@ghost-of-a-duke saidIf you were to look at scripture from the starting point of how God is described and look at it, it takes on a different shape. God is good, He will never alter that by omission, or actions, God is just, He will never change that by omission or action, and you can just put all of the Biblical attributes to God and with that look at man's actions and deeds. You will see that God has been very long-suffering towards us, He was always the one that called out people and made promises to them, and with some promises it is all on God to fulfill them, and with others, we have our parts to do, and we consistently fail at them. You will find we failed, our horizontal relationships with each other we damaged by our selfishness and our vertical relationship with God we damaged for the same reasons. When you look for fault, you are looking at the wrong one; it is us, not God, that is at fault.
That's exactly my point Kelly. 'You' are the one ignoring abhorrent passages from the OT that in no way reflect the God presented in the NT. Or does your God remain petty and vindictive?
@sonship saidI'm very sorry I missed your question if dive had not responded to you using this I would have missed it completely.
Divegeester wrote faithfully -“Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is ONE”
Being the most obvious.
I have a question for you KellyJay. In this passage of John 14:23, which one of the divine "We" is the God of Israel who is One and which one is NOT ? Or is "We" that God of Israel who is ONE?
[quote] "Jesus an ...[text shortened]... ]We who comes to impart God into man to make an abode with him, is the God of Israel who is one.
God is One, so your question I don't understand what your are asking, it is like you want to turn God from 3 persons in one being, into 3 persons and 3 beings.
@kellyjay saidSorry Kelly, but there are episodes in the OT where God is the one at fault. (Not by my standards but by the standards the God of the NT lays out). Would a list help?
If you were to look at scripture from the starting point of how God is described and look at it, it takes on a different shape. God is good, He will never alter that by omission, or actions, God is just, He will never change that by omission or action, and you can just put all of the Biblical attributes to God and with that look at man's actions and deeds. You will see that ...[text shortened]... ons. When you look for fault, you are looking at the wrong one; it is us, not God, that is at fault.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWhen you give your list, give the causes for God's actions as well please.
Sorry Kelly, but there are episodes in the OT where God is the one at fault. (Not by my standards but by the standards the God of the NT lays out). Would a list help?
@kellyjay saidIf you agree not to offer the argument that "God created all of us and therefore He can do whatever He wants."
When you give your list, give the causes for God's actions as well please.
For if this were true there would be no meaning in saying "God is just and righteous."
@kellyjay saidGo on then Kelly, explain 1 Kings 20:35-36 to me and what justifiable cause had God act the way he did:
When you give your list, give the causes for God's actions as well please.
"By the word of the Lord one of the company of the prophets said to his companion, “Strike me with your weapon,” but he refused.
So the prophet said, “Because you have not obeyed the Lord, as soon as you leave me a lion will kill you.” And after the man went away, a lion found him and killed him."
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI am stating that if you take what scripture says about God and man, you will see that God is good and just in all things He says and does, and I have to acknowledge He is sovereign as well it is who He is.
If you agree not to offer the argument that "God created all of us and therefore He can do whatever He wants."
For if this were true there would be no meaning in saying "God is just and righteous."
Being sovereign doesn't make Him good, but it is who He is.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou have an issue with God telling someone to act and they refuse so He punishes them?
Go on then Kelly, explain 1 Kings 20:35-36 to me and what justifiable cause had God act the way he did:
"By the word of the Lord one of the company of the prophets said to his companion, “Strike me with your weapon,” but he refused.
So the prophet said, “Because you have not obeyed the Lord, as soon as you leave me a lion will kill you.” And after the man went away, a lion found him and killed him."
@ghost-of-a-duke saidIf God were evil there would no issues it would all make sense, the reason why there is a conflict is that God is good and we don't grasp the justice due to the injustice we see. To attempt to do away with evil by saying there is no such thing as evil does not actually change anything, evil deeds still occur. We know they are evil, because we have some idea of what good is, if not it would all be amoral and non-issues.
If you agree not to offer the argument that "God created all of us and therefore He can do whatever He wants."
For if this were true there would be no meaning in saying "God is just and righteous."
@kellyjay saidThe act he refused to do was strike the prophet with his sword. For this he was punished by being eaten by a lion.
You have an issue with God telling someone to act and they refuse so He punishes them?
You cool with that? Really?
@ghost-of-a-duke removed their quoted postThe prophet was, God was, and after the meal I'm sure the lion was too. The fact is we are all going to end, each and everyone of us. Each day is a blessing to be thankful for, and we each have things we need to do. There are many examples of people being told they must do something for example in times of war where they were going to die doing them, and yet they get told to do them, and they die. So yes, if God says do something what authority higher can you go to? You can look at the examples of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they were confronted with doing something that insulted God or dying, they choose death.
Daniel 3:
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”