Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread

Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread


Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
It was obvious that you were an untrustworthy ally and that is why I was ultimately not interested in France's plans for everybody else to go to war with everybody else with the promise that eventually you and France would get around to helping their "allies" out. No thanks. It was also obvious that allowing Algeria's forces to be destroyed was not very ...[text shortened]... turn on United Germany and Sweden when our back was turned; well you won't get the chance.
King Clausewitz the Paranoid.

That is how the history books will remember you. You sit in your gloomy throne room concocting imaginary plots by the dozen.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
It was obvious that you were an untrustworthy ally and that is why I was ultimately not interested in France's plans for everybody else to go to war with everybody else with the promise that eventually you and France would get around to helping their "allies" out. No thanks. It was also obvious that allowing Algeria's forces to be destroyed was not very ...[text shortened]... turn on United Germany and Sweden when our back was turned; well you won't get the chance.
Lol. I'm sure any excuse would have to do. You noticed the unguarded plains of rich French soil and drooled with anticipation. Instigating the Spanish villain was only a ploy -- but don't worry, I'll play along.

Edit: My suspicion is that Russia refused to be the 5th wheel in any alliance and you took cooperation with them as a higher priority since they didn't have the bulk of their armies diverted to some corner of the map (sorry ATY, but that pretty much sums up England).

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
It was obvious that you were an untrustworthy ally and that is why I was ultimately not interested in France's plans for everybody else to go to war with everybody else with the promise that eventually you and France would get around to helping their "allies" out. No thanks. It was also obvious that allowing Algeria's forces to be destroyed was not very ...[text shortened]... turn on United Germany and Sweden when our back was turned; well you won't get the chance.
It was also obvious that allowing Algeria's forces to be destroyed was not very smart IF France and Spain really ever had any intention of going to war with Naples and the Ottomans like Napoleon said you were (why let them get stronger?).

As Sun Tzu said:

A united nation is strong.
A divided nation is weak.
A united army is strong.
A divided army is weak.
A united force is strong.
A divided force is weak.
United men are strong.
Divided men are weak.
A united unit is strong.
A divided unit is weak.

Did you seriously expect a minnow like Spain to fight a protracted war over two fronts? I made it quite clear to the Emir that he could only count on my limited support while Spain was campaigning in England. With no sizable navy in the Mediterranean I had to withdraw all my troops to the Spanish mainland or face the simple fate of “divide and conquer” -- my clusters of troops being surrounded and destroyed piecemeal, while I’m unable to support them due to a superior Ottoman/Neapolitan Navy.

I find it incredible that a cursory examination of the turn files could yield such conclusive evidence to my utter treachery and villainy.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by rwingett
King Clausewitz the Paranoid.

That is how the history books will remember you. You sit in your gloomy throne room concocting imaginary plots by the dozen.
While he's at it, he could explain why he let a Russian fleet through undefended Swedish and Russian territories unchallenged.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
While he's at it, he could explain why he let a Russian fleet through undefended Swedish and Russian territories unchallenged.
You must have missed the formation of the new Northern Alliance.

Paralysed analyst

On a ship of fools

26 May 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Prussia has re-installed King Orfeo to the Polish throne.
Nice. Profile shall be changed accordingly.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
While he's at it, he could explain why he let a Russian fleet through undefended Swedish and Russian territories unchallenged.
The Russian fleet was never in anything but an inferior position to the combined forces of the Alliance. I had no reason to think he would turn on us with such a small, isolated fleet while we had heavy naval superiority. I have only good relations with the Tsar, maybe I'll even help him out a bit in dismembering ya.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Halitose
[b]It was also obvious that allowing Algeria's forces to be destroyed was not very smart IF France and Spain really ever had any intention of going to war with Naples and the Ottomans like Napoleon said you were (why let them get stronger?).

As Sun Tzu said:

[i/]A united nation is strong.
A divided nation is weak.
A united army is strong.
A div ...[text shortened]... tion of the turn files could yield such conclusive evidence to my utter treachery and villainy.[/b]
Your and the Algerian navy was equal in strength to your enemies until you abandoned him. The French have a squadron in the Med and a large fleet in the Atlantic that has done nothing for many turns. England's been beaten for a while and there is no need to retain such massive forces in the British Isles IF you and France intended to take action in the Med. But they're in a fine position to strike in the Northern Atlantic, aren't they?

