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RHP against the Fritz 9 master.

RHP against the Fritz 9 master.

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I vote 16. exd5 (1)

I don't see any other alternative

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1 for 16.exd5
21 hours + 05 minutes remaining before the move,16.exd5 is submitted to CHESS.

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Originally posted by SicilianNajdorf
15. Bxd5 Nxd5
[fen]3rk2r/2pqbppp/2b5/1p1n4/p3P3/2N1BP2/PP4PP/2RQ1RK1 w k - 0 16[/fen]
I like the look of 16. Nxd5 a little better than 16. exd5, since it opens up the c-file for our rook. I'm not sure it will make much difference, since either way the exchange on d5 can continue:

16. [N or e]xd5 Bxd5
17. [e or N]xd5 Qxd5
18. Qxd5 Rxd5

But if we play 16. exd5, black can still play 16. ... Qc8, as suggested by DeepThought. I'm not sure how to reply to that, since 17. Nxa4 seems to lose to 17. ... Bxd5, attacking the a2 pawn with a discovered attack on white's queen.

What about 16. exd5 Qc8 17. Bd4?

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1. d4 ...

Use the Stonewall Attack against Fritz! I bet he won't survive!

Kramnik used it against Deep Junior and creamed its ass!

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I'm not going to decide yet. I prefer waiting to see what everyone was thinking when we initially played the move. I just have a few observations.

If exd5 Qc8 I think dxc6!? Rxd1 Rfxd1 actually looks pretty decent for us. We've traded our queen for a piece and a rook, but our position is very, very good. All of our pieces are active, while his rook and queen are incredibly passive. Also, his b5 pawn will be impossible to defend, so we'll probably regain material equality. Our pawn on c6 is a real thorn in his side.

If exd5 Bb7 I like our position, but it's a bit tricky to defend the isolated d pawn.

If Nxd5 Qe6 appears to cause us some trouble.

If Nxd5 and the computer plays Bxd5 Qxd5 Qxd5 exd5 and I like our position a lot.

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Originally posted by powershaker
1. d4 ...

Use the Stonewall Attack against Fritz! I bet he won't survive!

Kramnik used it against Deep Junior and creamed its ass!
It's not move 1 now , powershaker , it's move 15 if you had scrolled the forum pages , the same mistakr happenened to me and I thought it was move , 1 in the Chessmaster against RHP 10th edition , which is why you saw me triple vote for 1.e4

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1 for 16.exd5
7 hours + 40 minutes remaining before the move,16.exd5 is submitted to CHESS . After we play 16.exd5 , CHESS may play 16...Qc8 for 16...Bb7 , either of them , remember , bishops are stronger pieces during the endgame , so he will try and save them from trades with the knights. If chess plays 16...Bb7 , we are free to play something and get our other rook in , like 17.Qd2 , if he plays 16...Qc8 , we can play 17.Qc2 , after 17... Bxd5 18. Nxd5 Rxd5 19. Qxc7 Qxc7 20. Rxc7 the position is level and if we play 16.Nxd5 , he may play 16...Bxd5 , and if he doesn't , we can get our kinside rook to d2 and luanch a discovered attack on his king with our knight whilst attacking his queen with our rook . But maybe , he'll obviously carry on the trade , so we'll have to make sure our pieces are being well-defended.

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Originally posted by ark13
I'm not going to decide yet. I prefer waiting to see what everyone was thinking when we initially played the move. I just have a few observations.

If exd5 Qc8 I think dxc6!? Rxd1 Rfxd1 actually looks pretty decent for us. We've traded our queen for a piece and a rook, but our position is very, very good. All of our pieces are active, while his rook an ...[text shortened]... me trouble.

If Nxd5 and the computer plays Bxd5 Qxd5 Qxd5 exd5 and I like our position a lot.
16. Nxd5 Qe6?? 17. Nxc7+ is rather good for us, so I think the three possibilities black has after that move we need to look at are:

A1) 16. Nxd5 Qc8
A2) 16. Nxd5 Bxd5
A3) 16. Nxd5 0-0

After 16. exd5 there is

B1) 16. exd5 Qc8
B2) 16. exd5 Bxd5
B3) 16. exd5 Bb7

At the moment we are behind in material which is no great shakes because we are about to get the knight back. This means though that black can stop taking. I think that the isolated pawn is not a problem as we have a rook currently doing nothing on f1. Looking at A1 and B1 since we don't have to worry about axb3 any more most of the sting has gone out of Bc8 - we certainly shouldn't think about Nxa4. The big difference between A2 and B2 is that in A2 17. ... Qxd5 isn't forced, in B2 black is forced to keep recapturing to keep material level and we get 16. exd5 Bxd5 17. Nxd5 Qxd5 18. Qxd5 Rxd5 19. Rxc7 which is ok for us. The point with A3 and B3 is that black has a piece en prise and can't castle for a move in line B in line A black has a free choice. Based on this I think exd5 is better.

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Originally posted by DeepThought
16. Nxd5 Qe6?? 17. Nxc7+ is rather good for us, so I think the three possibilities black has after that move we need to look at are:

But don't you think he has positional compensation for the queen? 😉

I'll go for exd5 too (3). I think it's better for the reasons you stated, plus I want to see if I can talk anyone into exd5 Qc8 dxc6?! I think it looks like fun.

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Originally posted by ark13
But don't you think he has positional compensation for the queen? 😉

I'll go for exd5 too (3). I think it's better for the reasons you stated, plus I want to see if I can talk anyone into exd5 Qc8 dxc6?! I think it looks like fun.
I also vote for 16. exd5 (4). Keeps the pressure on black more then 16. Nxd5.


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There will be a 1-day delay becuase my program isn't running.

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SicilianNajdorf is there any chance you'll get the programm running today?

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Nope , there's a serious downtime on it . It may take long , about 3 days or so or if the technician comes back from vacation sooner , he should be able but I will try and do it on my friend's computer . I am sorry for the delay . I am trying my best to fix it.

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The programs back on shape now. The mechanic came back and fixed it.

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Voting has for sure ended and the move,16.exd5 will be submitted to CHESS . Please wait for up to 30 minutes to receive a reply.

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