@sonhouse saidYes, I am always right.
There is NO convincing you no matter what evidence is presented.
You just pump out yet another ultrarigntwingnutjob site thinking THIS one will convince those liberal cretins.
AND you are not trying to be funny. You are 100% serious.
Which is really sad.
You gave your brain to Trump and he is making hay with it.
You just parrot everything Trump says and does.
BTW, he had a *HUGE* rally today and 10,000 folks were supposed to come.
Turned out only a few hundred of the most deeply programmed were the only ones who came.
Looks like the patina given Trump by you right wing Trump cultists is finally starting to wear thin.
@sonhouse saidYou are in the covid cult and you need to be deprogrammed.
AND you are not trying to be funny. You are 100% serious.
Which is really sad.
You gave your brain to Trump and he is making hay with it.
You just parrot everything Trump says and does.
BTW, he had a *HUGE* rally today and 10,000 folks were supposed to come.
Turned out only a few hundred of the most deeply programmed were the only ones who came.
Looks like the patina given Trump by you right wing Trump cultists is finally starting to wear thin.
Sorry, I already know what science says about it so if I am in a science cult, I am MUCH better off than you EVER will be, being a card carrying Ultra Right Wing Nut Job Trump cult.
Tell me, how much has any of your buddies actually progressed science? EVEN I did and all I have is a couple years of college and LOTS of OJT on VERY complex equipment.
So tell me about your Phd thesis, since you MUST have one of those because of all the 'theses' you present.
How far up the academic food chain did you go anyway? GED?
@metal-brain saidYou used a quote out of context. What "seems rare" is for people to have both autism and a mitochondrial disorder. What does that have to do with vaccines? Nothing.
You are wrong.
CDC's immunization safety director says it's a “possibility” that vaccines rarely trigger autism but “it’s hard to predict who those children might be.” (They’re not even trying.)
The link also says: "Q: Do vaccines cause or worsen mitochondrial diseases?
A: As of now, there are no scientific studies that say vaccines cause or worsen mitochondrial diseases. We do know that certain illnesses that can be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu, can trigger the regression that is related to a mitochondrial disease. More research is needed to determine if there are rare cases where underlying mitochondrial disorders are triggered by anything related to vaccines."
Science is based on what we know now, not some possible future findings. Attkisson and you are just plain wrong to claim there is any link between vaccines and autism.
All of that is just his way of weaponizing Covid for his sick political purposes.
@sonhouse saidYou talk about science as if it is a person.
Sorry, I already know what science says about it so if I am in a science cult, I am MUCH better off than you EVER will be, being a card carrying Ultra Right Wing Nut Job Trump cult.
Tell me, how much has any of your buddies actually progressed science? EVEN I did and all I have is a couple years of college and LOTS of OJT on VERY complex equipment.
So tell ...[text shortened]... cause of all the 'theses' you present.
How far up the academic food chain did you go anyway? GED?
You don't even know what science is.
@no1marauder saidWrong link. I posted 2 of them.
You used a quote out of context. What "seems rare" is for people to have both autism and a mitochondrial disorder. What does that have to do with vaccines? Nothing.
The link also says: "Q: Do vaccines cause or worsen mitochondrial diseases?
A: As of now, there are no scientific studies that say vaccines cause or worsen mitochondrial diseases. We do know that ...[text shortened]... ings. Attkisson and you are just plain wrong to claim there is any link between vaccines and autism.
"But he acknowledged the prospect that vaccines might rarely trigger autism.
“I guess, that, that is a possibility,” said DeStefano. "It’s hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied to look at those possibilities."
Hannah Poling. That is why the CDC removed the statement. The statement was false.
If there was no link between vaccines and autism the Hannah Poling case would have been rejected. Here is an excerpt from the link above:
"the government has quietly conceded that vaccines aggravated a cell disorder nobody knew Hannah had, leaving her with permanent brain damage and autistic-like symptoms."
They essentially admitted it, but kept the case sealed so they could deny it later. The CDC is contradicting itself.
@metal-brain saidI read the interview though it appears you did not. Destefano repeatedly says there is no evidence that vaccines cause autism:
Wrong link. I posted 2 of them.
"But he acknowledged the prospect that vaccines might rarely trigger autism.
“I guess, that, that is a possibility,” said DeStefano. "It’s hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied to look at those possibilities."
https://sharylattkisson.com/2018/12/cdc-possibility-that-vaccines-rar ...[text shortened]... admitted it, but kept the case sealed so they could deny it later. The CDC is contradicting itself.
Attkisson: And is, is the pos—the current position that any potential link between vaccines and autism, secondary, any kind at all, has been entirely ruled out 100%?
DeStefano: I re, you know, I re—uh, I think every hypothesis that’s been looked at has been, uh, ruled out.
Attkisson: But, I mean, are you, are you, can I say the CDC’s position is that if anybody thinks there’s anything anymore, it’s a myth? It’s all been disproven?
DeStefano: Wouldn’t say it’s a myth, I’d say, you know, all the evidence, thus far, points to that there’s not a causal association between vaccines and autism.