They won't get the chance.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by orfeo
Nice. Profile shall be changed accordingly.
A small Polish guard will be created for you to command in Warsaw this turn.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by rwingett
King Clausewitz the Paranoid.

That is how the history books will remember you. You sit in your gloomy throne room concocting imaginary plots by the dozen.
The history books will recall that the ambitions of France and Spain were crushed by prompt action of the Alliance. You will be supplied those books in the dungeon you will soon live out the rest of your miserable days in.

EDIT: The throne room is a bit gloomy; perhaps we can transfer some interior decorators from Paris when it falls in a few turns to liven the place up. Prussian decor is rather Spartan as you know.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Your and the Algerian navy was equal in strength to your enemies until you abandoned him. The French have a squadron in the Med and a large fleet in the Atlantic that has done nothing for many turns. England's been beaten for a while and there is no need to retain such massive forces in the British Isles IF you and France intended to take action in the M ...[text shortened]... osition to strike in the Northern Atlantic, aren't they?

They won't get the chance.
Yep. Paranoid.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Halitose
Yep. Paranoid.
A predictable response from a treacherous liar. Was your and the Algerian's fleet equal to the Ottomans and Naples in the Turn 9 turnfile?

EDiT: Algeria: Gulf of Azrew 3 Corsairs, 1 Transport, 5 Gun Galleys, 3 War dhows CS: 722 HP: 19

Gulf of Tunis: 9 War Dhows, 6 Transports, 11 Gun Galleys CS: 1812 HP: 57

Tunis: 5 War Dhows CS: 450 HP: 10

Spain: Grenada: 3 Men O' War CS: 420 HP: 9

Alboran Sea: 2 Transports, 1 Brig, 3 Men of War CS: 504 HP: 13

Naples: 3 Transports, 3 Xebecs, 1 Gun Galley, 8 Ships of the Line CS: 1800 HP: 44

Ottomans: Ionian Sea: 5 Frigates, 5 Marines, Commander CS: 729 HP: 15

Gulf of Taranto: 1 Transport, 2 Brigs, 6 Frigates CS: 882 HP: 23

Adriatric Sea: 3 Gun Galleys, 2 Transports, 2 War Dhows CS: 454 HP: 15

Total: Algeria - Spain: CS: 3908 HP: 108
Naples-Ottoman: CS: 3865 HP: 97

Where was this "naval superiority" of your enemies you speak of? They obviously have it now due solely to your treachery.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06
2 edits

Originally posted by no1marauder
A predictable response from a treacherous liar. Was your and the Algerian's fleet equal to the Ottomans and Naples in the Turn 9 turnfile?
I was actually busy doing the math:

By my quick reckoning, Naples and the Ottomans had a combined naval force of 4500+CS, 135+HP compared to the combined Algerian/Spanish navy of 3500+CS 100+HP. Naples also had the larger finances with the capacity to build Ships of the Line (which are somewhat superior to my petty Men 'o War).

Edit: Dang! Missed Tunis.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by Halitose
I was actually busy doing the math:

By my quick reckoning, Naples and the Ottomans had a combined naval force of 4500+CS, 135+HP compared to the combined Algerian/Spanish navy of 3500+CS 100+HP. Naples also had the larger finances with the capacity to build Ships of the Line (which are somewhat superior to my petty Men 'o War).
Not only were we behind in hardware, but we couldn't sustain an arms race with a combined smaller nett income -- and my fighting a war with England (I guess that cancels out with the Ottomans fighting Austria).

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Halitose
I was actually busy doing the math:

By my quick reckoning, Naples and the Ottomans had a combined naval force of 4500+CS, 135+HP compared to the combined Algerian/Spanish navy of 3500+CS 100+HP. Naples also had the larger finances with the capacity to build Ships of the Line (which are somewhat superior to my petty Men 'o War).
Your "reckoning" is wrong. See my edit above for a detailed listing.

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