Bring it!

Bring it!



28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
He's already apologized... just not in public.
Did you read the "few month's sabbatical rest..." thread?


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
The fact is that you are trying to make it seem as if I cared those threads were deleted. That's not what this is about. At all. If anything, the deletion of those threads was a convenient sideshow.
If this is so, what's with all the words you wrote in your OP?

Here they are...

"Tired of threads disappearing before you even get to read what's going on?

Tired of skillfully blasting your forum nemesis only to see them snivel like a weasel to the mods and get it deleted?

Tired of watching posters make accusation after accusation of other posters while couching their phrases in such a way as to not seem like they're saying what you *know* they're saying and then denying that's what they meant?

Tired of watching mealy-mouthed cowards bad-mouthing anyone and everyone and *never* getting banned?

Well then, post it here! That's right, let's show that meanness has its place and we will not be denied! And while we're at it, let's have a little poll and try to guess how soon *this* thread will be deleted too!

And hey, while we're at it, make an extremely offensive post and let's see if they actually have the freaking guts to ban ANYone and let's see exactly how bad it has to be before they finally take action! Fun for all can be had here so post here today to avoid missing out on all the fun!"

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
The poem was "published" under three 'names', as it were. It was posted by "Grampy Bobby" as "Anon" here at RHP which was presumably an effort to make it seem like it was written by someone else and not by Grampy Bobby. It was also posted under a name [which I will not mention] that "Grampy Bobby" has used on another website. And then most recently it was posted ...[text shortened]... e name "Grampy Bobby". I think most people will surely have accepted Grampy Bobby's explanation.
Wow, no kidding. What a genius.

Now let's talk about what were you two thinking before he explained. You know, the real reason for posting his other screen name here, which, interestingly enough, even *you* see to be wrong. Is this why HA apologized for it (in private, not in public of course, never in public)?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
If he and GB worked it out in private messages and GB is satisfied with that, then good for them. It doesn't mean Rudeolf wasn't looking to dig up dirt on Bobby, it just means Bobby is a forgive and forget sort of person who is willing to let bygones be bygones... and when this all blows over I don't doubt that Mr Hand will back up to his old tricks again, because that's the sort of person he is.

As I said, I'm glad someone here is over 10.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
I think it was the "person" on that other web site who seemed to have plagiarized the poem as it was "published" here at RHP by Grampy Bobby [b]before it was published there under that different name.[/b]
Who's trying to cover tracks now?

The thing is, you thought the tracks were covered then, too.


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
As it is, he thought he had GB dead to rights and so felt justified in doing this despicable behavior.
What "despicable behavior" exactly? You mean posting the poem under different names or finding that the poem had been posted under different names or knowing that the the poem had been posted under different names? How are any of these things "despicable"? There's a whiff of manufactured outrage about this. I reckon.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
HandyAndy already gave a full explanation on the "few months sabbatical rest..." thread. You posted on that thread several times so you read it too, presumably. He also explained again on the "Friendly RHP Neighbors" thread. So you saw it there again. One wonders why you are behaving as if you didn't. 🙂
He "explained" by repeating the already concocted "story".

Why did he finally (privately) apologize then? Was it to try to get "someone" off his back in the forums? And you don't have to answer why he didn't apologize in public, we know the answer to that.

By the way, before you ask (I know how you love focusing on minutia), I'm asking *you* because obviously you feel you can speak for him, as you've done here.


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Who's trying to cover tracks now?

The thing is, you thought the tracks were covered then, too.
My contribution to "Quantum Leap" was a cringe-worthy "poem" [called "Laudable Queef"] parodying Grampy Bobby's rather cringe-worthy offering. On "a few months sabbatical rest..." I welcomed the fact that Grampy Bobby confirmed that he was the author of the "poem" under both noms de plume and that there was no plagiarism involved.


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
He "explained" by repeating the already concocted "story".

Why did he finally (privately) apologize then? Was it to try to get "someone" off his back in the forums? And you don't have to answer why he didn't apologize in public, we know the answer to that.

By the way, before you ask (I know how you love focusing on minutia), I'm asking *you* because obviously you feel you can speak for him, as you've done here.

Not sure what you are on about.


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Who's trying to cover tracks now?
What "tracks"?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
fine and the matter remains unresolved, anyone else know what Handy Andy was doing poking around websites looking for Bobs poetry?
My guess is that he was "pointed" to it by a certain someone else. Someone who didn't mind all the blame and/or derision going to someone else, or rather another name, should it blow up in his face.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
What "tracks"?


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Suzianne
He "explained" by repeating the already concocted "story".

Why did he finally (privately) apologize then? Was it to try to get "someone" off his back in the forums? And you don't have to answer why he didn't apologize in public, we know the answer to that.

By the way, before you ask (I know how you love focusing on minutia), I'm asking *you* because obviously you feel you can speak for him, as you've done here. [/b]
This is how you sound: He"explained"byrepeatingthealreadyconcocted"story".Whydidhefinally
(privately)apologizethen?asittotrytoget"someone"off hisbackintheforums?Andyoudon'thavetoanswerwhyhedidn'tapologizeinpublic,weknowtheanswer

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You keep putting me in mind of a quotation attributed to Mark Twain:

“Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

My motives for posting anything anywhere, public or private, are none of your business. Does that make sense?
You were actually doing better when FMF was doing your talking for you.

But you knew that.


28 Oct 05
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
So you've no specific "tracks" in mind?

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