She then tries to come up with some "secondary" possibility that DeStefano clearly doesn't know what she is talking about. Attkisson then concedes there is no "causal" link:
"Attkisson: But I mean doesn’t that, is—isn’t that a “link”? It’s not a “causal” link, but isn’t that a potential link between vaccination and autism if certain children with a “underyling biological illness” can have a “trigger” through vaccination?
So, what you have is an official from the CDC saying there is no evidence of a causal link and a crank with no medical training eventually conceding that.
@no1marauder saidThere is no evidence that smoking tobacco causes lung cancer either. Does that mean it doesn't cause cancer? We both know better.
I read the interview though it appears you did not. Destefano repeatedly says there is no evidence that vaccines cause autism:
Attkisson: And is, is the pos—the current position that any potential link between vaccines and autism, secondary, any kind at all, has been entirely ruled out 100%?
DeStefano: I re, you know, I re—uh, [b]I think every hypothesis that’s been ...[text shortened]... here is no evidence of a causal link and a crank with no medical training eventually conceding that.
Hannah Poling proves you wrong.
"a crank with no medical training eventually conceding that."
What crank? Conceded what? Attkisson never conceded she was wrong. She is right and Hannah Poling proves it.
@metal-brain saidAttkisson: But I mean doesn’t that, is—isn’t that a “link”? It’s not a “causal” link,
There is no evidence that smoking tobacco causes lung cancer either. Does that mean it doesn't cause cancer? We both know better.
Hannah Poling proves you wrong.
"a crank with no medical training eventually conceding that."
What crank? Conceded what? Attkisson never conceded she was wrong. She is right and Hannah Poling proves it.
There's plenty of evidence that smoking causes lung cancer. The history of the research is here: https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/the-study-that-helped-spur-the-us-stop-smoking-movement.html
The Hannah Poling case doesn't prove that vaccines cause autism. For one, there has never been another case like it. For two, it is quite unclear if it is even possible for vaccines to cause regression in the type of mitochondrial disease Hannah had. The United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation said this:
"There are no scientific studies documenting that childhood
vaccinations cause mitochondrial diseases or worsen mitochondrial
disease symptoms. In the absence of scientific evidence, the UMDF
cannot confirm any association between mitochondrial diseases and vaccines."
https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1464&context=mjlst pp. 219-20
@no1marauder saidThe tobacco corporations denied smoking causes cancer under oath in front of congress, remember? Why were they not prosecuted for perjury?
Attkisson: But I mean doesn’t that, is—isn’t that a “link”? It’s not a “causal” link,
There's plenty of evidence that smoking causes lung cancer. The history of the research is here: https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/the-study-that-helped-spur-the-us-stop-smoking-movement.html
The Hannah Poling case doesn't prove that vaccines cause autism. For one, there h ...[text shortened]... nes."
https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1464&context=mjlst pp. 219-20
There are lots of things that cause cancer. Radon gas is just one example of many. You have no more evidence that smoking causes cancer than vaccines causing autism. You just think you do. A lack of evidence of causation doesn't prove that is not causation.
The CDC admitted a link is possible so you are wrong. Scientific studies are manipulated to mislead. The fraudulent HCQ study published by the Lancet is a good example.
There is no evidence that vaccines do NOT cause autism.
The gene vaccines do not protect people against the delta variant. Since the delta variant is the dominant variant now, vaccinated people need to be tested just as much as the unvaccinated.
Gene vaccine mandates are stupid. Only a brainwashed idiot would support them knowing the CDC admits the gene vaccines do not stop the spread, unless they just want to punish people who did not conform like they did. In that case they are just major league jerks who hate people who are different than them.
That must be it. no1 wants to punish those for being non conformists. Logic has nothing to do with it. He just hates people for not being a mindless conformist.
You really LOVE negative attention.
There is PLENTY of evidence smoking tobacco causes cancer, the tobacco companies know that in 1960.
You want to weaponize ANYTHING in your sick agenda thinking somehow your god king will be reinstated and that traitor Biden will be out on his ass and in prison.
@sonhouse saidBut the tobacco companies denied it under oath and they didn't go to jail for perjury. We both know smoking tobacco causes cancer, but proving it isn't easy. Lots of things cause cancer just like lots of things cause people to die after getting a gene vaccine shot.
You really LOVE negative attention.
There is PLENTY of evidence smoking tobacco causes cancer, the tobacco companies know that in 1960.
You want to weaponize ANYTHING in your sick agenda thinking somehow your god king will be reinstated and that traitor Biden will be out on his ass and in prison.
"There is PLENTY of evidence smoking tobacco causes cancer, the tobacco companies know that in 1960."
Just because they know doesn't mean they are going to admit it. Merck knew Vioxx was causing heart attacks but covered it up. Don't even get me started on Monsanto. They all knew it and never admitted it for a long time.
My point is that there is plausible deniability, but that doesn't mean someone can't be right when they assert cause and effect. Like the tobacco companies, the vaccine makers are lying when they deny their gene vaccines are causing injuries and death. They say all those people dying is just a coincidence, like smokers dying of lung cancer.
I know the vaccines are killing a lot of people just like you know tobacco is. It cannot be merely a coincidence with either, but they have plausible deniability. They are not going to admit it, no matter how obvious it is by looking at the numbers.