Bring it!

Bring it!


Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No way! not until you tell me what you were doing skulking around the net with Bobs poem in hand
Thank you. Now we all agree that it's none of your business.


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Thank you. Now we all agree that it's none of your business.
LOL we all agree, you and your split personalities, thats brilliant Randolf, so tell me again what you were doing running around the net with Bobs poem and why the posts in a public forum are none of my business? You did post it in a public forum right?

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
LOL we all agree, you and your split personalities, thats brilliant Randolf, so tell me again what you were doing running around the net with Bobs poem and why the posts in a public forum are none of my business? You did post it in a public forum right?
I did. You have a right to read it. My reason for posting it is none of your business.


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
I did. You have a right to read it. My reason for posting it is none of your business.
So......Randolf, lets get this. If its in a public forum then its my business as a member of the public and i have every right to ascertain why content was contributed. I may ask questions, seek clarification of salient points etc etc but not ask why you posted it. Ummmm sorry but that does not make any sense.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
So......Randolf, lets get this. If its in a public forum then its my business as a member of the public and i have every right to ascertain why content was contributed. I may ask questions, seek clarification of salient points etc etc but not ask why you posted it. Ummmm sorry but that does not make any sense.
You keep putting me in mind of a quotation attributed to Mark Twain:

“Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

My motives for posting anything anywhere, public or private, are none of your business. Does that make sense?


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14
5 edits

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You keep putting me in mind of a quotation attributed to Mark Twain:

“Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

My motives for posting anything anywhere, public or private, are none of your business. Does that make sense?
No it doesn't make any sense, if you don't want people to ask you about your posts, the content of those posts, your motivations for posting then don't post them in a public forum. That makes sense, to think that you can simply post and then when someone asks you about your post say that its none of their business makes NO SENSE. If you don't want people to ask you about your posts, their content, the motives behind them etc etc in a public forum then don't post them there, slaphead. You have no jurisdiction over what questions may be asked and to think that you have is delusional.

So what were you doing with Bobs poem in hand Randolf? Were you caressing it like Gollum, my precious? Hoping that it had been plagiarized to confront Bobs with and publicly discredit him?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
06 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No it doesn't make any sense, if you don't want people to ask you about your posts, the content of those posts, your motivations for posting then don't post them in a public forum. That makes sense, to think that you can simply post and then when someone asks you about your post say that its none of their business makes NO SENSE. If you don't want ...[text shortened]... precious? Hoping that it had been plagiarized to confront Bobs with and publicly discredit him?
Isn't what you are doing here 'retrospective trolling'? The thread is dead fatman.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No it doesn't make any sense, if you don't want people to ask you about your posts, the content of those posts, your motivations for posting then don't post them in a public forum. That makes sense, to think that you can simply post and then when someone asks you about your post say that its none of their business makes NO SENSE. If you don't want ...[text shortened]... precious? Hoping that it had been plagiarized to confront Bobs with and publicly discredit him?
You can ask anything you want about content, you can challenge conclusions, you can offer
opposing arguments, but you do not have the right to demand that the poster disclose his/her
motives for posting.

By the way, continuing this foolish thread ad nauseam is only hurting Bobby.

Is that your motive for posting?


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Isn't what you are doing here 'retrospective trolling'? The thread is dead fatman.
Fine the thread is dead but I just wanna see if Randolf has the integrity to fess up. Clearly he has not.


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14
2 edits

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You can ask anything you want about content, you can challenge conclusions, you can offer
opposing arguments, but you do not have the right to demand that the poster disclose his/her
motives for posting.

By the way, continuing this foolish thread ad nauseam is only hurting Bobby.

Is that your motive for posting?
My motive is trying to get you to fess up to digging the dirt on Bobs. This will free your mind and cleanse your conscience which to all intents and purposes is demonstrably defunct. We wont call it an exorcism, more of a wake up call.😵

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
My motive is trying to get you to fess up to digging the dirt on Bobs. This will free your mind and cleanse your conscience which to all intents and purposes is demonstrably defunct. We wont call it an exorcism, more of a wake up call.😵
The only dirt on Bobs is what you and Limeboy are trying to shovel up.


26 Aug 07
06 Aug 14
2 edits

Originally posted by HandyAndy
The only dirt on Bobs is what you and Limeboy are trying to shovel up.
You see Randolf i tried to reach out to you, made room in my on-line presence for you, dodged the bullets, the electronic eyes and the machines guns in the hallway and then you then go and call me stupid. Hard to respect that Andy, you know what I am saying. I am not stupid Andy and even if i was why should it make a difference? You read 'Of Mice and men right? Steinbecks book. There is a rather telling moral lesson in it Andrew, you see, you don't need to be an intellectual giant to be a civil human being,

Guy don't need no sense to be a nice fella. ... Take a real smart guy and he ain't hardly ever a nice fella

Isn't that awesome?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No way! not until you tell me what you were doing skulking around the net with Bobs poem in hand
So what if he was looking for potential plagiarism, you and Galvosulk do it all the time.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You see Randolf i tried to reach out to you, made room in my on-line presence for you, dodged the bullets, the electronic eyes and the machines guns in the hallway and then you then go and call me stupid. Hard to respect that Andy, you know what I am saying. I am not stupid Andy and even if i was why should it make a difference? You read 'Of Mice ...[text shortened]... ce fella. ... Take a real smart guy and he ain't hardly ever a nice fella

Isn't that awesome?
You're right, Robbie, I shouldn't call you stupid. Ignorant, maybe, or rude. Or possibly shallow or crass
or ill-mannered or even boorish. Not to mention sneaky and deceitful and dishonest. But not stupid.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Fine the thread is dead but I just wanna see if Randolf has the integrity to fess up. Clearly he has not.
Who is Randolph?
Is he friend of Ryan's?
Is he Ryan?

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