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Vaccinated should be tested for SARS2 or lose rights

Vaccinated should be tested for SARS2 or lose rights



@eintaluj said
No. Everything is correct. This is a new relevant scientific paper and I shared it immediately. And I have given a warning that it requires some technical contemplation what and in what context has exactly been asserted. Thus, if some newspapers are already making some conclusions, I have warned that I couldn't read it quickly. I am going to sleep now. Your claim that I have taken something completely out of context is a lie.
Good night. Don’t wake up.

2 edits

"SARS-CoV-2 vaccine protection and deaths among US veterans during 2021"
Science, November 04, 2021

This is the first comprehensive statistical study of mRNA vaccines effectiveness in the US. The effectiveness of the vaccines against infection and against death both were investigated.

The results show that the vaccines have been effective both against death and infection. However, because of different reasons (one, but not the only reason is the emergence of the new strain of the virus), the effectiveness against infection has decreased during approximately one year from approximately 90% till 13%:

Janssen 13%;
Pfizer 45%;
Moderna 60%.

The authors conclude that vaccination is of highest importance, but as the vaccinated can still be infected and spread the virus, additional precautionary measures (masks, social distancing, testing, etc) should be applied to the vaccinated as well.

Therefore, that fresh study confirms the thesis of the original post of the present thread: "Vaccinated should be tested..."

Below, I shall provide relevant quotations from the scientific paper I refereed here:


"These results demonstrate an urgent need to reinstate multiple layers of protection, such as masking and physical distancing – even among vaccinated persons – while also bolstering current efforts to increase vaccination."

"Our findings on increased risk of death following breakthrough infection provide further support for continuing efforts to discover and implement effective interventions to prevent infection in all persons, including those who have been fully vaccinated."

"...additional, alternative prevention practices will be essential to reduce infection."

"Our findings support the conclusion that COVID-19 vaccines remain the most important tool to prevent infection and death. Vaccines should be accompanied by additional measures for both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, including masking, hand washing, and physical distancing. It is essential to implement public health interventions, such as strategic testing for control of outbreaks, vaccine passports, employment-based vaccine mandates, vaccination campaigns for eligible children as well as adults, and consistent messaging from public health leadership in the face of increased risk of infection due to the Delta and other emerging variants."


PS shavixmir should be expelled from the Forum. It rather seems that this (probably paid) troll has mixed the threads one is commenting 24/7.


@shavixmir said
Shouldn’t you read it before posting it and cherry picking one piece of data out if it, and completely out of context at that?

The summary is that the vaccines work extremely well, especially at stopping hospitalisations and deaths. But, with the Delta variant, they work less well at preventing the spread of the virus.
"But, with the Delta variant, they work less well at preventing the spread of the virus."

The gene vaccines do not work at all against the delta variant. The delta variant evolved a resistance to the gene vaccines. That is why the delta variant exists. It found a way to survive in the bodies of vaccinated people.

You are being lied to by your health officials. The gene vaccines are useless against the delta variant. It is the equivalent to antibiotic resistant bacteria. Now you require a different treatment. The one you used is outdated because of evolution.


Natural immunity is superior to the gene vaccines. Even Fauci had no answer to Sanjay Gupta when he asked Fauci about it.

People with natural immunity should be hired, not fired.


The vaccinated should be subjected to regular testing before being allowed into public gatherings. They are super spreaders. Only then should they receive a pass to gather in enclosed public places.



@metal-brain said
The vaccinated should be subjected to regular testing before being allowed into public gatherings. They are super spreaders. Only then should they receive a pass to gather in enclosed public places.

Since it’s the unvaccinated getting ill, they’re the one’s who made their bed. Let them lie in it.

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@shavixmir said
Since it’s the unvaccinated getting ill, they’re the one’s who made their bed. Let them lie in it.
We finally agree. Now you can stop defending gene vaccine mandates so they can be comfortable in their own beds. Stop being a gene vaccine Nazi.

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Time To Lock Down The Vaxxed Now That They Are The Super-Spreaders? In The Age Of Omicron, The Jabbed Are Now Catching & Spreading Covid At A Higher Rate Than The Unvaxxed


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