" and are likewise satisfied.
I favor annihilationism. I like it when the bad guy gets his head blown off. A life sentence in a hot prison with no a/c is kind of a let down at the end of the movie though I can see how some would prefer it.
Originally posted by @js357I responded to a comparison to a movie you idiot. And by the way, the likes of Shakespeare and other authors and titans of literature have compared human existence to that of a play, or a novel; a movie by today's standards. In discussions involving God's omniscience and subsequent foreknowledge and foreordination, mankind's story is often likened to that of a movie. One of Dr. RC Sproul's greatest theological works is called "The Drama Of Redemption." It gives an overview of the entire bible and likens Christ's sacrifice and our redemption as a "drama" that unfolds. Like a movie or a play.
If your belief in the Christian Hell allows you to frivolously compare it to a good guy/bad guy movie, I think you aren’t taking the threat seriously enough, by, oh, say, a million-fold. It seems that the self-proclaimed believers in Hell are in fact, its strongest deniers, at least in terms of their own personal risk of falling away. Don’t forget, a small probability times an infinite amount put at risk, is an infinite risk.
Memes are said to be a superior form of communication--putting words to an image. Likewise, movies are superior all the more if produced properly. I didn't reduce hell to something trivial. I followed along with the motif established by the person I replied to. I used a modern day comparison to the satisfaction we humans feel when we see justice served to the wicked, and the satisfaction God must also feel.
If you are too shallow to at least imagine mankind's history and ultimate future as a drama that is unfolding, then I can't help that. I'm not sure why you're lashing out at me.
Originally posted by @kellyjayIs the whore of Babylon a literal whore or a symbolic one?
It is foundational all truth comes from God, the whole of scripture speaks to this! Jesus went so far too say only God the Father is good. If you question this what is it that you believe, that God is good except when He isn’t?
Is the beast with 7 heads a literal Jason and the Argonauts type of Ray Harryhausen creature or a symbolic one?
Is the pearl of great price a literal pearl buried in a literal field or is it a symbolic one?
Is the lake of fire and brimstone a literal lake with burning fuel and brimstone from the centre of the earth...or do we think I just might be a teensy-weensy bit symbolic?
Just have a think about it for a moment.