Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt was a question. Here let me reword it:
no where have i said that and if i have not why are you saying that I have, is this really the best you can do, fabricate statements and then attribute those fabricated values to other people in a sly and dishonest manner?
Do you think the origin of the notion of an egg representing fertility ~ throughout the world, wherever it is found ~ is in European "paganism"?
Originally posted by FMFEuropean paganism? I would need to research the matter to give any kind of informed answer although from memory I am sure that the paganism associated with eggs and fertility stretches beyond the borders of Europe.
It was a question. Here let me reword it:
Do you think the origin of the notion of an egg representing fertility ~ throughout the world, wherever it is found ~ is in European "paganism"?
Originally posted by FMFanswered it already.
Bump for robbie.
here it is AGAIN
No they mean different things but the origin is the same, and the fact that the Nazis hijacked it as a symbol of Arianism rather highlights the point at hand, for its exactly the same thing that your christian fellows have done with these pagan elements and i should really thank you for highlighting the fact. The fact that they view or perceive them as anything other than pagan symbols cannot and does not negate the fact that they are still pagan elements, in like manner the fact that the swastika and its use cannot and does not negate its Hindu origins.