RHP Prose Competition

RHP Prose Competition


23 Nov 09
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
There you go again, thinking you can come in here and tell long time posters what they should and shouldn't do!!! 🙂

You Can't!!!! 😛

Effing dumbass, that is what you are.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
1 edit

@kegge said
Effing dumbass, that is what you are.
LOL@ Kegge how grown up of you!!! 😛 😉 kind of like my emogi's!!! 😉

I bet you can stick your foot in your mouth sideways!!! 😉


14 Mar 15
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
LOL@ Kegge how grown up of you!!! 😛 😉 kind of like my emogi's!!! 😉

I bet you can stick your foot in your mouth sideways!!! 😉

I think you should opt out of this thread.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
1 edit

@ghost-of-a-duke said
I think you should opt out of this thread.
LOL@ goad, yup that is going to make me run away!!! 😛

Did you stop to think about perhaps just not saying anything to me and it might work the other way also?


14 Mar 15
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
LOL@ goad, yup that is going to make me run away!!! 😛

No need to run old chap. Just slither away on your belly.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19

@ghost-of-a-duke said
No need to run old chap. Just slither away on your belly.
LOL@ goad, yup keep 'er going that is bound to work!!! 🙂 😛

You can be a funny fart at times!!! 😉


14 Mar 15
08 Jun 19

Repetition of competition requirements:

topic: ghost/supernatural/scary

keywords to be included: superstition - twilight - phantom

max. number of contributions per author: 2

amount of words: up to800

Last date for entering the contest: 7th of July 23:59 RHP-Time.

Post to Ponderable_Dickens@yahoo.com

23 Nov 09
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
LOL@ Kegge how grown up of you!!!

That is rich, coming from the moron who thinks his site "seniority" holds any autority.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
3 edits

@kegge said
That is rich, coming from the moron who thinks his site "seniority" holds any autority.
You're in the RHP Prose Competition Thread at least spell the word right before calling names!!! 😛 😉

Any stories with words spelled incorrectly will be a dead give away who wrote it. 😉

autority, proper spelling: "authority"

LOL....Funny when I of all people have to give you a spelling lesson!!! 😉


23 Nov 09
08 Jun 19


The most important word, moron, was spelled correctly. Also it is very interesting you need to "brag" about your lack of spellings skills of your native language. Mine is Dutch btw, not English.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
2 edits

@kegge said

The most important word, moron, was spelled correctly. Also it is very interesting you need to "brag" about your lack of spellings skills of your native language. Mine is Dutch btw, not English.
Who was bragging, pointing out a fact. Who said my first language was English? You don't stop and think before you type ever do you? 😉

Congratulations though kegge, you are the rudest Dutch person I ever met. Spent a summer with a Dutch family on a dairy farm as a teenager, so I know they are not all like you!!!! 😉



06 Nov 15
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
Who was bragging, pointing out a fact. Who said my first language was English? You don't stop and think before you type ever do you? 😉

Congratulations though kegge, you are the rudest Dutch person I ever met. Spent a summer with a Dutch family as a teenager, so I know they are not all like you!!!! 😉


"Spent a summer with a Dutch family as a teenager..."

Yeah and I bet the adult children are still working through the trauma to this very day.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
1 edit

@wolfe63 said
"Spent a summer with a Dutch family as a teenager..."

Yeah and I bet the adult children are still working through the trauma to this very day.
Since you are so interested wolfy....I spent some time with the son last summer who had taken over the farm. It is now a multi million dollar business. That is the reason I was on the farm as a summer job, him and I went to the same school and were in the same grade. He now has his own family with a couple of children and the money never changed him. We talked about the fun we had, even though it was hard work, bed by 8:00 p.m. and up at 4:00 a.m. every morning. Trust me by 8:00 p.m. we were ready for bed. We are still very good friends to this day, Unfortunately both his Mom & Dad have passed away. I learned how to ride a horse while on the farm, and much about the dairy farming itself.


06 May 15
08 Jun 19

@very-rusty said
Since you are so interested wolfy....I spent some time with the son last summer who had taken over the farm. It is now a multi million dollar business. That is the reason I was on the farm as a summer job, him and I went to the same school and were in the same grade. He now has his own family with a couple of children and the money never changed him. We talked about the fu ...[text shortened]... ay. I learned how to ride a horse while on the farm, and much about the dairy farming itself.

So if we see a story about a phantom cow that stalks people at twilight and says "mooi" we'll know who the author is. 😉

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
08 Jun 19
1 edit

@caesar-salad said
So if we see a story about a phantom cow that stalks people at twilight and says "mooi" we'll know who the author is. 😉
CS, I am no writer. I think that should be very clear already! 😉

I do enjoy reading the stories though, we have some amazing talant on here for a bunch of chess nerds!!! 😉


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