Originally posted by ih8sensI am part of the forum remember...you don't seem to have very good luck against me...>=D
Okay fine. I hereby (love that word) challenge the entire forum to a traxler thematic.
I play black... lets see what the whole forum put together can do against me in this line.
Take it or shut up. (Rahim lives! 😉
Originally posted by najdorfslayerActually the opposite. Certainly at higher levels, if you know your opponent is a Traxler player and you have time to prepare, most players will be more likely to play Italian (3.Bc4), even if it isn't their normal opening. And why? Because objectively it's just good for white, and no amount of bluster or wishful thinking on the part of Traxler aficionados can alter this inconvenient fact. As a Two Knights Defence player myself I really wish the Traxler were sound, but it ain't (or at least black doesn't get anything like adequate compensation for the pawn), so there you are!
I agree most guys who slag off the Traxler wouldn't dare play it OTB against a well prepeared opponent............and if they did they would probably get absolutely hammered!!
I enjoy / hate these discussions at the same time. I don't think anyone on this forum has ever posted a bust to the Traxler, or even close. There was a little back and forth in some New In Chess Yearbooks (a quarterly book that comes out outlining new opening developments), with Martin De Zeuw trying to refute the Traxler, and readers responding to his lines and finding new resources. I would encourage anyone to post a line that conclusively leaves Black worse, else, don't go around spreading "the fact" (read as "your opinion"😉 that this line or that is busted. It's silly, and makes you look stupid.
Originally posted by !~TONY~!Well said. Most "refutors" of unusual openings cant show particular lines - they can only say nothing more than "It`s bad/sux " etc.
I enjoy / hate these discussions at the same time. I don't think anyone on this forum has ever posted a bust to the Traxler, or even close. There was a little back and forth in some New In Chess Yearbooks (a quarterly book that comes out outlining new opening developments), with Martin De Zeuw trying to refute the Traxler, and readers responding to his line "your opinion"😉 that this line or that is busted. It's silly, and makes you look stupid.