Bring it!

Bring it!



hirsute rooster

13 Apr 05
06 Aug 14

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Who is Randolph?
Is he friend of Ryan's?
Is he Ryan?
... That's a rubbish Haiku.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
The only dirt on Bobs is what you and Limeboy are trying to shovel up.
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today, Andy? Or was it the same bed?


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
07 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You can ask anything you want about content, you can challenge conclusions, you can offer
opposing arguments, but you do not have the right to demand that the poster disclose his/her
motives for posting.

By the way, continuing this foolish thread ad nauseam is only hurting Bobby.

Is that your motive for posting?
... continuing this foolish thread ad nauseam is only hurting Bobby.

Your concern for him is heartwarming.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today, Andy? Or was it the same bed?
You guys are like cockroaches. You keep coming back.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]... continuing this foolish thread ad nauseam is only hurting Bobby.

Your concern for him is heartwarming.[/b]
Just ask Bobby.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You guys are like cockroaches. You keep coming back.
You pee on my leg, I poop on your shoes. That's how it works... I'm surprised* you haven't figured that out yet.

*no I'm not


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Just ask Bobby.
Ask him what? I was complimenting you for being such a wonderful friend to him.


26 Aug 07
07 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
You're right, Robbie, I shouldn't call you stupid. Ignorant, maybe, or rude. Or possibly shallow or crass
or ill-mannered or even boorish. Not to mention sneaky and deceitful and dishonest. But not stupid.
Gee thats hard to respect Andrew. I think you are afraid. You are afraid of letting anyone get past the moat and scaling the ramparts in case they don't like what they find, so you load the trebuchet with fiery insults to repel anyone that attempts to scale the walls of your castle, hidden high in the hills of cyber space.

Suzzie says Badger

is Racist Bastard

09 Jun 14
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Gee thats hard to respect Andrew. I think you are afraid. You are afraid of letting anyone get past the moat and scaling the ramparts in case they don't like what they find, so you load the trebuchet with fiery insults to repel anyone that attempts to scale the walls of your castle, hidden high in the hills of cyber space.
when he said stupid he was looking in the mirror.


26 Aug 07
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by redbadger
when he said stupid he was looking in the mirror.
Andy has a magic mirror? Mirror mirror on the wall, whose the brainiest of them all? Robbie and badger master, I cannot lie.😵

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]Suzianne and Limeboy claimed that I accused Grampy Bobby of plagiarism

I recall you were searching for evidence of plagiarism and thought you had found it. You didn't actually need to come right out and say I hereby accuse GB of plagiarism! for anyone to know what you were doing.

The fact that you didn't actually find the eviden ...[text shortened]... n't mean you weren't looking for it... a 10 year old child could see what you were trying to do.[/b]
Quite right. Thankfully someone here is over 10.

I'm not the only one, either. If you had asked anyone who cared about the matter, yes, it was obvious what was going on.

And when I stated this in the other threads, suddenly they mysteriously vanished. You do the math.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Then cite one specific instance when I said or even hinted that I was searching for evidence of plagiarism
by Bobby. Since the threads have been removed, paraphrase it. Prove that you aren't a contemptible liar.
You didn't have to. Everyone knew what was going on.

Your mistake is that you then assumed you were totally in the clear.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Andy still hasn't fessed up as to why he posted what he did, do you think he's taken the fifth lest he incriminate himself?
He's already apologized... just not in public.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
The poem [and others] had been posted here at RHP several times and also elsewhere on the net under a different name.
And the *only* reason he would think it then okay to expose GB's screen name on that other website is because he thought GB guilty of plagiarism.

An eye for an eye. That fits HA. If he had not thought GB guilty of plagiarism, he'd at least have thought twice about exposing his name on that other website. As it is, he thought he had GB dead to rights and so felt justified in doing this despicable behavior.

But you know all this.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
07 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
It is Suzianne who seems to be under the impression that I was behind the deletion of the threads. It is Suzianne who has been trying to make it "something to do with [me]".
Misdirection again. Focusing on minutia. All but outright lying.

The fact is that you are trying to make it seem as if I cared those threads were deleted. That's not what this is about. At all. If anything, the deletion of those threads was a convenient sideshow.

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