Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread

Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread


Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 Jun 06
3 edits

Originally posted by rwingett
You fail to comprehend the very different strategic situations both realms are in. Diplomacy was much more important to France than it was to the Mongols. My alliances were of far greater value to me in NE than they were in MD. Napoleon was not in a position to treat them as cavalierly as the Great Khan did. Each game requires a different approach, as does ...[text shortened]... ome require a softer touch than others, and I tailor my approach to what the situation requires.
What a load. How do Bavaria fare from its alliance with ya (in NE; not the cheat in MD)?? How about Algeria? In point of fact, you've never done a single thing in either game that didn't immediately and directly benefit you. A long term alliance with you is folly; I refused to ally with you early in the game because I wanted to keep my options open. I allied with you for a few turns when mine and Swedish troops were close to France because I wanted no interference in the destruction of Bavaria. IF you and Spain had taken the steps against Naples and the Ottomans (small ones like moving some naval forces south and aiding the Russian force in North Africa), I would have probably joined in that war - if I remember correctly it was I who approached you with the idea. But you refused to actually do anything as is your MO that wasn't to your immediate benefit. Sorry, I didn't trust you enough to leave my back wide open for your inevitable stab.


14 May 03
13 Jun 06

Well the NE thread has certainly picked up!

Good to see. Without BBill to talk food with it had got quite dull.

Anyhow, the Russians and our Illustrious alllies have (and will continue) to kick all your disorganised petty infighting butts)
And might l say , against the odds.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
13 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
What a load. How do Bavaria fare from its alliance with ya (in NE; not the cheat in MD)?? How about Algeria? In point of fact, you've never done a single thing in either game that didn't immediately and directly benefit you. A long term alliance with you is folly; I refused to ally with you early in the game because I wanted to keep my options open. I al ...[text shortened]... nefit. Sorry, I didn't trust you enough to leave my back wide open for your inevitable stab.
If convincing yourself that I was bound to stab you in the back helps assuage your guilty conscience, or helps you sleep better at night, then by all means continue to believe it. It doesn't mean it's true, though.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
13 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
What a load. How do Bavaria fare from its alliance with ya (in NE; not the cheat in MD)?? How about Algeria? In point of fact, you've never done a single thing in either game that didn't immediately and directly benefit you. A long term alliance with you is folly; I refused to ally with you early in the game because I wanted to keep my options open. I al ...[text shortened]... nefit. Sorry, I didn't trust you enough to leave my back wide open for your inevitable stab.
Uhm... for the record: if an attack on Prussia was brewing, Spain certainly had no knowledge of it. To the contrary, we (France and Spain) were preparing to move our forces south as soon as England was completely destroyed a precondition IIRC that you were aware of. We had not even completed that before the war bells tolled in the north and the trumped up charge of "secret information of a backstab in the making" was given as an excuse for war.

Btw, the reason those "small moves" weren't made was because we didn't want to make Naples and the Ottomans privy to our intentions. "When you hit em, hit 'em hard" is our motto. Do you seriously think with all (or most) of our troops on the Western edge of the map, we'd want to broadcast our intentions and invite a war on our eastern front that we weren't yet ready for?

Your fear of being backstabbed based purely on actions within this game is untenable and frankly ludicrous. It paid dividends; that much I'd give ya.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 Jun 06
1 edit

Originally posted by Halitose
Uhm... for the record: if an attack on Prussia was brewing, Spain certainly had no knowledge of it. To the contrary, we (France and Spain) were preparing to move our forces south as soon as England was completely destroyed a precondition IIRC that you were aware of. We had not even completed that before the war bells tolled in the north and the trumped up s game is untenable and frankly ludicrous. It paid dividends; that much I'd give ya.
Has pointed out a month or more ago, France was encouraging Prussia and Sweden to attack in a turn or two while refusing to do anything at the same time to prepare for coordinating such an attack like actually moving some forces. Just because Rob had his Spanish marionette on a "need to know" basis doesn't mean anything; he promised ATY a truce on the condition that Spanish ships were to pick up 22 British marines for transfer to an "undisclosed destination". When this information reached us, King David and I immediately declared war on Spain to intercept its fleet brfore it could add this significant force to its naval strength. That it wound up merely being a ruse on Napoleon's part merely shows how treacherous he was (and is).

