Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread

Napoleonic Empires: Game Thread



Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
29 Jun 06
1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
I looked at a turnfile while in a state of intoxication one night and made that offer; it was promptly rescinded the next day. Russia was always better off allied with Prussia and Sweden particulary considering the collapse of France. My conditions stand; if Russia and whoever together reach 640 first, they will declare victory. Currently Russia and I ar ken. But which of the 2 members of the Alliance will be able to declare is still questionable.
You've stated now, as you have in the past, that the make-up of the winning coalition will be decided by whoever holds the most gold. Yet you blithely made me an offer to join in an alliance with you and Sweden, cutting Russia right out. You cancelled the offer, as you say, but you did so for purely military reasons, stating in your message that you decided to do so because "after next turn you'll be completely busted anyway". The first sentence in your post above supports the notion that it wasn't for moral reason that you chose not to stab Russia in the back.

Dear me! Nook's bedding a viper, to be sure.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by dyl
You've stated now, as you have in the past, that the make-up of the winning coalition will be decided by whoever holds the most gold. Yet you blithely made me an offer to join in an alliance with you and Sweden, cutting Russia right out. You cancelled the offer, as you say, but you did so for purely military reasons, stating in your message that you decided to d ...[text shortened]... you chose not to stab Russia in the back.

Dear me! Nook's bedding a viper, to be sure.
I could have made that offer three turns before as Prussia, Sweden and Naples were over the declaration limit much earlier. I didn't. "Moral reasons" have nothing to do with anything in this game; you allied with France even though France was lobbying Prussia and Sweden to attack you! Don't be such a pathetic hypocrite; you're grasping at straws and you know it. Why Russia would want to ally with three nations that have ALL managed to lose their capitals and get their countries overrun is beyond me. Russia can't get anywhere near the victory limit in alliance with anybody BUT Prussia or Sweden. It is unfortunate the three of us who have worked closely together for almost the entire game can't declare together, but them's the rules.

Looks like you've lost 50% of your province gold value in two turns once we put our minds to it; what winning coalition do you think you can form?


Canberra, Australia

07 Jan 03
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
I could have made that offer three turns before as Prussia, Sweden and Naples were over the declaration limit much earlier. I didn't. "Moral reasons" have nothing to do with anything in this game; you allied with France even though France was lobbying Prussia and Sweden to attack you! Don't be such a pathetic hypocrite; you're grasping at straws and you ...[text shortened]... wo turns once we put our minds to it; what winning coalition do you think you can form?
You're an odd fellow.

""Moral reasons" have nothing to do with anything in this game; you allied with France even though France was lobbying Prussia and Sweden to attack you! Don't be such a pathetic hypocrite;"

Surely the curious aspect of this sentence is obvious to all.

As for the rest: it makes no difference how long ago you could have made the offer; the point is you did. It demonstrates how little you care about your previous agreements with Russia.

You've played well and deserve to win, but I did have some hope that, by sharing your proposal to me with Nook, I could have given the game some new energy. It would have seemed logical for the Tsar, once it became clear how easily you would have finished his winning chances, to join with whoever still had strength left to oppose you. He chose not to, and I'm sure he has his reasons.

P.S. I meant morals in the gaming sense. One cannot hold it against you or anyone else for playing ruthlessly.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
29 Jun 06
2 edits

Originally posted by dyl
You're an odd fellow.

""Moral reasons" have nothing to do with anything in this game; you allied with France even though France was lobbying Prussia and Sweden to attack you! Don't be such a pathetic hypocrite;"

Surely the curious aspect of this sentence is obvious to all.

As for the rest: it makes no difference how long ago you could have made the offe the gaming sense. One cannot hold it against you or anyone else for playing ruthlessly.
As I said, the "offer" (which was preliminary as Sweden had not been consulted) was an aberration that was withdrawn before you had even replied. Russia could see that France was smashed quickly and that the tide in the West was inevitably against your weak alliance. Both Prussia and Sweden declared war on the Ottomans and provided troops to assist Russia though we gained no province gold for doing so. In return, Russia has put her fleet at our disposal. Every agreement with Russia has been honored. Russia would be closer to victory if the OttoBot hadn't turned out to be a better player than BuffaloBill. As it is, Russia still has winning chances in partnership with Prussia OR Sweden but none with any members of your alliance, who have suffered severe losses of territory in the last several turns.

