Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread

Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread


Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
(Shrug) Our conversations have been rather brief, but we have been allied since early on and divided Poland in an agreeable manner. You don't seem to have had a problem with Prussia and Russia being on friendly terms when it enabled the Russians to join you in attacking Austria. But for some reason, it's a big deal now. Curious.
Thank you. It confirms my expectations that Russia lied to me.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06
1 edit

Originally posted by buffalobill
It all depends where the relative strengths could be concentrated. Naples and the Ottomans were guessing and decided correctly, focusing on Algeria's weakest point. The fact we got it right has nothing to do with Spain. Algeria immediately stopped playing the game. Algeria's fall has everything to do with Algeria. The way we played, Algeria could have lo ...[text shortened]... ossibly in Greece or Egypt. But, he didn't.

Spain was not involved and stop insulting him.
Pleeze. The withdrawal of the Spanish fleet gave you overwhelming naval superiority over the Algerians. That is my only point. That in and of itself is unobjectionable. What is objectionable (to me) is that the French wanted United Germany, Sweden and Russia to go to war with Naples and the Ottomans even though he and his Spanish flunky refused to take any risks or commit to any action in the immediate future. The only explanations are A) He wanted to divert Alliance forces to attack us; or B) He is incompetent/cowardly. In neither case, are they worth being allied with.

Sweden and I decided to face the Franco-Spanish face to face rather than having the knife slipped between our shoulder blades.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
Thank you. It confirms my expectations that Russia lied to me.
If you couldn't tell from the disposition of forces that Prussia and Russia were allied, then you really weren't paying attention. I would never leave border provinces near a major recruitment center as East Prussia so weakly defended otherwise.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Sweden and I decided to face the Frenco-Spanish face to face rather than having the knife slipped between our shoulder blades.
Paint it how you will. Let the record show that Prussia and Sweden declared war first. The rest is just puffery and bluster.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by Halitose
Naples was well advised on the terms of our peace agreement -- it was contingent on them being at peace with France. Anyways, my honesty is probably bringing more harm than good to Spain's current diplomatic position, so I'll cut it there for now.
Perhaps the French didn't inform you; you were supposed to go to war with Naples and the Ottomans after England fell. I guess you're on a "need to know" basis with the Emperor. Or he never intended to go to war with them at all.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
If you couldn't tell from the disposition of forces that Prussia and Russia were allied, then you really weren't paying attention. I would never leave border provinces near a major recruitment center as East Prussia so weakly defended otherwise.
He denied it. Thank you again for this information. Now I know.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
Paint it how you will. Let the record show that Prussia and Sweden declared war first. The rest is just puffery and bluster.
It was necessary to avert possible moves last turn by the Spanish that would have worsened the military balance. I also wanted to try to save some English forces if possible. We have not declared war on France, but the Emperor has sent me messages expressing his intent to war on United Germany. If he persists in such folly, it will be his undoing.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
He denied it. Thank you again for this information. Now I know.
Regardless of whether he did or not, you should have realized it. Why wouldn't he be allied with us? Did you want to push him to war with United Germany? Obviously, the Tsar knows who his friends and enemies are.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Regardless of whether he did or not, you should have realized it. Why wouldn't he be allied with us? Did you want to push him to war with United Germany? Obviously, the Tsar knows who his friends and enemies are.
Are we talking about the Tsar who was allied with me? The same one who allowed me to lose a bunch of troops and failed to back me up? I'd choose my friends more carefully. This one's a bit fickle.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
Are we talking about the Tsar who was allied with me? The same one who allowed me to lose a bunch of troops and failed to back me up? I'd choose my friends more carefully. This one's a bit fickle.
Perhaps. The other game taught me the value of not trusting in allies unless you have no choice. The best way to avert treachery it seems is to be stronger than other nations; it seems most people prefer to get on a bandwagon. That's good news for me and bad news for you in this game; in the other game it seemed to work the other way. Maybe it's karma.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
It was necessary to avert possible moves last turn by the Spanish that would have worsened the military balance. I also wanted to try to save some English forces if possible. We have not declared war on France, but the Emperor has sent me messages expressing his intent to war on United Germany. If he persists in such folly, it will be his undoing.
How, in eff's sake could you be threatened by Spain? This is just a ploy.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by buffalobill
How, in eff's sake could you be threatened by Spain? This is just a ploy.
I am constrained by diplomatic convention from revealing too much. Suffice to say that Spain was supposed to do something that would have greatly added to the striking force of the Franco-Spanish naval forces in the North Atlantic. It was decided by King David and I to prevent that and there was no way to do so without declaring war.

Major Bone

On yer tail ...

28 Feb 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
I am constrained by diplomatic convention from revealing too much. Suffice to say that Spain was supposed to do something that would have greatly added to the striking force of the Franco-Spanish naval forces in the North Atlantic. It was decided by King David and I to prevent that and there was no way to do so without declaring war.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
I am constrained by diplomatic convention from revealing too much. Suffice to say that Spain was supposed to do something that would have greatly added to the striking force of the Franco-Spanish naval forces in the North Atlantic. It was decided by King David and I to prevent that and there was no way to do so without declaring war.
Suffice to say that I'm ROTFLMAO. 😛

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Apr 06

Originally posted by Halitose
Suffice to say that I'm ROTFLMAO. 😛
Ask your French master; he'll know.

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