I wonder: if Naples' expressed fear about being backstabbed by France, would that be equally "ludicrous"?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
13 Jun 06

Originally posted by rwingett
If convincing yourself that I was bound to stab you in the back helps assuage your guilty conscience, or helps you sleep better at night, then by all means continue to believe it. It doesn't mean it's true, though.
I go by what people do, not what they say. You and the Spanish had no forces of note anywhere near Naples, refused to divulge when you would actually engage them in battle and were allied with them! Sorry if I found your claims that you would "shortly" go to war with them credible.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
13 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Has pointed out a month or more ago, France was encouraging Prussia and Sweden to attack in a turn or two while refusing to do anything at the same time to prepare for coordinating such an attack like actually moving some forces. Just because Rob had his Spanish marionette on a "need to know" basis doesn't mean anything; he promised ATY a truce on the co ...[text shortened]... s' expressed fear about being backstabbed by France, would that be equally "ludicrous"?
Just because Rob had his Spanish marionette on a "need to know" basis doesn't mean anything; he promised ATY a truce on the condition that Spanish ships were to pick up 22 British marines for transfer to an "undisclosed destination".

Marionette? LMAO! Good one. I was quite aware France was spinning England some story to get 'em to "sit still" so we could slug 'em. Remember, France and England are in perpetual war in NE, there could be no half-measures.

I think you were informed of as much.

I wonder: if Naples' expressed fear about being backstabbed by France, would that be equally "ludicrous"?

I would have had to honestly agree with them. If it wasn't for your "brash" action, that "fear" would have been realised.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
14 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
I go by what people do, not what they say. You and the Spanish had no forces of note anywhere near Naples, refused to divulge when you would actually engage them in battle and were allied with them! Sorry if I found your claims that you would "shortly" go to war with them credible.
Left out a "not" or an "in-" before "credible".

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
14 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Left out a "not" or an "in-" before "credible".
That is a very serious blunder. Unacceptable. 😀


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
14 Jun 06

Originally posted by Halitose
That is a very serious blunder. Unacceptable. 😀
I think so too.

I stink, ergo I am

On the rebound

14 Jul 05
14 Jun 06

Originally posted by dyl
I think so too.
Undoubtedly a Freudian slip.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
15 Jun 06

The Neapolitian fleet has been destroyed in a great battle in the Alboran Sea. 5 Ships of the Line, 1 Gun Galleys, 1 War Dhow and 1 Transport + a large contingent of 8 Neapolitian Marines and 4 Muslim Corsairs were eliminated with a Gun Galley captured by Prussia and a Transport by Sweden. The total loss is 130 Gold value. Prussia lost 7 Men of War, a Frigate, one Prussian Line Infantry and a Field Artillery; Sweden, one Frigate, a net loss of 68 Gold taking the captured vessels into account. Plus an Alliance force has landed in North Africa and Naples' rich but virtually undefended lands there are doomed.

Elsewhere, our enemies did a lot of moving around to avoid battle. Maybe next turn.


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
15 Jun 06
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
The Neapolitian fleet has been destroyed in a great battle in the Alboran Sea. 5 Ships of the Line, 1 Gun Galleys, 1 War Dhow and 1 Transport + a large contingent of 8 Neapolitian Marines and 4 Muslim Corsairs were eliminated with a Gun Galley captured by Prussia and a Transport by Sweden. The total loss is 130 Gold value. Prussia lost 7 Men of War, a Fr d.

Elsewhere, our enemies did a lot of moving around to avoid battle. Maybe next turn.
There's been a miraculous escape, however. My admiral Sambor, who apparently went down with the fleet, has turned up in Westphalia, Bavaria (which, incidentally, has been captured by Southern Alliance forces).

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
15 Jun 06

Originally posted by dyl
There's been a miraculous escape, however. My admiral Sambor, who apparently went down with the fleet, has turned up in Westphalia, Bavaria (which, incidentally, has been captured by Southern Alliance forces).
Different incompetent. From the battle report in the Alboran Sea:

Neapolitan Commander #3 (Hit Points: 0.5) is killed, 0.0 more Damage remains

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
15 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Different incompetent. From the battle report in the Alboran Sea:

Neapolitan Commander #3 (Hit Points: 0.5) is killed, 0.0 more Damage remains
I've heard some odd things about Commanders doing this sort of thing. It might be a bug or something.

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