I haven't played terribly "ruthlessly". I even informed France prior to ending our alliance that his and the Spanish' refusal to do anything of use against Naples and the Ottomans while pushing for Prussia to war on Naples could have "grave consequences". I've been lucky to have two good allies from early in the game and have enemies who have made major mistakes, particulary in handling their navies. But I've played it on the up and up except for the brief error you mention that never came close to being actualized.

EDIT: If you want to see "ruthless", check out the Medieval Diplomacy thread and how Rwingett has played there; he's stabbed every single one of his allies in the back (about 6).

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Spain and Italy both lost their capital cities and about 60 Net Province Gold value between them. Southern Italy will soon be completely in Alliance hands and the end is near for Spanish forces in the Iberian (only one army left cowering in Lisboa).

The French tried a "surprise" invasion of Swedish territory, but the only ones who were surprised ...[text shortened]... stern holdings; the Russians will soon meet with the Prussians and Swedes in Northern Italy.
Plenty more where those came from. No transports to muck up the works this time, though.

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
It's still showing as a Bot in the e-mail. It sent its fleet to the Aegean, loaded up a bunch of infantry and met with a huge force of cavalry coming out of Istanbul in the second phase!
There are a number of different possible AIs for bots I think.

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Spain and Italy both lost their capital cities and about 60 Net Province Gold value between them. Southern Italy will soon be completely in Alliance hands and the end is near for Spanish forces in the Iberian (only one army left cowering in Lisboa).

The French tried a "surprise" invasion of Swedish territory, but the only ones who were surprised ...[text shortened]... stern holdings; the Russians will soon meet with the Prussians and Swedes in Northern Italy.
OttoBots face their battle to destroy the evil forces of...the DeceptiRuskies.

Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
29 Jun 06

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
OttoBots face their battle to destroy the evil forces of...the DeceptiRuskies.
Ras Qi...first Ethiopian martial artist...

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
29 Jun 06
1 edit

Originally posted by rwingett
Plenty more where those came from. No transports to muck up the works this time, though.
Plenty????? You've lost about half your army and almost all your infantry in two turns! But keep 'em coming.

BTW, it's shows a lack of confidence when you "unRoyal". What happened to your Commander?

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
30 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Plenty????? You've lost about half your army and almost all your infantry in two turns! But keep 'em coming.

BTW, it's shows a lack of confidence when you "unRoyal". What happened to your Commander?
Did St.Paul (or whatever that dude's name was) desert Napoleon?

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
30 Jun 06

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Did St.Paul (or whatever that dude's name was) desert Napoleon?
After having another look at my notebook and turnfiles, the Swedes and I killed the poor bastard in the English Channel the turn before this.

Ming the Merciless

Royal Oak, MI

09 Sep 01
30 Jun 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Plenty????? You've lost about half your army and almost all your infantry in two turns! But keep 'em coming.

BTW, it's shows a lack of confidence when you "unRoyal". What happened to your Commander?
I didn't "unroyal". I could, though. But I'm still paying. My commander went down with the ship in the big battle in the English Channel two turns ago. I'd rather spend my cash on ships than on another commander at this point.


14 May 03
02 Jul 06


Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
06 Jul 06
2 edits

Apparently King Joachim has abdicated or been deposed because of his failure to defend Italy from being overrun by Alliance forces; Naples didn't move, build or make a proclamation. Another French fleet loaded with troops was sent to the bottom of the English Channel. Spain made some last ditch offensives but their troops are trapped and outnumbered.

Prussia and Sweden now have enough to declare victory, but I'm thinking of conquering England first. I'll have to discuss the matter with my allies.

I can do that!

23 Aug 04
06 Jul 06

Originally posted by no1marauder
Apparently King Joachim has abdicated or been deposed because of his failure to defend Italy from being overrun by Alliance forces; Naples didn't move, build or make a proclamation. Another French fleet loaded with troops was sent to the bottom of the English Channel. Spain made some last ditch offensives but their troops are trapped and outnumbered.
...[text shortened]... but I'm thinking of conquering England first. I'll have to discuss the matter with my allies.
Just the two of you? Wow.

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